Top 8 Introductory Clause Quotes

#1. What are you?" Lady Marsden asked, not bothering to hide her surprise. Obviously the lady was not accustomed to being caught snooping, let alone shut down twice.
"I have no idea,

Kady Cross

Introductory Clause Quotes #16331
#2. An artist does his most difficult work when he steps back from the blank canvas and thinks about what he is going to create.


Introductory Clause Quotes #220193
#3. Criticizing reporters is like boo-ing at the Special Olympics.

Michael Jackson

Introductory Clause Quotes #417785
#4. The martial arts are based upon understanding, hard work and a total comprehension of skills. Power training and the use of force are easy, but total comprehension of all of the skills of the martial arts is very difficult to achieve.

Bruce Lee

Introductory Clause Quotes #634707
#5. I hate possibilities - God of God! I have lived on possibilities, and infernally near starved on them.

Rafael Sabatini

Introductory Clause Quotes #1159032
#6. The enemy puts full effort into silencing only the greatest voices.

Lenita Reeves

Introductory Clause Quotes #1419076
#7. Expensive clothes are a waste of money.

Meryl Streep

Introductory Clause Quotes #1533326
#8. If you have no sense of humor, You have no sense at all..


Introductory Clause Quotes #1626388

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