Top 36 James Toney Quotes

#1. Any body type is beautiful. It's all about loving what you got and rocking it.

Meghan Trainor

James Toney Quotes #1354897
#2. I'm not gonna box Ruiz ... I don't box, I knock holes through people. I'm gonna cut Ruiz up. I'm gonna butcher him. He ain't gonna last five rounds. Either he winds up on the canvas or in the hospital. It's his choice.

James Toney

James Toney Quotes #888070
#3. Any tool that helps instill God's Word in the lives of people is something I can enthusiastically endorse!

Robert Jeffress

James Toney Quotes #998159
#4. Racism breeds racism in reverse.

Mary Brave Bird

James Toney Quotes #1010950
#5. The only freak show I got is between my legs.

James Toney

James Toney Quotes #1093737
#6. My talent speaks for itself, I ain't gotta answer nobody else's questions. I'm going home, we're gonna have a party!

James Toney

James Toney Quotes #1103768
#7. Get Julian Jackson in here baby! ... Julian Jackson, winner take all baby, that's all I gotta say, winner take all! Arghhh!

James Toney

James Toney Quotes #1112654
#8. My birthday was Monday, now I finally get to go home and enjoy it with some Burger King. Here I come baby! Burger King! Burger King!

James Toney

James Toney Quotes #1145658
#9. I have always been ready to fight anybody out there, anytime, anywhere. I will knock them all over. My talent speaks for itself.

James Toney

James Toney Quotes #1147996
#10. It is only when you know a boy's environment that you can know what influences to bring to bear.

Baden Powell De Aquino

James Toney Quotes #865751
#11. I don't know Jiu-Jitsu, I don't know wrestling, all I know is how to fight. Period.

James Toney

James Toney Quotes #1407526
#12. I don't like you. Why you walk up on me dawg!?, I don't like you, I don't like you.

James Toney

James Toney Quotes #1418980
#13. I don't know nothing about the sport. Just tune in August 28th and y'all find out how much I know about the sport.

James Toney

James Toney Quotes #1439788
#14. The Goddess teaches us that every ending is also a beginning. May there be rebirth from this death.

Cate Tiernan

James Toney Quotes #1566969
#15. He's stepping up to challenge me. Anybody that challenges me, has got to get dogged out. That's my job.

James Toney

James Toney Quotes #1591566
#16. They can all get some. Remember this! I will do this to all y'all down here. Look at his face. I don't care if you're a flyweight, or your mamma weight! I will kick your ass!

James Toney

James Toney Quotes #1607929
#17. Evander Holyfield's a great fighter, I watched him when I was a kid, I love the guy, but I had to do what I had to do. It's what I get paid to do.

James Toney

James Toney Quotes #1745596
#18. If I'm the poster boy for steroids, steroids is going out of business.

James Toney

James Toney Quotes #1872787
#19. Talk to Bob Arum, cos he's my man. Don King kiss my ass!

James Toney

James Toney Quotes #451321
#20. If I start mining for opinions on hundreds of websites that have fan forums, I'll be totally distorted in my view of myself. I'll lose myself in all that.

Geddy Lee

James Toney Quotes #64396
#21. It didn't really matter that we couldn't understand each other, what mattered were those little smiles and nods that said so much more than words.

Anne Fortier

James Toney Quotes #80140
#22. Your life sparks fires from within your innermost temple. No one can reach there but you, it is your inner sanctum. You are your own master there, only you can reach and ignite the fire.


James Toney Quotes #84812
#23. I represent boxing. I represent the old school. That's me.

James Toney

James Toney Quotes #86793
#24. It often happens that when a soul under duress is required to attend to a separate difficulty, one that does not concern him in the least, then this second problem works upon the first as a kind of salve.

Eleanor Catton

James Toney Quotes #126020
#25. I don't need a belt to make me. I make the belt. I feel great and that's all that matters. I'm still heavyweight champion of the world.

James Toney

James Toney Quotes #165656
#26. I don't care who wins, I'll fight either one of them. As a matter of fact, I'll fight them both on the same night if they want.

James Toney

James Toney Quotes #210357
#27. I got tired of everyone being in my way, so I had to kick them out to have my privacy.

James Toney

James Toney Quotes #342811
#28. Look at my body. Does it look like I sue steroids?

James Toney

James Toney Quotes #54327
#29. After I knock out Randy Couture, I'll fight for the heavyweight title, the real heavyweight boxing title in October or November, come back and fight in the UFC in January or February. It doesn't matter, I'm a two sport athlete. The oldest man to ever do that.

James Toney

James Toney Quotes #467922
#30. God forbid that I should ever teach any adaptation of the Gospel. But I contend that we may serve it up in any sort of dish that will induce the people to partake of it

Catherine Booth

James Toney Quotes #547197
#31. [S]ome men who cheat their wives out of grocery money wouldn't think of cheating the grocer. Men tend to carry their honesty in pigeonholes, Jean Louise. They can be perfectly honest in some ways and fool themselves in other ways.

Harper Lee

James Toney Quotes #580867
#32. I'm the male Kate Moss.

Nicholas Haslam

James Toney Quotes #584765
#33. I didn't run from the situation. I didn't hide the ordeal from the reporters like the sissy baseball players. I fought it head-on ... We dealt with it. It's over. And now we're moving on.

James Toney

James Toney Quotes #615240
#34. The progress of manufactures and commerce insensibly collects a large multitude within the walls of a city: but these citizens are no longer soldiers; and the arts which adorn and improve the state of civil society, corrupt the habits of the military life.

Edward Gibbon

James Toney Quotes #648239
#35. Look at this body ... Do I look like I use steroids?

James Toney

James Toney Quotes #699932
#36. Clearly Google is searching for a way to do business in China that avoids them sending someone to jail over an e-mail.

Rebecca MacKinnon

James Toney Quotes #861788

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