Top 10 Ibrahima Kassory Quotes

#1. It is as if the fact that God is light, penetrating and manifesting everything, is so absolutely important that darkness and bondage can and must exist for the light's sake.

Hans Urs Von Balthasar

Ibrahima Kassory Quotes #265363
#2. Humans wasted so much time being redundant.

Becky Chambers

Ibrahima Kassory Quotes #436167
#3. I'm the Hiroshima of love.

Sylvester Stallone

Ibrahima Kassory Quotes #493812
#4. Your heart is your soul twinkling in the black firmament inside you ...

John Geddes

Ibrahima Kassory Quotes #586878
#5. Solomon saith: There is no new thing upon
the earth. So that as Plato had an imagination,
that all knowledge was but remembrance; so
Solomon giveth his sentence, that all novelty is
but oblivion.
Francis Bacon: Essays, LVIII

Jorge Luis Borges

Ibrahima Kassory Quotes #966103
#6. The first time I tried to write was when I was 14, after I got an electric guitar. I put a song together, and it wasn't that bad! The writing came natural to me.

Tom Petty

Ibrahima Kassory Quotes #1055766
#7. I've never really separated out the spiritual and the secular.

Alan Green

Ibrahima Kassory Quotes #1071627
#8. win some, learn some..


Ibrahima Kassory Quotes #1182593
#9. Loyalty is earned with friendliness, responsiveness, ease of doing business, fair value, and the good feeling customers get when they call you, visit you, or interact with you.

Jeffrey Gitomer

Ibrahima Kassory Quotes #1327496
#10. I am very lustful. I am in this fortunate or unfortunate position being bisexual in that I have twice as many people to lust over. So i can get hard on tour. I dont think lust is a sin - People should have sex as much and in as many situations as possible. Then theyd be less uptight..

Brian Molko

Ibrahima Kassory Quotes #1858908

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