Top 17 Irish Poet Sayings

#1. And the lesson was this; sit in the sun, head down, within a prickly vine, in a flickery light, or open light, and the world will come to you. The sky will come in its time, bringing rain, and the earth will rise through you, from beneath, and make you rich and make you full.

Ray Bradbury

Irish Poet Sayings #897326
#2. Irish improves a poet.

Sina Queyras

Irish Poet Sayings #1787466
#3. I have a private theory, Sir, that there are no heroes and no monsters in this world. Only children should be allowed to use these words

Alfred De Vigny

Irish Poet Sayings #1672866
#4. You all right'?" he said gruffly.
"Yeah," said Harry,
"No yer'he not," said Hagrid. "'Course yeh're not. But yeh will be.

J.K. Rowling

Irish Poet Sayings #1470059
#5. We must be the compassion we wish to see in others!

Janet Gonzalez-Mena

Irish Poet Sayings #1347611
#6. Sedgewhisker appeared farther down. We need to get out

Erin Hunter

Irish Poet Sayings #1287111
#7. Hope is like one of those orchids that grows around toxic waste: lovely in itself - and an assertion, if you like, of indefatigable good - but a sure sign that something nasty lies underneath.

Rachel Cusk

Irish Poet Sayings #1263975
#8. Only love, and not reason, yields kind thoughts.

Thomas Mann

Irish Poet Sayings #1130582
#9. Because I think people must be the same everywhere. Only these people are in my bones.

Jodi Lynn Anderson

Irish Poet Sayings #944338
#10. Humanity is not a gift of nature, it is a spiritual achievement to be earned.

Richard Bach

Irish Poet Sayings #231308
#11. If I had to reflect on the finest classical male ballet dancers of my time, Vladimir Vasiliev of the Bolshoi and the Danish dancer Eric Bruhn were, I feel, without peer.

Jacques D'Amboise

Irish Poet Sayings #793590
#12. When I get lost in a book, I forget about all my problems because I'm so engrossed in the character's lives.

Kaitlyn Hoyt

Irish Poet Sayings #726315
#13. Not I, but the city teaches.


Irish Poet Sayings #700704
#14. Keep the focus of your life in the here and now.

Caroline Myss

Irish Poet Sayings #676451
#15. The Irish believed that gods, druids, poets, and others in touch with the magical world could be literal shape-shifters

Thomas Cahill

Irish Poet Sayings #630403
#16. The headmaster's tie turns into a noose again, preventing blood from getting to his face

Neal Shusterman

Irish Poet Sayings #354892
#17. Books of the sages of the ages reflect upon in stages; like honey their words on the tongue give due savour."
{Source: A Green Desert Father}

Richard Mc Sweeney

Irish Poet Sayings #245046

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