Top 33 If I Could Do It Again Quotes

#1. I enjoyed every minute of it, I traveled all over North America, racing everywhere I could, and I had fun with it. I didn't make a whole lot of money, but if I could do it again today, I'd do it, and I think I'd make it.

Louise Smith

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #323905
#2. As a ballplayer, I would be delighted to do it again. As an individual, I doubt if I could possibly go through it again.

Roger Maris

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #1313054
#3. And if he went into the dark again, this time I would be there to find him
to follow him. Because I thought, perhaps quite immaturely, that my love could help him. Maybe our love could do even more than just help
maybe it could heal him. Fix him. Fix everything

A Meredith Walters

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #681289
#4. If I could do it all over again," he said, his speech slow and vaguely mangled by his massive lower lip, "I'd just let myself be trampled to death by the Satan Pig.

John Green

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #684133
#5. If I could do it all again, I would start three hundred years ago, and write twice as fast.

Peter James West

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #701810
#6. I knew that one movie could either kill my career or give birth to it. It's the same thing with Nelson. If you fail at Nelson [movie about nelson Mandela], you don't get to comeback and say, 'Well, I was trying. Let me do it again.' There are no re-takes.

Terrence Howard

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #898024
#7. Would you do something for me? Please? Would you just picture your life for me? Thirty years from now, forty years from now? What's it look like? If it's with that guy, go. Go! I lost you once, I think I could do it again, if I thought it's what you really wanted.

Nicholas Sparks

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #1183018
#8. I would never do something like Speed 2 again. If I'd wanted to make those kind of movies I could have signed up for five of them while it was in the can. It wasn't worth it to me. That was just an innocuous, boring movie.

Jason Patric

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #1213939
#9. I love to cook like a mad man. If I could do it all over again? I would be a NBA basketball player.

Henry Zebrowski

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #1280944
#10. If you experience this feeling once, you will want to go back and do it again. This was the first time it happened to me, and like the first kiss, it was very special. I knew then that I could call myself mathematician.

Edward Frenkel

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #627783
#11. If there were one more thing I could do, it would be to go on safari once again.

Isak Dinesen

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #1350515
#12. Do you think, Sam, that even if it were only my own heart at risk, I could pour it into your hands again?"
"Then just take mine. I'm not doing anything else with it.

Nora Roberts

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #1408724
#13. If I could do it all again, I'd be a plumber.

Albert Einstein

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #1552672
#14. I realized I made a big mistake and if I could have it over again, I would do it so much differently.

Hansie Cronje

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #1660742
#15. So there is nothing to be afraid of. And yet I am afraid, afraid of what my words will do to me, to my refuge, yet again. Is there really nothing new to try? I mentioned my hope, but it is not serious. If I could speak and yet say nothing, really nothing?

Samuel Beckett

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #1787515
#16. I'll tell you what: If I could do it all over again, I'd spend more time helping others. All I've ever done is dig tunnels. Some of them were real beauties too, but they're all hidden underground, where they're no good to anyone but me.

Peter Brown

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #1835638
#17. For the past couple of nights when I'd lain down beside her, after she'd called asleep and I knew she couldn't hear me, I'd promised her that she'd never have to forgive me again if she could do it one last time.

Nicole Jacquelyn

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #1873877
#18. It could get saturated or monotonous if I would do the same characters again and again. That is why, to save myself from that feeling, I take time out to choose roles that excite me.

Rani Mukerji

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #645394
#19. I know we just met and i know this is gonna sound crazy, but if i could fix it, i would. I'd do anything to never have to see you sad or worried again.

M. Leighton

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #560949
#20. One, your hair is stupid. And two, I don't know what it's like where you come from, but if you ever do anything that could get me sent back to Brooklyn again, I won't just break your nose. I will motherfucking kill you.

Lev Grossman

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #555521
#21. If it's anything that's going to result in suffering to animals or people, then I don't think [the end] justifies the means ... Yeah; but then again if you could hurt ten people to save 100 people and there was no option, what would you do? I can't really address that.

Ingrid Newkirk

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #528139
#22. Film is new for me so I'm so fascinated by it and love it, but I would pass out if I could never do theater again. I'd be physically ill!

Nina Arianda

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #527364
#23. If you can look back at your entire life and at the end of the day and say, 'You know? My life was good. I'm pleased with how it all turned out . . . and if I could do it all over again, I'd be happy to' - those people have integrity," Norma told her students.

Erika Hayasaki

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #521271
#24. I don't want to do something just for money or fame; I have to enjoy working on it! If I start to work for everyone and everything, I could not look at myself in the mirror again.


If I Could Do It Again Quotes #429141
#25. I'm not perfect. I've made mistakes. I'd do a lot of things different if I could. I'd never, ever, get involved with surrogacy again. It's so weird.

Mary Beth Whitehead

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #402216
#26. It's a hard life ... but if I could, I would do it all again.

Natalia Makarova

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #377685
#27. I found myself in the changed man theory the other night thinking, "Yeah." I thought, "My god. If we could do this again," but there was nothing specific there. There's just the kind of vague sensation of how I'd like it to go. I allowed myself that gift to think that.

Pierce Brosnan

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #348340
#28. I was thinking recently, I've always loved the ocean. If I could do it all again, I might do an oceanography degree. You can do ocean archaeology, and I thought that might be fascinating to do - man-made structures, where the sea has risen above the structures.

Theo James

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #324205
#29. Well If I could live my life again differently, there are things I would do and things I wouldn't do. Like drugs, I wouldn't deal with drugs and guns, I wouldn't deal with it, a whole lot of things, that's the truth

Gregory Isaacs

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #308354
#30. I'd like to do the young cadet thing again for sure, but that's why I wanted to do this, to see if I could do it. I took the scenes out of the script and put them together and read them as one little arc, story and that seemed to work.

Scott Speedman

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #272364
#31. If I could do it all over again, I'd be the mailman. I love housewives, and I hate dogs. What more is there?

Norman Fell

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #223898
#32. I could do Rust In Peace again, but I don't want to. I could have followed that formula but, God, why? I would have to have done so much heroin and cocaine - and I wasn't going to. Not if I'm paying for it!

Dave Mustaine

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #144721
#33. I think if I could do it over again - as much as I loved meeting the people I did on the films after 'Matilda' - I wish that I had stopped after 'Matilda.' I wish that I had just focused on my own life for a while.

Mara Wilson

If I Could Do It Again Quotes #104845

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