Top 100 Jandy Nelson Quotes
#1. Until it's not clear if he's making the sculpture or if the sculpture is making him.
Jandy Nelson
#2. Jude is my favorite of all the saints," he says. "Patron saint of lost causes. The saint to call on when all hope is gone. The one in charge of miracles.
Jandy Nelson
#4. I've forgotten quite how luminous he is, like another species of human that doesn't have blood but light running through their veins.
Jandy Nelson
#5. Love, I think and think and think and think and don't say. Don't say it.
Don't say it. Don't tell him you love him.
But I do. I love him more than anything.
Jandy Nelson
#6. Moments pass, lots and lots of them, with us holding on, it feels like for dear life, or maybe holding on to dear life.
Jandy Nelson
#7. When people fall in love, they burst into flames.
Jandy Nelson
#8. I watch him hypnotize the girls as he does the fruit in the trees, the clouds in the sky, as he did me.
Jandy Nelson
#9. Who wants to know that the person you love and need the most can just vanish forever
Jandy Nelson
#10. -I will bathe in vinegar, down some raw eggs, and start looking for a wasp nest ASAP to put on my head.
-I do not understand this.
-To reverse the leanings of the heart. Ancient family wisdom.
-Ah. Very good. In my family, we just suffer.
Jandy Nelson
#11. I don't understand. I don't. How can the same guy who took those photos of me and wrote those notes to me be making out with another girl on the other side of this door?
Jandy Nelson
#12. You are remaking the world, Noah. Drawing by drawing
Jandy Nelson
#13. I grew up with older brothers, adore them, can't imagine going through life without them, and I definitely think I draw on that love when I'm writing about siblings. It's so powerful, the jump-in-front-of-a-train-to-protect-them kind of love.
Jandy Nelson
#14. I am insanely superstitious. All the woman in my family are, beginning with my grandmother, who would leave red ribbons under the beds and taught us how to find four-leaf clovers.
Jandy Nelson
#15. They're my ladies," she'd tell Bails and me. "Halfway between here and there.
Jandy Nelson
#16. Good. That is it. You will see with your hands, I promise you.
Jandy Nelson
#17. This is it
what all the hoopla is about, what Wuthering Heights is about
it all boils down to this feeling rushing through me in this moment with Joe as our mouths refuse to part. Who knew all this time I was one kiss away from being Cathy and Juliet and Elizabeth Bennet and Lady Chatterley!?
Jandy Nelson
#19. That's exactly it - I am crazy sad, and somewhere deep inside, all I want is to fly.
Jandy Nelson
#20. Music: what life, what living itself sounds like.
Jandy Nelson
#21. Really, most of the time, I feel like a hostage.
Jandy Nelson
#22. before long, I forget Oscar the Girl-Exhaler
Jandy Nelson
#25. I have a window in my chest where sunlight is pouring in.
Jandy Nelson
#27. His eyes have become gentle. I'm swimming in them.
Jandy Nelson
#28. Again and again his tongue returns to that space between his front teeth. I'll look at this tree instead.
Jandy Nelson
#30. So much blood's rushing and gushing to my head it might blow straight off my neck.
Jandy Nelson
#31. I held on to his arm, which was belted securely around me, feeling safe because Dad was in charge and it was his hand that pulled the sun up each morning and down at night.
Jandy Nelson
#32. Are you an artist?"
"I'm a mess is what I am," he says, holding on to the building for support. "A bloody mess. You 're the artist, mate." Then he's gone.
Jandy Nelson
#33. There's nothing giggly about Heather usually. She's the opposite; hanging out with her is like sitting in an empty church. That's why I like her. She's quiet and serious and a thousand years old and seems like she can talk to the wind.
Jandy Nelson
#34. ...because who knew kissing could be like this, could so alter the landscape within, tipping over oceans, sending rivers up mountains, unpouring the rain.
Jandy Nelson
#35. Every picture taken of you reduces your spirit and shortens your life
Jandy Nelson
#36. And it's just dawned on me that I might be the author of my own story, but so is everyone else the author of their own stories, and sometimes, like now, there's no overlap.
