Top 100 Joaquin's Quotes

#1. I am just another fireman because the story focuses on Joaquin Phoenix's character, but I play Joaquin's close friend and I get burned up a little bit, but I don't die.

Morris Chestnut

Joaquin's Quotes #1559443
#2. The footage that you're about to watch of China's dog-leather trade is one of the worst things I've ever seen.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #959936
#3. Getting into the character is difficult and letting go of your life and the things that kind of define you, whatever it is in life that's your daily routine because you sort of find yourself in this other life and that's difficult and the other end is difficult.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #970401
#4. There's no doubt about it: Hillary is the best person to be our 45th president. Hillary has always been a tireless advocate for working families - she's never ceased to make sure everybody has a fair shot at achieving the American Dream.

Joaquin Castro

Joaquin's Quotes #930446
#5. My dissatisfaction with acting has nothing to do with being uncomfortable or vulnerable or feeling like people are going to criticize me. That's not the problem.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #863834
#6. As a state legislator, I had worked with Republicans and Democrats to pass a number of bills, including some related to higher education and juvenile justice; I'd created what would become San Antonio's largest book drive and literacy campaign.

Joaquin Castro

Joaquin's Quotes #831908
#7. I like Joaquin Phoenix. He's an amazing actor and he's so buff.

Katie Leung

Joaquin's Quotes #829500
#8. Joaquin Jackson's frank and colorful account of his long career as a modern-day Texas Ranger thrills like an action novel, yet the stories are true, sometimes funny, sometimes tragic, but always gripping. I could hardly put the book down ... The writing is superb.

Elmer Kelton

Joaquin's Quotes #806523
#9. Since becoming mayor in 2009, Julian has worked tirelessly to pursue policies that honor the aspirations of the people he represents. I'm proud that my brother has achieved his dreams, but I'm even more proud of the work he's done to help others achieve theirs.

Joaquin Castro

Joaquin's Quotes #785932
#10. Whether you think a film will affect society or it's plain entertainment, it's all excellent, it's all noble.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #779593
#11. 'The Master' with Joaquin Phoenix puts up a good fight, but my favorite movie of all time is 'The Wizard of Oz.' I just love it. I watched it over and over again as a child, and I think it has all the elements of wonder, and it's a beautiful story.

Jonny Weston

Joaquin's Quotes #778656
#12. The main reasons for dwelling .. on Hayek's model is simply that it has certain properties, absent from most others, that conform exceptionally well to recent neurobiological evidence on memory and that make it particularly suited to the current discourse.

Joaquin Fuster

Joaquin's Quotes #768571
#13. I always have the fear that, if I don't commit 100 percent to my work, then it's gonna suffer.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #754844
#14. Together, we can make a U.S. Department of Peace into a reality, and leave a gift of peace for generations to come.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #684906
#15. I do like to collaborate, and I like hearing other people, and I like how somebody's performance will affect my own.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #674157
#16. I've been in clubs. I don't like being in an enclosed place with really loud music, and a lot of drunk people. It's not my idea of a good time. It's just such a miserable life.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #571327
#17. Moraga's expedition of 1806 added further to the nomenclature of the Sierra. After crossing the San Joaquin his party came to a place which his men called Las Mariposas because of the swarms of butterflies (mariposas) which flew into their eyes and ears.

Francis P. Farquhar

Joaquin's Quotes #568550
#18. I never prepare. I think that's completely overrated. It's a very simple job. All you have to do is hit this bright mark, stand in the right spot and say the line. So I don't really believe in preparation.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #516788
#19. No, mes amis, impressionism is not charlatanry, nor a formula, nor a school. I should say rather it is the bold resolve to throw all those things overboard.

Joaquin Sorolla

Joaquin's Quotes #503318
#20. I loved hip-hop. The first stuff I heard was Public Enemy, and I couldn't believe it. It was amazing, and I've always loved hip-hop.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #501630
#21. Might I be ridiculous? Might my career in music be laughable? Yeah, that's possible, but that's certainly not my intention.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #496113
#22. Blindness enhanced my spiritual life.

Joaquin Rodrigo

Joaquin's Quotes #494457
#23. The living grave of crime.

