Top 5 Jaoude Family Quotes

#1. One pain is lessened by another's anguish ... Take thou some new infection to thy eye, And the rank poison of the old will die.

William Shakespeare

Jaoude Family Quotes #212472
#2. It's not good to assume what your kid wants. It's not good to push them in their own way. It's not good to make them do something you wanted to do but didn't have the chance to. You should listen to what your kids are saying, and let them live, and let them be themselves.

Quvenzhane Wallis

Jaoude Family Quotes #508252
#3. FOR, IN THE FINAL ANALYSIS, our most basic common link IS THAT WE ALL INHABIT this small planet. WE ALL BREATHE THE SAME AIR. We all cherish our children's future. AND WE ARE ALL MORTAL. - John F. Kennedy

Tony DiTerlizzi

Jaoude Family Quotes #667064
#4. When you forgive, you gain strength and come out a winner.

Joyce Brothers

Jaoude Family Quotes #756977
#5. When you're shooting a TV show, there's not a lot of time to build character.

Candice Patton

Jaoude Family Quotes #1034038

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