Top 5 Joaqun Guzman Quotes

#1. One day I wandered away from her and hid. I liked the way it felt to have someone look for me, to hear my name again and again. "Oskar! Oskar!" Maybe I didn't even like it, but I needed it right then.

Jonathan Safran Foer

Joaqun Guzman Quotes #319075
#2. Of all the risks one takes in life, the greatest is the risk of growing up

Robert Speck

Joaqun Guzman Quotes #364964
#3. Land is a nation's basis for existence. The nation has its roots like those of a tree deep in the country's soil whence it derives its nourishment and life. There is no people that can live without land, as there is no tree which can live hanging in air.

Corneliu Zelea Codreanu

Joaqun Guzman Quotes #925682
#4. By doing you shall know What it is you have to do.

Thomas Lynch

Joaqun Guzman Quotes #1219156
#5. The undeniably feeble-minded should, indeed, not only be discouraged but prevented from propagating their kind.

Margaret Sanger

Joaqun Guzman Quotes #1345410

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