Top 16 John P Marquand Quotes

#1. Some day you will know that there is a beauty of the soul that is more important than worldly beauty. Remember this when you see worldly beauty.

John P. Marquand

John P Marquand Quotes #89419
#2. His father watched him across the gulf of years and pathos which always must divide a father from his son.

John Phillips Marquand

John P Marquand Quotes #115595
#3. There is a certain phase in the life of the aged when the warmth of the heart seems to increase in direct proportion with the years.

John Phillips Marquand

John P Marquand Quotes #131236
#4. And I said, "I needed to sit down and be quiet and think." And he said, "OK, let's keep it simple. What are you doing at the railway station?" And I said, "I'm going to see Mother." And he said, "Mother?

Mark Haddon

John P Marquand Quotes #217552
#5. We are using missile defense to protect our civilians, and they're using their civilians to protect their missiles.

Benjamin Netanyahu

John P Marquand Quotes #341688
#6. This thought is as a death.

William Shakespeare

John P Marquand Quotes #367583
#7. When I'm writing a novel, I'm dealing with a double life. I live in the present at the same time that I live in the past with my characters. It is this that makes a novelist so eccentric and unpleasant.

John Phillips Marquand

John P Marquand Quotes #445585
#8. but it was still dark in the woods

Carolyn Brown

John P Marquand Quotes #709252
#9. If you have one strong idea, you can't help repeating it and embroidering it. Sometimes I think that authors should write one novel and then be put in a gas chamber.

John P. Marquand

John P Marquand Quotes #1019970
#10. I know a fellow who's as broke as the Ten Commandments.

John Phillips Marquand

John P Marquand Quotes #1104360
#11. Lead singers not only do the majority of the work, but their personalities are singled out and taken as the general attitude of the unit.

Martha Reeves

John P Marquand Quotes #1245018
#12. There is not wrong, there is no right, and I will sleep very well tonight.

Don Henley

John P Marquand Quotes #1273284
#13. If you're not paranoid you've got to be crazy!"
- Michael C. Hughes

Michael C. Hughes

John P Marquand Quotes #1433071
#14. It is worthwhile for anyone to have behind him a few generations of honest, hard-working ancestry.

John Phillips Marquand

John P Marquand Quotes #1548922
#15. In the mornings when they were in the city, they had breakfast on a card table in Jeffrey's study

John P. Marquand

John P Marquand Quotes #1666923
#16. I hope that I am as broadminded as others, and you have always seen a decanter of wine on the table.

John P. Marquand

John P Marquand Quotes #1811778

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