Joaquin Miller

Joaquin's Quotes #481784
#24. Fame lulls the fever of the soul, and makes Us feel that we have grasp'd an immortality.

Joaquin Miller

Joaquin's Quotes #467147
#25. I would try and sing along with bands that I like but it sounded so atrocious that I couldn't.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #462672
#26. There are three-hundred thousand sportswriters and they're all against me. Every one of them.

Joaquin Andujar

Joaquin's Quotes #461438
#27. Joaquin Sabina is one of my favorites. He's like a legend. He's like our Bob Dylan, or our Bruce Springsteen. He's one of the most talented writers of our Latin music.


Joaquin's Quotes #1227578
#28. I'd love to talk to Joaquin Phoenix because he's a very private guy. Also, he's creating a new kind of sexy leading man. To me, his face is new and might be legendary someday.

Isaac Mizrahi

Joaquin's Quotes #1846086
#29. I still have a hard time saying who Johnny [ Cash ] is in one sentence. He seemed so contradictory in his actions, and I think that's probably what is most fascinating about him and what made him such an interesting character to study.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #1643271
#30. I have this horrible sense of humor where I think discomfort is funny - partly because I experience discomfort a lot, and it's a way of laughing at it and getting a release.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #1583731
#31. I don't believe in god. I don't believe in an afterlife. I don't believe in soul. I don't believe in anything. I think it's totally right for people to have their own beliefs if it makes them happy, but to me it's a pretty preposterous idea.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #1578242
#32. I love having a master. I have no problem serving my director. That's my job. I want to make them happy.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #1530421
#33. After drinking the blood I feel inches closer to death, but resolved to live. I've drunk blood. I can do anything. I'm the vampire girl. I crawl close to the fox and press myself against it. It's still warm. That's how sleep takes me, with blood on my face, holding close to the fading warmth.

Joaquin Lowe

Joaquin's Quotes #1487938
#34. Acting is real important to me. I love it, and it's something I care about.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #1417696
#35. It's late at night when the memory comes for me, like it always seems to when the relief of sleep seems ready to draw me under.

Joaquin Lowe

Joaquin's Quotes #1354301
#36. Man's books are but a climbing stair, Lain step by step, like stairs of stone; The stairway here, the temple there Man's lampad honor, and his trust, The God who called him from the dust.

Joaquin Miller

Joaquin's Quotes #1349458
#37. That's why I don't talk. Because I talk too much.

Joaquin Andujar

Joaquin's Quotes #1309832
#38. Every single movie that I've ever done has affected my life; I always feel more changed by a character than I affect them or change them, always. I mean, that's just kind of the way it is.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #1262910
#39. People are all the fun in life - Candido's Apocalypse

Nick Joaquin

Joaquin's Quotes #1238658
#40. The biggest dog has been a pup.

Joaquin Miller

Joaquin's Quotes #455129
#41. I've always loved hip-hop, since I was a kid, that's the music that I loved. I think everyone of our generation kind of fantasized about hip-hop in some ways.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #1210347
#42. In every film, whether it's a fictional character or not, you create an idea of the character and for me I always do a bad impersonation to start with.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #1180506
#43. There are kids who get on a BMX bike when they're eight years old and they go, 'Whoa, this is incredible,' and grow up to do extreme sports. It's the same for me with acting.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #1177258
#44. I enjoy writing rhymes and sitting alone in a room listening to beats. It's pretty amazing.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #1167762
#45. Sometimes a character is really based on research that you do. Other times it's just based on your imagination or perhaps your conversation with the director. Or sometimes all of the above. It depends on the movie and character.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #1128112
#46. I'm very thankful for the people that I've had the opportunity to work with. I have a good life. It's been amazing. I'm not complaining. It's not like acting has ruined me so I have to leave. It's not that. I'm just done with it.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #1058316
#47. God's poet is silence! His song is unspoken, And yet so profound, so loud, and so far, It fills you, it thrills you with measures unbroken, And as soft, and as fair, and as far as a star.

Joaquin Miller

Joaquin's Quotes #1047619
#48. It's hard for me to put my feelings into words.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #1030471
#49. She felt the adagio from Joaquin Rodrigo's Concierto de Aranjuez strumming at her inner thighs like a guitar, and then slowly moving upwards until it wrapped around her heart in its denouement.