Jandy Nelson
#37. Wear only oversized hoodies, oversized jeans, and sneakers. Stay quiet.
Jandy Nelson
#39. Second novels are bears. As are other people's expectations for them. I think taking the time you need with the second book is key. Writers spend years and years on their first novels and then are often expected to turn out a second at warp speed, a recipe for failure.
Jandy Nelson
#40. Before leaving school I consorted with The Oracle: Google.
Jandy Nelson
#41. It's the easiest thing to be lost if you don't want to be found.
Jandy Nelson
#42. I can't even remember what he looked like now, but I'll never forget the reaction I had when I first saw him in Noah's drawing pad. I had to have him. I would've given up the real sun, so giving him an imaginary one was nothing.
Jandy Nelson
#43. Hummingbirds laze around him. Fruit falls out of trees right into his open palms ... I've never felt this relaxed in my life. I keep forgetting my body and then have to go back and get it.
Jandy Nelson
#44. It's like having explosives on board 24/7, the way I feel. I can't believe when I touch things they don't blow to bits. I can't believe I was so way off.
I thought, I don't know, I thought wrong.
Jandy Nelson
#45. I don't know how this can be but it can: A painting is both exactly the same and entirely different every single time you look at it. That's the way it is between Jude and me now.
Jandy Nelson
#46. I look up at the shining silvery coin of a moon rolling around in the sky and think I might be seeing the miracles.
Jandy Nelson
#47. She mesmerized lecture halls of students with her drama and passion, with ideas critics called daring and groundbreaking.
Jandy Nelson
#48. I think about those two guys in the sky causing shipwrecks, causing things to burst into flame ...
Jandy Nelson
#49. Write your sins on apples still hanging on the tree; when they fall away so do your burdens (There
Jandy Nelson
#50. I've chickened out. Because what if he says no? What if he says yes? What if he bludgeons me with a chisel? What if the English guy is there? What if he isn't? What if he bludgeons me with a chisel? What if my m other breaks stone as easily as clay? What if this rash on my arm is leprosy? Etc.
Jandy Nelson
#51. Life's a freaking mess ... there's not one truth ever, just a bunch of stories, all going on at once, in our heads, in our hearts, all getting in the way of each other. It's all a beautiful calamitous mess.
Jandy Nelson
#52. (Self Portrait: Boy Remakes World Before World Remakes Boy)
Jandy Nelson
#53. To be clear: More than anything, I wish I hadn't gone into that closet with Brian. But their story wasn't over that night.
Jandy Nelson
#54. Sometimes you think you know things, know things very deeply, only to realize you don't know a damn thing.
Jandy Nelson
#55. I know the expression love bloomed is metaphorical, but in my heart in this moment, there is one badass flower, captured in time-lapse photography, going from bud to wild radiant blossom in ten seconds flat.
Jandy Nelson
#56. Nothing curdles love in the heart like lemon on the tongue
Jandy Nelson
#57. Big's voice trumpets, as if from stage or pulpit; his words carry weight, even pass the salt comes out of his mouth in a thou-shalt-Ten-Commandments kind of way.
Jandy Nelson
#58. She gives of light. I give off dark. (PORTRAIT, SELF-PORTRAIT: Twins: The Flashlight and the Flashdark
Jandy Nelson
#59. Let me just unsubscribe to my own mind already, because I don't get any of it.
Jandy Nelson
#60. I will never stop grieving Bailey because I will never stop loving her.
Jandy Nelson
#62. Okay. Not gay. Not lovers, they both just appear to like donuts more than your average bear.
Jandy Nelson
#63. How could a mother who boils water for pasta leave two little girls behind?
Jandy Nelson
#64. I love you," I say to him, but it only comes out, "Hey"
"So damn much," he says back, it only comes out, "Dude
Jandy Nelson
#65. The sky's gone blue: azure, the ocean bluer: cerulean, the trees are swirls of every hella freaking green on earth and bright thick eggy yellow is spilling over everything.
