Top 14 Humayoon Khan Quotes

#1. The wonder is that communism lasted so long. But then again, modern poetry lasted a long time, too.

P. J. O'Rourke

Humayoon Khan Quotes #182997
#2. He who walks in the middle of the roads gets hit from both sides.

George Schultz

Humayoon Khan Quotes #253592
#3. We weren't One Hit Wonders. We had a few hits.

Gary Cherone

Humayoon Khan Quotes #739981
#4. I'm afraid we get a great deal of our exposure to art through magazines and through slides and I think this is dreadful, this is anti-art because art is direct experience with something in the world and photography is just a rumor, a kind of pornography of art.

Carl Andre

Humayoon Khan Quotes #929808
#5. I've never had a day at work where I wasn't thrilled and grateful to be there, wherever that might be.

Robert Kazinsky

Humayoon Khan Quotes #1123238
#6. We always long for the forbidden things, and desire what is denied us.

Francois Rabelais

Humayoon Khan Quotes #1158581
#7. You make sacrifices to become a mother, but you really find yourself and your soul.

Mariska Hargitay

Humayoon Khan Quotes #1208858
#8. I had the feeling, when the thoughts first clarified on paper, that my experience was very different from other people's. (Are we all under this illusion?)

Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Humayoon Khan Quotes #1323627
#9. It isn't important how much you are giving but it is very important that you are giving.

Debasish Mridha

Humayoon Khan Quotes #1333344

Amy King

Humayoon Khan Quotes #1338677
#11. And truly, God does not make known his will to us, that the knowledge of it may perish with us; but that we may be his witnesses to posterity and that they may deliver the knowledge received through us, from hand to hand, (as we say,) to their descendants.

John Calvin

Humayoon Khan Quotes #1375927
#12. The money can be a hindrance to someone like me because the danger is that you start thinking, 'Is that a $20 million take?' That kind of thing, and being self-critical.

Jim Carrey

Humayoon Khan Quotes #1405610
#13. Good anecdote
bad reality.

Carrie Fisher

Humayoon Khan Quotes #1711195
#14. The Corps has always believed that the most powerful weapon its people possesses is between their ears.

Tanya Huff

Humayoon Khan Quotes #1807485

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