Top 10 Irradiating Quotes

#1. There is no death where the inner light shines, irradiating the fields of the within
the beyond
the unattainable attainment. You know where to find me.

Elsa Barker

Irradiating Quotes #203442
#2. Is there any more futile, soul-irradiating experience than standing before the little window on a microwave oven watching the carousel slowly revolve your frozen block of dinner?

Michael Pollan

Irradiating Quotes #273837
#3. It is not of so much consequence what you say, as how you say it. Memorable sentences are memorable on account of some single irradiating word.

Alexander Smith

Irradiating Quotes #422340
#4. Beauty, however, must here be understood in its original meaning: as the glow of the true and the good irradiating from every ordered state of being, and not in the patent significance of immediate sensual appeal.

Josef Pieper

Irradiating Quotes #530026
#5. To keep me from sin and straying from Him, God has used devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. My life vows destined to be spent in the light irradiating from the tabernacle, and it is to the Heart of Jesus that I dare go for the solution of all my problems

Pope John XXIII

Irradiating Quotes #1248720
#6. If you can't celebrate your success, appreciate your failure. Since life is all about celebration and appreciation.

M.F. Moonzajer

Irradiating Quotes #1188686
#7. I don't like to be negative about math because it really teaches you a lot of great things. You kind of use math every day.

Madison Davenport

Irradiating Quotes #1307294
#8. O Death the Healer, scorn thou not, I pray, To come to me: of cureless ills thou art The one physician. Pain lays not its touch Upon a corpse.


Irradiating Quotes #1419737
#9. Its assimilation requires the reconstruction of prior theory and re-evaluation of prior fact, an intrinsically revolutionary process that is seldom completed a single man and never overnight

Thomas S. Kuhn

Irradiating Quotes #1427992
#10. If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.

Thomas Pynchon

Irradiating Quotes #1444089

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