Top 21 Hungriest Quotes

#1. The hungriest wolf leads the pack.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Hungriest Quotes #475410
#2. But sometimes the ugliest ones are the hungriest ones abed.

George R R Martin

Hungriest Quotes #672853
#3. They were accustomed to being interrupted. Whoever was hungriest to speak, spoke. I wasn't hungry in that same way. I was hungry to listen.

Rachel Kushner

Hungriest Quotes #888862
#4. The only way to make beauty ugly is to show it's crazy. Like twisting the top off a jar of something wonderful to eat, the moment he's hit by the terrible smell of it gone bad, even the hungriest person will drop the jar in the trash without a second thought.

Jonathan Carroll

Hungriest Quotes #1166907
#5. The union miner cannot agree to the acceptance of a wage principle which will permit his annual earnings and his living standards to be determined by the hungriest unfortunates whom the non-union operators can employ.

John L. Lewis

Hungriest Quotes #1184113
#6. When your kids are their hungriest, put out raw vegetables and dip - simple. It takes two seconds.

Andie MacDowell

Hungriest Quotes #1207972
#7. In really bad times, the hungriest would gather at his door at nightfall, vying for the chance to earn a few coins to feed their families by selling their bodies. Had I been older when my father died, I might have been among them. Instead I learned to hunt.

Suzanne Collins

Hungriest Quotes #1469702
#8. Survival has never really been the province of the fittest. Merely the hungriest.


Hungriest Quotes #1698184
#9. Little world, full of little people
shouting for recognition, screaming for love,
Rolling world, teeming with millions,
carousel of the hungry,
Is there food enough? Wheat and corn will not do.
The fat are the hungriest of all, the skinny the most silent.

James Kavanaugh

Hungriest Quotes #463898
#10. Life happened. In all its banality, brutality, cruelty, unfairness. But also in its beauty, pleasures and delights. Life happened.

Thrity Umrigar

Hungriest Quotes #1698523
#11. Time went by. It could be proved that it did, although so little happened.

Elizabeth Taylor

Hungriest Quotes #1318597
#12. THAT'S PATHETIC, YELENA," Dax complained. "An all-powerful Soulfinder who isn't all-powerful. Where's the fun in that?" He threw up his long thin arms in mock frustration.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not the one who attached the 'all-powerful' to the title.

Maria V. Snyder

Hungriest Quotes #1298594
#13. Maybe my limbs are made
mostly for decoration,
like the way I feel about

Ada Limon

Hungriest Quotes #1168480

John L. Ransom

Hungriest Quotes #1019608
#15. Certain of Poe's tales possess an almost absolute perfection of artistic form which makes them veritable beacon-lights in the province of the short story.

H.P. Lovecraft

Hungriest Quotes #964272
#16. Challenges are opportunities for me to grow. The more I learn, the more equipped I am to handle whatever situations come up.

Louise Hay

Hungriest Quotes #847320
#17. Happiness is your birthright. Live it!

Harbhajan Singh Yogi

Hungriest Quotes #724657
#18. We can create any sort of flavor on a printed image that we set our minds to.

Homaro Cantu

Hungriest Quotes #668347
#19. We all have the archetype inside us of the enlightened being.

Dan Millman

Hungriest Quotes #621047
#20. Though I seek heaven on earth, the longer I live, the more I realize... I should not seek it here.

Alexa Stewart

Hungriest Quotes #517475
#21. I love 'Training Day' - that's a great movie.

Jake Gyllenhaal

Hungriest Quotes #210706

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