Top 36 Iron Words Quotes

#1. They were the sort who berated a man for meddling and chased him away, then berated him again for not being there when he was needed. Not that they would admit he was needed, even then, not them. Raise a hand to help and you were interfering, do nothing and you were an un-trustworthy wastrel.

Robert Jordan

Iron Words Quotes #1604219
#2. There are words which close a conversation as with an iron door.

Alexandre Dumas

Iron Words Quotes #1136596
#3. To me, words are like stickpins. I can throw a word at you and it will bounce right off your body. But if I take that little stickpin and wire it to the back of an iron bar called human emotion, I can put that thing right through your heart.

Tony Robbins

Iron Words Quotes #1273865
#4. The park's so dark by kindlelight. But look what you have in your handself!

James Joyce

Iron Words Quotes #1344465
#5. The independence of art from worldview and worldview concerns is a myth. Every work of art is produced within a framework of worldview assumptions.

Douglas Wilson

Iron Words Quotes #1355034
#6. When you shift, will your hawk form be plucked, then?

Sarah J. Maas

Iron Words Quotes #1361773
#7. I'm not sure I've turned your Commander inside out, but I can assure you if that iron skillet was empty, I would bring him down a peg or two.

Julia Mills

Iron Words Quotes #1418549
#8. There's no such thing as complete when it comes to stories. Stories are infinite. They are as infinite as worlds.

Kelly Barnhill

Iron Words Quotes #1480183
#9. As he bent closer, he realized they were words
words his wife had carved into the cave ice with the last of her dying strength. As he read them, he felt them like three hard blows in the stomach.

Holly Black

Iron Words Quotes #1592427
#10. I trained as an artist originally, so I know what a nice human body looks like, and I would like to look like that notion, and of course I never will. But I've got past that.

Richard Griffiths

Iron Words Quotes #1064789
#11. Kindness is better and can be more powerful than force. Kind words may unlock an iron door.

Nicky Gumbel

Iron Words Quotes #1664457
#12. The world is ruled by such dreams, dreams of impassioned hearts, and improvisations of warm lips, not by cold words linked in chains of iron sequence,
not by logic. The heart with its passions, not the understanding with its reasoning, sways, in the long run, the actions of mankind.

William Kirby

Iron Words Quotes #1677194
#13. Words were only an approximation of meaning. The meaning escaped between the words, dissolved, disappeared, like fog fading away between iron bars.

Charlotte Lamb

Iron Words Quotes #1689336
#14. Eyeglasses and teeth: both breakable, valuable things that you have to carry with you all the time. Hanging there precariously like earrings without backings, threatening to fall out, chip off, crack to the quick because of some innocent nut or seed or beer bottle.

Ainslie Hogarth

Iron Words Quotes #1726007
#15. Everything in Irenaeus is bathed in a warm and radiant joy, a wise and majestic gentleness. His words of struggle are hard as iron and crystal clear, ... so penetrating that they cannot fail to enlighten the unbiased observer.

Hans Urs Von Balthasar

Iron Words Quotes #1770040
#16. And she felt the words come from some iron place within her that hadn't existed an hour ago. She didn't speak loudly, but there was such a change in her voice. Coming from that iron place, it was heavy and true; it wasn't persuasive, or desperate, or antagonistic. It just was.

Laini Taylor

Iron Words Quotes #1791501
#17. O white-robed Angel, guide my timorous hand to write as on a lofty rock with iron pen the words of truth, that all who pass may read.

William Blake

Iron Words Quotes #1804942
#18. She stared at the featureless iron and felt more keenly than ever the distance between them. Now. Now was the time to say what might be the last words he would ever hear from her.
"Fight," she said at last. "Win.

Suzannah Rowntree

Iron Words Quotes #1813288
#19. Iron turns red when it corrodes, and copper turns green. Meat turns to maggots, and thoughts turn to speech.

Stepan Chapman

Iron Words Quotes #568796
#20. Yet this corporate being, though so insubstantial to our senses, binds, in Burkes words, a man to his country with ties which though light as air, are as strong as links of iron. That is why young men die in battle for their countrys sake and why old men plant trees they will never sit under.

Walter Lippmann

Iron Words Quotes #215968
#21. Really? Then why is it my memories from that time are locked up tighter than a virgin in an iron maiden chastity belt that's been welded shut? I had always had a way with words.

Eve Langlais

Iron Words Quotes #350659
#22. He's not a performer, he's not a composer, he's not even a musician, but Norman Granz is Mr. Jazz.

Oscar Peterson

Iron Words Quotes #351214
#23. Get close to grass and you'll see a star.

Dejan Stojanovic

Iron Words Quotes #414855
#24. Tell me you want to kiss me," he said. "I ... " I did, but saying it out loud was hard to do. He was handsome, nice, cared about me,


Iron Words Quotes #427083
#25. As we talk about the need to foster academic achievement, we must recognize and reward those who strive academically, just as we honor athletic champions. Meeting the President of the United States is just the honor we should bestow on our academic champions.

Brad Sherman

Iron Words Quotes #440888
#26. You never knew the last time you were seeing someone. You didn't know when the last argument happened, or the last time you had sex, or the last time you looked into their eyes and thanked God they were in your life.
After they were gone?
That was all you thought about.
Day and night.

J.R. Ward

Iron Words Quotes #486456
#27. I have a wonderful husband, and we have had a great life.

Natalie Babbitt

Iron Words Quotes #524423
#28. An iron railroad would be a cheaper thing than a road of the common construction. Here lay in a few words the idea from which our railway system has sprung.

Andrew Carnegie

Iron Words Quotes #124287
#29. We're all imaginary friends to one another,

Jim Butcher

Iron Words Quotes #582973
#30. Happy the age, happy the time, to which the ancients gave the name of golden, not because in that fortunate age the gold so coveted in this our iron one was gained without toil, but because they that lived in it knew not the two words "mine" and "thine"!

Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra

Iron Words Quotes #584214
#31. Oft in the tranquil hour of night, When stars illume the sky, I gaze upon each orb of light, And wish that thou went by.

George Linley

Iron Words Quotes #672439
#32. Bridget felt like she'd been sucked into a game of Clue. Delaney did it. In the football field. With an iron bar. Again, she had to force the words to die on her tongue.

Samantha Blake

Iron Words Quotes #786831
#33. It has nothing to do with you - "
"It has everything to do with me that you want to get yourself fucking killed." He snarled, the words tight and full of iron. "Losing you is not an option.

Elizabeth Morgan

Iron Words Quotes #880659
#34. honeyed words, smooth as butter and strong as iron, fall on open ears.

Victoria Aveyard

Iron Words Quotes #926773
#35. The Red Kimono tells it all - the bitterness and pain as well as the joy, pride and patriotism of a people too resilient to be beaten by racism.

Sandra Dallas

Iron Words Quotes #1042099
#36. I was searching for the souls that would matched with mine and we can have a community together
but some of them are worried about my future and trying to make me centred on my life and they are acting like my enemies on the facts of life and realty.


Iron Words Quotes #1048404

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