Lawren Leo

Joaquin's Quotes #1028162
#50. There's definitely some parallels between me and Joaquin Phoenix, I think. The line gets so blurry. My rap career wasn't a hoax, but it was absolutely intended to be a joke. The problem was that I really was on a quest to somehow be a Caucasian Ol' Dirty Bastard.


Joaquin's Quotes #1012660
#51. For as long as I've been making movies, I really don't know a lot of the technical side. I mean, I've actively and consciously tried to avoid learning that stuff. I just want to be open and receptive to what's happening in the moment, and I don't want to force anything.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #973335
#52. My music is going to be true. I'm not out to sell records. I'm experiencing something, and it's what I feel.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #97172
#53. I throw a kiss across the sea, I drink the winds as drinking wine, And dream they all are blown from thee, I catch the whisper'd kiss of thine.

Joaquin Miller

Joaquin's Quotes #181237
#54. Primeval forests! virgin sod! That Saxon has not ravish'd yet, Lo! peak on peak in stairways set- In stepping stairs that reach to God! Here we are free as sea or wind, For here are set Time's snowy tents In everlasting battlements Against the march of Saxon mind.

Joaquin Miller

Joaquin's Quotes #176778
#55. You're always thinking, What's the next move - the career, the money.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #175688
#56. I quickly found myself in the center of the room, trussed up to a sturdy, high-backed chair, which Joaquin happily assured me was an original Louis the Fourteenth. Oh goody. I'd hate to die bound to something from IKEA.

Vicki Pettersson

Joaquin's Quotes #166669
#57. You can't worry if it's cold; you can't worry if it's hot; you only worry if you get sick. Because then if you don't get well, you die.

Joaquin Andujar

Joaquin's Quotes #163217
#58. I'm like the kid that crams for tests and never remembers anything.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #161223
#59. Do I have a large frog in my hair? I have the sensation that something is eating my brain.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #158958
#60. And that there were many things grow-ups did which couldn't properly be judged by young people until the young people were grown-ups themselves ...

Nick Joaquin

Joaquin's Quotes #153433
#61. I've made up so many stores about my name, I can't remember.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #151495
#62. How can you work in film and still see the overt racism that exists in film and not just be furious all the time?

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #140611
#63. He gained a world; he gave that world Its grandest lesson: "On! sail on!"

Joaquin Miller

Joaquin's Quotes #122600
#64. The identity of the Filipino today is of a person asking what is his identity.

Nick Joaquin

Joaquin's Quotes #113956
#65. It's an amazing feeling to go into a studio and really be alone.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #187606
#66. Before we part, she returns my gun and says, "As long as you carry this you are in danger of using it.

Joaquin Lowe

Joaquin's Quotes #93435
#67. I don't walk around like I'm a movie star because I don't think of myself as a movie star. People usually don't even notice me.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #93117
#68. Physiognomy is often a great falsifier, though as a rule it is honest enough.

Joaquin Miller

Joaquin's Quotes #90073
#69. My personal life absolutely goes down the drain when I start working; that's something that I'm incapable of doing.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #82837
#70. I don't have the slightest desire to speak over my dead brother. It gets on my nerves to always be compared with him. My brother was a magnificent person and an outstanding actor.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #68297
#71. The gold-barr'd butterflies to and from And over the waterside wander'd and wove As heedless and idle as clouds that rove And drift by the peaks of perpetual snow.

Joaquin Miller

Joaquin's Quotes #65918
#72. Merciful Father, I will not complain. I know that the sunshine shall follow the rain.

Joaquin Miller

Joaquin's Quotes #65306
#73. This is the difference between the Spanish advent and the American; that the technical revolution provoked by the first produced the Filipino, while the cultural upheaval provoked by the second merely helped us to become more aware of this Filipinoness.

Nick Joaquin

Joaquin's Quotes #64421
#74. I just believe that if I work hard and do well, who knows what the future holds?

Joaquin Castro

Joaquin's Quotes #47328
#75. I could have blamed it on the intoxication of youth.
Others might find fault on just intoxication.
My parents would say that it was an act of plain stupidity.
Reality would point out that it was Thursday night at college and the youth are prone to err.

