Top 12 Jaume Cabre Quotes

#1. She knew that what made Sr. Adria decide had been the delicate way she had taken the book that he handed her by surprise: she took it delicately, almost lovingly, just as Elisa picked up the embroidery box when she found out about the death of her lover in Elisa Grant by Ballys (Pittsburg, 1883).

Jaume Cabre

Jaume Cabre Quotes #226260
#2. It's hard to get people to focus on one idea.

Conor Oberst

Jaume Cabre Quotes #451564
#3. Every once in a while, large cities have narrow streets, silent passageways that allow your footsteps to echo in the stillness of the night, and it seems like everything is going back to the way it was, when there were only a few of us and we all knew each other and greeted each other on the street.

Jaume Cabre

Jaume Cabre Quotes #693980
#4. People jeopardize their lives for the sake of making the moment livable. Nothing sways them from the habit - not illness, not the sacrifice of love and relationship, not the loss of all earthly goods, not the crushing of their dignity, not the fear of dying. The drive is that relentless.

Gabor Mate

Jaume Cabre Quotes #729080
#5. The problem is that relativism provides no sure foundation for a safe and orderly society.

Charles Colson

Jaume Cabre Quotes #782439
#6. But what are you? Buddhist? Japanese? Communist? What?' 'I'm nothing.' 'Can you be nothing?' I never knew how to answer that question when I was asked it as a child, because the wording troubled me. Can you be nothing? I will be nothing.

Jaume Cabre

Jaume Cabre Quotes #959369
#7. We didn't invent the Grateful Dead, the crowd invented the Grateful Dead. We were just in line to see what was going to happen.

Jerry Garcia

Jaume Cabre Quotes #1154114
#8. I have the reputation for having read all of Henry James. Which would argue a misspent youth and middle age.

James Thurber

Jaume Cabre Quotes #1348100
#9. Be mindful at all times of the following: the nature of the whole universe, the nature of the part that is me, the relation of the one to the other, the one so vast, the other so small.

Marcus Aurelius

Jaume Cabre Quotes #1354240
#10. After his kisses and hugs it feels like without them my body will fall apart into pieces.

Francesca Lia Block

Jaume Cabre Quotes #1662625
#11. Evil. Why does your God allow it? He doesn't keep evil from happening: all he does is punish the evildoer with eternal flames. Why doesn't he prevent it? Do you have an answer?

Jaume Cabre

Jaume Cabre Quotes #1677935
#12. Life is not the road or even the destination, but the journey,

Jaume Cabre

Jaume Cabre Quotes #1874948

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