Top 51 Iain Thomas Quotes
#1. If nothing else, one day you can look someone straight in the eyes and say But I lived through it. And it made me who I am today.
Iain Thomas
#2. I hope that if love hurts, it teaches you something about yourself or about someone else.
Iain S. Thomas
#3. But life isn't something that should be edited. Life shouldn't be cut. The only way you'll ever discover what it truly means to be alive and human is by sharing the full experience of what it means to be human and each blemish and freckle that comes with it.
Iain Thomas
#4. Maybe you're one of those people that believes that sometimes, the most reckless thing you can do with your heart, is not being reckless with it.
Iain Thomas
#5. I have a list in my head of all the feelings I still want to feel before I die. And you have ticked so many things off that list.
Iain Thomas
#6. If you really want to know, I just hope I die before I get boring.
Iain S. Thomas
#7. There are a million ways to bleed. But you are by far my favorite.
Iain Thomas
#8. Draw every bad word you've ever called yourself on your body. Stand in the shower and pay attention to the way the words turn back into ink and disappear down the drain.
Iain S. Thomas
#9. There is no prose as inspiring as a single human being with the courage to live well.
Iain S. Thomas
#10. Somewhere across the interstate
Exposure to the drug trade of emotions
And the tsunami and typhoon of feelings
Has made us all cops and robbers
Of what we keep in the cavities
In our chests
Iain S. Thomas
#11. There was a research article I read with the headline, "Love Is A Single Act Committed By Two Brains," because of the way oxytocin levels rose in a mother and a son when they hugged. I wish more poets became scientists
Iain S. Thomas
#12. That's what it feels like when you touch me. Like millions of tiny universes being born and then dying in the space between your finger and my skin. Sometimes I forget.
Iain Thomas
#13. Now if only I could do something about my neurosis that forces me to narrate my life out loud for everyone to hear, I said, to no one in particular.
Iain S. Thomas
#14. Sometimes I have a weird dream that we're all relatively brief sparks of consciousness that live on a rock circling a ball of fire.
Iain S. Thomas
#15. I know you're not here, I can see it in your eyes when we talk. Where ever you are, come back soon
Iain Thomas
#16. Stop telling me to follow my heart. It once led me to you.
Iain Thomas
#17. Everyone changes so slowly, they don't even know that they have. And everyone likes to pretend that things are just the same yet they look at you like you could bring something back that's supposed to already be here. But home is a time. Not just a place.
Iain Thomas
#18. Never apologize for how you feel. No one can control how they feel. The sun doesn't apologize for being the sun. The rain doesn't say sorry for falling. Feelings just are
Iain S. Thomas
#19. When it rains, the river will try and and take you away from me.
Which is why, when it rains, we must hold onto each other, just a little tighter.
Iain S. Thomas
#20. Sometimes I touch the things you used to touch, looking for echoes of your fingers.
Iain Thomas
#21. Does it hurt? What is it?"
"It's not food poisoning, it's not a hazard to public health."
"What is it?"
"It's just an ache you've given me. I'll live. But only with you.
Iain S. Thomas
#22. And when I asked you how you'd been, I meant I missed you more than I've ever missed anything before.
Iain Thomas
#23. And he loves her. He loves her like he can never grab enough of her between his fingers
Iain S. Thomas
#24. I hope you never hate anything longer than you need to.
Iain S. Thomas
#25. What follows is what happens each time I fall. I do not know if these things really happen but this is what I believe happens. As your eyes move across these words, some sacred engine is coming back to life and I am beginning to fall again. Sometimes, it feels like I'm floating
Iain S. Thomas
#26. I'm not the person you left behind anymore. There's no one here to miss.
Iain Thomas
#27. This is my skin. It keeps out the rain and words I'd rather not hear like "I'm tired" or "I'm fine" or "We need to talk."
This is my skin and it's thick. This is not your skin. Yet you are still under it.
Iain S. Thomas
#28. You are well within your rights to stand up, interrupt everyone around you and say, 'This is not who I am. This is not what I want. I'm sorry, but you've mistaken me for somebody else.
Iain S. Thomas
#29. Everyone just kind of leans their expectations of who you are on you and it makes you petrified of who you really might be.
Iain S. Thomas
#31. She was real to me. And while I can be logical about this, logic has never once mended a broken heart or fixed a sundered soul. She has poisoned the very core of me. A dream has killed me
Iain S. Thomas
#32. This is why it hurts the way it hurts.
You have too many words in your head. There are too many ways to describe the way you feel. You will never have the luxury of a dull ache.
You must suffer through the intricacy of feeling too much
Iain S. Thomas
#33. History is a series of difficult choices. The only reason there's anything left of the human race, the only reason we're still here is because men like me made those difficult choices
Iain S. Thomas
#34. The conversation between your fingers and someone else's skin. This is the most important discussion you can ever have.
Iain Thomas
#35. I need you to understand something. I wrote this for you. I wrote this for you and only you. Everyone else who reads it, doesn't get it. They may think they get it, but they don't. This is the sign you've been looking for. You were meant to read these words.
Iain S. Thomas
#36. The problem with the chemicals in my head is they lead to feelings in the rest of me.
Iain S. Thomas
#37. I hope you discover that love is both a feeling and an action, like light is both a particle and a wave.
Iain S. Thomas
#38. Your nerve endings
I know their plot
To attack
My never endings
Until we fall asleep
In each other's arms
Iain S. Thomas
#39. The world is hard because you may wake up today but not tomorrow. And yet no one will accept "fear of death and a futile existence" as a reasonable excuse to miss work.
The world is hard because you will have to fight for the things you love or worse, fight the things you love.
Iain Thomas
#40. I like to think that somewhere out there, on a planet exactly like ours, two people exactly like you and me made totally different choices and that, somewhere, we're still together. That's enough for me.
Iain Thomas
#41. I'd study the science of you until I turned it into an art.
The way your atoms rub together.
Molecules colliding.
Chemistry building.
Explosions of heat and radiation burning
like a star at the end of the world.
Iain Thomas
#42. No bird ever looked at a plane in envy
Iain Thomas
#43. What about artists who aren't nice people? They're just nice people who cared too much for a person or a world that hurt them too much. So now they chase the world and people away.
Iain S. Thomas
#44. It's not the things you don't want that drag you under. It's the things you think you want.
Those, are the killers.
Iain S. Thomas
#45. Someone you haven't even met yet is wondering what it'd be like to know someone like you.
Iain Thomas
#46. Elsewhere are two letters that were never sent, because of pride, each a declaration of love that would've changed lives
Iain S. Thomas
#47. If you are lucky, one day you'll get the chance to have your life defined by how much you loved and were loved by someone else.
Iain S. Thomas
#48. I keep thinking you already know. I keep thinking I've sent you letters that were only ever written in my mind.
Iain Thomas
#49. The feeling you get when you think of something amazing and then forget it and know that it felt amazing but you cant remember the details. Then, minutes later, you remember it again and you're so grateful because you nearly lost something, forever. Except, this time, its a person. Not an idea.
Iain S. Thomas
#50. A man becomes his thoughts and these are now yours.
Iain S. Thomas
#51. I hope you love whenever you're given the chance to love.
Iain S. Thomas
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