Jandy Nelson
#66. You have to see the miracles for there to be miracles.
Jandy Nelson
#67. How can people die when you're in a fight with them? When you're smack in the middle of hating them? When absolutely nothing between you has been worked out?
Jandy Nelson
#68. According to all the experts, it's time for me to talk about what I'm going through ... I can't. I'd need a new alphabet, one made of falling, of tectonic plates shifting, of the deep devouring dark.
Jandy Nelson
#70. He leans against the doorframe. Some guys are born to lean. He's definitely one of them. James Dean was another.
Jandy Nelson
#71. But then all of all a sudden the breath is kicked out of me and I'm shoved onto the cold hard concrete floor of my life now, because I remember I can't run home after school and tell Bails about a new boy in band. My sister dies over and over again, all day long.
Jandy Nelson
#72. I do find the sibling connection endlessly fascinating, as I do all family dynamics. I like how siblings seem to create their own parentless mini-civilization within a family, one that has its own laws, myths, language, humor, its own loyalties and treacheries.
Jandy Nelson
#73. Thanks,' I say, and the cloak of being fine that I wear with everyone else slips right off my shoulders.
Jandy Nelson
#74. Reality is crushing. The world is a wrong-sized shoe. How can anyone stand it?
Jandy Nelson
#76. Everything is true at once. Life is contradiction. We take in every lesson. We find what works. Okay, now pick up the charcoal and draw." After a few minutes,
Jandy Nelson
#77. And I know [other] faces aren't this colorful, this vivid, this lived-in, this superbly off-site, this brimming with dark unpredictable music. NOT THAT I EFFING NOTICE ... For the record, breathing is overrated.
Jandy Nelson
#78. I, however, am a different story. I have not taught in years. I will not. Probably not ever again.
Jandy Nelson
#79. Each new self standing on the last one's shoulders until we're these wobbly people poles?
Jandy Nelson
#80. Hanging out with her is like sitting in an empty church. That's why I like her.
Jandy Nelson
#81. Guillermo taps his foot impatiently. Oscar winks at me, sending my stomach on an elevator ride. "To be continued," he says.
Jandy Nelson
#82. And you used to make art and like boys and talk to horses and pull the moon through the window for my birthday present.
Jandy Nelson
#83. I'm thinking the reason I've been so quiet all those years is only because Brian wasn't around yet for me to tell everything to.
Jandy Nelson
#84. He was the kind of man who walks into a room and all the walls fall down.
Jandy Nelson
#85. I wish my shadow would get up and walk beside me.
Jandy Nelson
#86. ...I am the two-dimensional one in a 3-D family.
Jandy Nelson
#87. I could step out of this sad life like it's an old sorry dress.
Jandy Nelson
#88. If bad luck knows who you are, become someone else.
Jandy Nelson
#89. In one split second I saw everything I could be, everything I want to be. And all that I'm not.
Jandy Nelson
#91. People think people are in charge, but they're wrong; it's the trees.
Jandy Nelson
#92. What happened between us has colonized every last brain cell. I can barely tie my shoelaces. I forgot how to chew this morning.
Jandy Nelson
#93. And there are horses galloping inside her. I can hear them.
Jandy Nelson
#94. So can I take pictures of you sometime? ... Not here. Not like this. At this abandoned building I just discovered by the beach. At sunset. I have an idea.' He peeks around the side of the camera. 'And not with your clothes on. Only fair.' His eyes are bright as the devil's. 'Say yes.
Jandy Nelson
#95. When twins are seperated, their spirits steal away to find the other
Jandy Nelson
#96. Everything is true at once. Life is a contradiction. We take in every lesson. We find what works.
Jandy Nelson
#97. From day one she was running, running, running.
She was always running toward.
Jandy Nelson
#99. I think you can sort of slip out of your life and it can be hard to find a way back in.
Jandy Nelson
#100. It's never occurred to me that the stars are still up there shining even in the daytime when we can't see them.
Jandy Nelson
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