Top 37 Including Friends Quotes

#1. On April 16, 2010, 34 Chinese environmental organizations, including Friends of Nature, the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs, and Green Beagle, questioned heavy metal pollution in a letter sent to CEO Steve Jobs.

Ma Jun

Including Friends Quotes #267116
#2. I was born in America but all of my friends' parents, everybody's parents, including my own, had come to America from Europe. Many people in my neighborhood hardly bothered to learn English.

Christopher Walken

Including Friends Quotes #1630039
#3. Forgiving is not forgetting; its actually remembering
remembering and not using your right to hit back. Its a second chance for a new beginning. And the remembering part is particularly important. Especially if you dont want to repeat what happened.

Desmond Tutu

Including Friends Quotes #673867
#4. Life is beautiful, as long as it consumes you. When it is rushing through you, destroying you, life is gorgeous, glorious. It's when you burn a slow fire and save fuel, that life's not worth having.

D.H. Lawrence

Including Friends Quotes #879309
#5. So many people, including stark conservatives, have family members and close friends who are gay.

Paul Singer

Including Friends Quotes #1053059
#6. When I think about atheist friends, including my father, they seem to me like people who have no ear for music, or who have never been in love.

A. N. Wilson

Including Friends Quotes #1128057
#7. Only children are weird. The only children I know, including myself, are either superweird or very talented and special or a mix of the two. I think there was always a certain independence and loneliness - I had a lot of imaginary friends as a kid.

Rachel Bloom

Including Friends Quotes #1343972
#8. A number of scientists with greatly different backgrounds can come up with completely different assessments. The discussions or controversies are endless. Once a year, we try to bring the most important discoverers together to exchange their experiences and knowledge.

Richard Leakey

Including Friends Quotes #1450860
#9. It's surprising to me how many of my friends send Christmas cards, or holiday cards, including my atheist and secular friends.

Christopher Hitchens

Including Friends Quotes #1472544
#10. Everything they see, hear, feel, touch, or even smell impacts their brain and thus influences the way they view and interact with their world - including their family, neighbors, strangers, friends, classmates, and even themselves.

Daniel J. Siegel

Including Friends Quotes #1612315
#11. You have to be single minded, drive only for one thing on which you have decided. And if it looks as if you might be getting there, all kinds of people, including some you thought were your loyal friends will suddenly show up ... to trip you, blacken you, and break your spirit.

John R Noe

Including Friends Quotes #606760
#12. With any modern relationship between a man and a woman, everyone - including their own friends - assume that they're going to hook up.

Kim Shaw

Including Friends Quotes #1665175
#13. I think we all make our own families, whether they're comprised of blood relations or friends. Some people are lucky and love their families. Others aren't. But whom we spend time with is always a choice. Including our pets.

Jane Cleland

Including Friends Quotes #1666566
#14. As we progress and become more like the Savior, we can strengthen every group with whom we associate, including families and friends.

Joseph B. Wirthlin

Including Friends Quotes #1683997
#15. Loyalty consists of many things, including being truthful with our friends. When you really disagree, you have to say so.

Peggy Noonan

Including Friends Quotes #1700705
#16. Breaking away from old psychological memes requires a Herculean effort in many cases. In essence, we are outgrowing a worldview while maintaining a relation-ship of sorts. Transcending an ideology can feel like going through a divorce and having to stay friends because of the kids.

Gudjon Bergmann

Including Friends Quotes #1725652
#17. Bin Laden is dead, and most of his friends are dead. But did it need to cost a trillion dollars and two land wars, including one that didn't have to do with Al Qaeda? Probably not.

Richard Engel

Including Friends Quotes #1738282
#18. Yes, exes can be good friends, but after a certain time. Though no break-up is a good break-up, time heals everything, including broken friendships. It also depends on the kind of people they are, their mindsets and the reasons for the break ups.

Bipasha Basu

Including Friends Quotes #1793401
#19. I am very interested and fascinated how everyone loves each other, but no one really likes each other.

Stephen Chbosky

Including Friends Quotes #1814094
#20. A family of four could have enough bread for 10 years with one acre of wheat

Adam Anderson

Including Friends Quotes #255130
#21. God tries to tell us in His Word how much He loves us and He accepts us, and that even though He already knows every mistake we will ever make, He still chose us for Himself.

Joyce Meyer

Including Friends Quotes #13438
#22. It holds my essential stuff, including a book - for true contentment, one must carry a book at all times, and great books so rarely fit, my friends, into one's pocket[ ... ]

Michael Chabon

Including Friends Quotes #13766
#23. I have many golfer friends whom I play with, including my good friend Ian Poulter, a professional golfer who's coming to Asia to play in a few tournaments.

Heikki Kovalainen

Including Friends Quotes #36956
#24. And so we go over the cliff fiscally, and our Republican friends try to pin the blame on discretionary domestic spending, including spending for security. We pass budget resolutions that fall far short.

David Price

Including Friends Quotes #71207
#25. The great hinderance to the development of this continent has lain in the lack of capital.

William Graham Sumner

Including Friends Quotes #131053
#26. including Professor Oak and Delia Ketchum who is Ash's mother. Meanwhile, Ash and his friends meet and become friends with a trainer named Lisa. They come into Greenfield in the process and agree to join in to rescue


Including Friends Quotes #168921
#27. Someday I hope to Love everyone - including my kids, husband, family, and friends - so very, very much more, and with so much depth, that there is no distinguishing Love from itself.

Kelly Corbet

Including Friends Quotes #173900
#28. I come from a part of New York that was almost entirely immigrants. I was born in America, but all of my friends' parents, everybody's parents, including my own, had come to America from Europe.

Christopher Walken

Including Friends Quotes #190689
#29. I remember when I was a kid being called names, including the 'n' word. The first time that happened, it really bothered me. But most of the people I dealt with were all white. Most of my close friends were white.

Ken Griffey Jr.

Including Friends Quotes #631806
#30. In other words, the more you are identified with your mind, the more you suffer.

Eckhart Tolle

Including Friends Quotes #271392
#31. The thing suicides don't focus on is their wake. Not just your parents and siblings, but your friends, your girlfriends, your classmates, your teachers.' I like the way he seems to think I have many, many people depending on me, including not just one but multiple girlfriends.

Jennifer Niven

Including Friends Quotes #277647
#32. Her friends say she is very funny. At a family dinner, she stood to go, and the footman very properly pulled her chair away. At that moment I asked her a question and she sat down again, except there was no chair. Everyone, including the Queen, laughed and laughed.

Prince Andrew

Including Friends Quotes #280209
#33. I'm a first-generation American, so I had friends from several cultures while growing up, including Indian and Iranian friends.

Michael Steger

Including Friends Quotes #302924
#34. Russia is opposed to the proliferation of mass destruction weapons, including nuclear weapons, and in this context we call upon our Iranian friends to abandon the uranium enrichment programme.

Vladimir Putin

Including Friends Quotes #311476
#35. David," I said, "no matter what my intentions are, everything I write winds up turning into fiction, including my letters to friends.

Peter Straub

Including Friends Quotes #382540
#36. Everyone has weaknesses, including vampires, werewolves, and witches. But real friends don't care about those weaknesses. They stand together and help each other overcome them'~~~~ Ladon to Gage.

Nicole Storey

Including Friends Quotes #499455
#37. We were playing a small club in San Diego and the power had gone out in the building. Eddie had a lighter and kept us lit backstage. We became very good friends and spent a lot of time together including hearing Eddie sing in some of the bands he was in at the time.

Jack Irons

Including Friends Quotes #558304

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