Mara Joaquin

Joaquin's Quotes #26578
#76. Things are rarely as exciting or dramatic as we make them out to be in the press.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #8629
#77. With all its excesses, the modern impressionistic movement has given us one discovery, the color violet. It is the only discovery of importance in the art world since Velazquez.

Joaquin Sorolla

Joaquin's Quotes #287697
#78. There is no need for fur - since there are compassionate alternatives.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #437946
#79. All the mistakes committed by artists are due to their having separated themselves from truth, believing that their imagination is stronger. There is nothing stronger than nature. With nature in front of us we can do everything well.

Joaquin Sorolla

Joaquin's Quotes #429532
#80. If ever a painter wrought a miracle of illusion with brush and pigment that painter was Velazquez in his Las Meninas, at the Prado in Madrid.

Joaquin Sorolla

Joaquin's Quotes #372210
#81. If I was crazy, I'd throw the ball into the stands with the bases loaded. Now, that's crazy. If I was stupid, I'd throw the ball into center field with the bases loaded and a 3-2 count on the hitter. Now, that's stupid.

Joaquin Andujar

Joaquin's Quotes #369137
#82. I didn't know much about him, and I wasn't a big country music fan. I listened to the Beatles and David Bowie, so I didn't know a lot about him.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #359812
#83. You don't give yourself enough credit. Ignorance keeps you mean. Learning makes you kind.

Joaquin Lowe

Joaquin's Quotes #357346
#84. Lonely as God, and white as a winter moon, Mount Shasta starts up sudden and solitary from the heart of the great black forests of Northern California

Joaquin Miller

Joaquin's Quotes #335398
#85. I'm proud of my brother. I would never not want to be associated with him.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #328489
#86. All my supplies are gone and I'm going to die out here. I thought it would be more frightening, dying, but after so many days walking, after so much hunger and thirst, it's a release.

Joaquin Lowe

Joaquin's Quotes #323500
#87. All you can hold in your cold dead hand is what you have given away.

Joaquin Miller

Joaquin's Quotes #320034
#88. Love should have no alternatives; love should be the sole reason for loving; love should spring of itself.

Nick Joaquin

Joaquin's Quotes #317866
#89. In California, the state's huge dairy herd produces twenty-seven million tons of manure a year, the particulates and vapors from which have helped to make air quality in the argiculturally intensive San Joaquin Valley worse than it is Los Angeles.

Paul Roberts

Joaquin's Quotes #442389
#90. It is truly amazing that, with much less neuroscientific knowledge available, Hayek's model comes closer, in some respects, to being neurophysiologically verifiable than those models developed 50 to 60 years after his.

Joaquin Fuster

Joaquin's Quotes #279303
#91. I don't think one should be comfortable standing on a stage with people applauding and laughing at every stupid thing you say.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #272929
#92. A lot of folks feel like my brother and me or other politicians chart out their careers from Day 1 until the end. I've never been like that.

Joaquin Castro

Joaquin's Quotes #262390
#93. It's an old and sad story. The artist lets the bottle or the dope get between him and his art. He spends half his life achieving success and the second half throwing it all away. How many talents have self-destructed before him? How many more will follow in his wake?

H. Joaquin Jackson

Joaquin's Quotes #251080
#94. I know if I'm lost in the moment or not.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #245583
#95. With public figures involved in a relationship it seems that there is a machine behind their love so oftentimes.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #230746
#96. Between the midnight and the morning: on a given day, that's the hardest stretch of time to fill.

Luis Joaquin M Katigbak

Joaquin's Quotes #225355
#97. I'm incredibly lazy!

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #218002
#98. There was a time when I read a script and I just got excited about the possibilities.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin's Quotes #212439
#99. The glass is riddled with bullets on either side of The Stranger, but the glass before him is unbroken, as though the bullets didn't dare approach.
That's when I work out what he is: a bullet catcher.

Joaquin Lowe

Joaquin's Quotes #212283
#100. The sand doesn't care if you're made of flesh or stone.

Joaquin Lowe

Joaquin's Quotes #208875

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