Top 14 Ing Stock Price Quotes

#1. A diet counselor once told me that all overweight people are angry with their mothers and channel their frustrations into overeating. So I guess that means all thin people are happy, calm, and have resolved their Oedipal entanglements.

Wendy Wasserstein

Ing Stock Price Quotes #233410
#2. You shouldn't feel guilty about taking time for yourself. Every so often, everyone needs to give themselves a big ol' bear hug and treat themselves to some TLC.

Sean Covey

Ing Stock Price Quotes #241152
#3. I don't like to fly. I've never been a good flyer. I have a lot of friends that have permanent nail marks in their arms ... The moaning that comes from me when there is turbulence. It's awkward for everyone around.

Sandra Bullock

Ing Stock Price Quotes #367842
#4. I was thinking about another kind of river, one that runs through every one of us, no matter where we come from, all over the world. It's the river of the heart, and the heart's desire. It's the pure, essential truth of what each one of us is, and can achieve.

Gregory David Roberts

Ing Stock Price Quotes #626938
#5. And it's given me great perspective. It makes me really focused and efficient, which - I was focused before I had babies but I wasted a lot of time. Prior to having babies I thought I thought I was so busy and now I realize just how ignorant I was.

Kerri Walsh

Ing Stock Price Quotes #648260
#6. I'm just taking it one day at a time. Actually, that's a total lie. I always think about what's in front of me.

Julianne Hough

Ing Stock Price Quotes #797285
#7. I love histories. I love learning. I love books that talk about people who made a real impact on history, because it always has to do with who they were at that time and what their personalities were like and what their strengths and weaknesses were.

Glenn Close

Ing Stock Price Quotes #823722
#8. Sixth sense, six pack, six degrees of separation / My evil third eye blinks with no hesitation

Ghostface Killah

Ing Stock Price Quotes #870655
#9. Relationships keep us alive and our lives meaningful.

Bernie Siegel

Ing Stock Price Quotes #1005084
#10. In Hollywood, all marriages are happy. It's trying to live together afterwards that causes the problems.

Shelley Winters

Ing Stock Price Quotes #1025142
#11. Peanut butter is the pate of childhood.

Florence Fabricant

Ing Stock Price Quotes #1108670
#12. I've got to say that is - the highest emotion of the human experience is going down in a plane knowing your going to die!

Louis Zamperini

Ing Stock Price Quotes #1124724
#13. The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four people is suffering from a mental illness. Look at your 3 best friends. If they're ok, then it's you.

Rita Mae Brown

Ing Stock Price Quotes #1165448
#14. You can't even trade a single fart with the next guy. Each and every one of us has to live out his own life. Don't waste time thinking about who's most talented.

Kodo Sawaki

Ing Stock Price Quotes #1774651

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