Top 15 Inny Belly Button Quotes

#1. Kylie watched as his shirttail upward, exposing a very hard abdomen. The hem of his shirt inched higher, and she took in the cutest inny belly button she'd ever seen. And then his chest. Solid. Hard. A few drops of water glistened against his skin. Hear heart beat to the sound of passion again.

C.C. Hunter

Inny Belly Button Quotes #285908
#2. A tailor can adapt to any medium, be it poetry, be it criticism. As a poet, he can mend, and with the scissors of criticism he candivide.

Franz Grillparzer

Inny Belly Button Quotes #64691
#3. Madness comes from God, whereas sober sense is merely human.


Inny Belly Button Quotes #366502
#4. I know this is probably sort of sudden." The boy hesitated. "But I was wodnering if you would care to go to the movies with me tomorrow night.

Beverly Cleary

Inny Belly Button Quotes #384897
#5. Our dogs will love and admire the meanest of us, and feed our colossal vanity with their uncritical homage.

Agnes Repplier

Inny Belly Button Quotes #456168
#6. And then we'll go out, Piglet, and sing my song to Eeyore."
"Which song, Pooh?"
"The one we're going to sing to Eeyore," explained Pooh.

A.A. Milne

Inny Belly Button Quotes #487876
#7. Some part of me must've thought that would fix everything. Things, don't just get fixed, though. Things get broken, and somtimes they stay that way. You just have to glue them together and hope it holds.

Lili St. Crow

Inny Belly Button Quotes #614314
#8. I grip my charm tighter. All I can think about is Yaqui Delgado's eyes, about what kind of cloak she wears, what kind of dagger she'll run through me.

Meg Medina

Inny Belly Button Quotes #614481
#9. Murder is no less a crime when the victim is common born.

Rae Carson

Inny Belly Button Quotes #614760
#10. When you read great literature, you become a thousand men and yet still be yourself.

C.S. Lewis

Inny Belly Button Quotes #738250
#11. Longevity has never bothered me at all, I have studied longevity for years.

Frank Buckles

Inny Belly Button Quotes #959032
#12. When you've done the technical part, you're then into the joy, the zen, into being. Technology no longer exists for you. You're then into the mystery of the thing you're doing.

William Shatner

Inny Belly Button Quotes #1153412
#13. Sometimes words spoken are the ones you've been afraid to think,
but once they're said aloud there's no way to make them

Alice Hoffman

Inny Belly Button Quotes #1528670
#14. The devastating repercussions of hate-filled language manifest in very real ways for today's LGBTQ youth.

Cheyenne Jackson

Inny Belly Button Quotes #1849792
#15. More primordial than any idea, beauty will be manifest as the herald and generator or ideas.

Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

Inny Belly Button Quotes #1872032

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