Top 19 I Never Thought This Would Happen Quotes

#1. I love you," I said. "God, I never thought this would happen to me."
"But it did," she whispered. "It happened and all we can do now is take care of each other. Live in the little moments, right? Just like we promised. The little moments. We have so many. Thousands upon thousands.

Emma Scott

I Never Thought This Would Happen Quotes #1627053
#2. I guess I'm a little charmed. I never thought this would happen so quick.

Skeet Ulrich

I Never Thought This Would Happen Quotes #659417
#3. Would it hurt to die? All those times he had thought it was about to happen and escaped, he had never really thought of the thing itself: his will to live had always been so much stronger than his fear of death.

J.K. Rowling

I Never Thought This Would Happen Quotes #1653530
#4. How could I let this happen? How could I let it get this far? I never thought Malyn would have the same feelin's for me as I did for her. I'm dead, for goodness sakes. It's not like we can live happily ever after. I can't live at all.

Janae Mitchell

I Never Thought This Would Happen Quotes #1595190
#5. It's about you. I always thought that you would need some time, you know, to grow up, but I think I just realized that it's never going to happen, not while I'm sitting around waiting for it.

Emma Straub

I Never Thought This Would Happen Quotes #1590589
#6. I was pretty sure I would never have to worry about finding the right guy. I thought it would happen for me the way it happened for my parents and for my grandparents. They got to the right age, they found the right person, they got married, they had kids.

Rainbow Rowell

I Never Thought This Would Happen Quotes #1509623
#7. I'm just a girl from a trailer park who had a dream. I never thought this would ever happen.

Hilary Swank

I Never Thought This Would Happen Quotes #1342458
#8. Fun. I'm not the kind of guy kids picked on in school, but I've seen it happen. I've never really given much thought to being cool. I don't really think about it one way or the other.

Logan Lerman

I Never Thought This Would Happen Quotes #1128161
#9. And in the middle of one of those scenes, I suddenly felt my heart just open: it was overwhelming, to the point where I got teary-eyed. Never would I have thought anything like that could happen in a love scene.

Sheryl Lee

I Never Thought This Would Happen Quotes #1126254
#10. He does things I have never seen from any other player and it really is marvellous to watch. It takes a great player to grab the bull by the horns and make things happen, but he has done it repeatedly. He has been even better than people here thought he would be and that's saying something.

Cristiano Ronaldo

I Never Thought This Would Happen Quotes #1021458
#11. I promised my mum that if something did happen to her, although I never thought anything would, I told her that I wouldn't give up on acting until I got my Oscar. This was her dream for me.

Cory Hardrict

I Never Thought This Would Happen Quotes #782752
#12. By my mid-30s, I just thought, 'This is not going to happen. I am never going to become an astronaut in the U.K.'

David Mackay

I Never Thought This Would Happen Quotes #586600
#13. Why is freedom such a hard sell? That's the question. In this country, why has the idea of individual liberty and responsibility become such a hard sell? That's something I never thought would happen here.

Rush Limbaugh

I Never Thought This Would Happen Quotes #514389
#14. Some things in life only happen once, the memories of them lasting forever. they're moments that alter you, turning you into a person you never thought you'd become, but someone you were always destined to be.

J.M. Darhower

I Never Thought This Would Happen Quotes #350291
#15. I never not wanted to be a singer. Since I was 3, I knew this was what I wanted to do. Well, I can't say I wanted to do it, but I fantasized and thought about it all the time. I never thought it would actually happen.

Lisa Marie Presley

I Never Thought This Would Happen Quotes #218203
#16. Never say "I don't care"! We are all looking up to you. Dare to break the fence that confines you! Make it happen!

Israelmore Ayivor

I Never Thought This Would Happen Quotes #212207
#17. As quiet as I am I find it amazing I can stand in front of hundreds of people now and make a speech because i've had to do it so much. I've so much support from the people around me that I can achieve something like that, crazy introvert that I am, I never would have thought that would happen.

Jennifer Yuh Nelson

I Never Thought This Would Happen Quotes #91676
#18. He thought he would become accustomed to the idea, not yet understanding that it is useless to become accustomed to the loss of a father, for it will never happen a second time: might as well leave the wound open.

Umberto Eco

I Never Thought This Would Happen Quotes #31347
#19. The craziest thing is walking down the streets of New York and people recognizing me and asking for my photo. It has been pretty wild. I am used to getting spotted in ski towns, but I never thought it would happen in a place like this.

Nick Goepper

I Never Thought This Would Happen Quotes #17364

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