Top 100 Hugh Howey Quotes

#1. Hugh Howey and Amanda Hocking come to mind immediately as authors who managed to build a successful following without the initial support of a large publisher.

Jennifer Armintrout

Hugh Howey Quotes #947386
#2. Amanda Hocking and Hugh Howey have been successful in their self-publishing ventures. But notice that Hocking would prefer to write and hand over the editing, promotion, and selling to a traditional publisher.

Ellen Datlow

Hugh Howey Quotes #1505065
#3. She could tell he was exhausted, maybe half as much as she was, but he was still willing to do anything for her. It made her sad, someone being this loyal to her.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #16198
#4. inferred by the pattern to either side, the small pyramidal bumps rising from the flat steel with their crisp edges and flecks of paint. Holston lifted an old boot to an old step, pressed down,

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #16218
#5. Ever since I was twelve, I dreamed of being an author. I just never had the fortitude to see any of my stories through to completion. I would start a book, get a few chapters in, and grow bored or get distracted by something else.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #16879
#6. My life is too tight, he wanted to say. My skin is too tight. The walls are too tight.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #23106
#7. her down. She was limited by biology and her flightsuit. Dwelling on her own constraints gave Molly another crazy idea. She recognized the old Tchung ship designs they were up against. If the missiles

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #28921
#8. The best kisses in the world take place at night, in the ocean, with two naked bodies coiled around one another, only the stars to keep them company.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #29365
#9. No good coming from the truth? Knowing the truth is always good. And better that it's us discovering it than someone else, right?

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #33920
#10. Better to join a ghost than to be haunted by them. Better no life than an empty one-

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #36418
#11. I wanted to leave my decision-making behind, along with my responsibility for all future ones.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #47381
#12. Just know that it takes a bit of courage to unlearn that shame, and to be there for others when they try to unlearn that shame, and that it all gets easier after you feel how healthy it is.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #50075
#13. He knew it was too late. The others had heard. Everyone had heard.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #53184
#14. It explains the great quandary of why the most depressed societies are those with the fewest wants.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #58097
#15. Was this how it began? One silly woman with fire in her blood stirring the hearts of a legion of fools?

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #59710
#16. Predict the inevitable", she said, "and you're bound to be right one day.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #65171
#17. The lives lost are of less consequence than the spoils gained.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #68146
#18. Health and understanding seem to intersect in one's forties, the one peaking as the other begins its slow ascent. Maybe you'll know one day what you should've taken the time to appreciate.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #76900
#19. It's the intoxication of nirvana. That's how you get us to endure this life. You promise us heaven, don't you? But what do you know of our hell?

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #81225
#20. Evan Price is not a man to be questioned. He is a man who will question you.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #81375
#21. The greater our cognitive dissonance, the more creative our rationalizations, and the more important we will make the goals that we are pretending to accomplish.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #91438
#22. Fucking NASA. In a horror movie, when everyone is hugging their shins and shouting for the main character to turn and run, or crawl under the bed, or call the cops, or grab a gun, NASA would be the dude in the back shouting, Go see what made that noise! And take a flashlight!

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #93019
#23. After a pause, Andrew says that these buildings will always be here, that they will outlive us all. And I believe him. "But just imagine," my mammal brain says, "if you took this one we're standing in down in such a way that it toppled into that guy.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #95009
#24. There have been a few workers we had to deep-freeze, some who aren't fit for another shift.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #100832
#25. It's never too late to stop regretting. It's never too late to see your present self as the young one and to listen to the person you hope to become.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #117156
#26. And one day, my love, you will know it, too.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #137573
#27. The ones and zeros like snow, descend and blanket my eyes, forming all.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #143307
#28. And the stains would never wash out. That's what Lukas was saying. She would always have hurt her father. Was that the way to phrase it? Always have had. It was immortal tense. A new rule of grammar.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #154831
#29. She could tell he was heading toward a bad place. She had seen him go there often enough, knew he had shortcuts he could take to get there in no time.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #155131
#30. He could imagine how nice it would be to not understand. To see one's microcosm as the macrocosm. To focus a meter beyond one's own nose.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #156334
#31. And Lukas would tell them to be good to each other, that there were only so many of them left, and that all the books and all the stars in the universe were pointless with no one to read them, no one to peer through the parting clouds for them. He

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #156892
#32. Once guns were made, who would unmake them? Barrels rested on shoulders and bristled like pincushions above the crowd. There were things, like spoken ideas, that were almost impossible to take back. And he reckoned his people were about to make many more of them.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #161487
#33. Walker was the one who had taught Scottie that it's always okay to admit when you don't know something. If you couldn't do this, you would never truly know anything.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #190326
#34. Between the last glimmer of morning stars above, and the size of the leaves beneath me, the mountains provided one last blow to my ego - my sense of belonging to this universe - and made all else seem insignificant by comparison. "It's

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #194923
#35. the machines slowly rebuilding with recent history, having been wiped completely during the uprising. Access

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #225764
#36. There were piles of tailings and chunks of concrete studded with rebar around the oil rig, which continued to bob its head up and down as if it knew the sad ways of the world, as if depressedly resigned to what was happening, as if saying: 'Of course. Of course.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #226510
#37. Love was earned and hard-fought and cherished. It was Marco's face and his rough palm on her cheek. It wasn't something a family got for being a family.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #231690
#38. That's the problem with the truth," Darcy said. "Liars and honest men both claim to have it.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #233139
#39. People from IT sent to replace those they'd killed. Juliette's

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #242009
#40. Wisely and slowly; they stumble that run fast.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #244017
#41. She imagined herself at age nine, running through these very halls, crying out to her older self across the years.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #248788
#42. Sometimes a thing needed opening before closure was found.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #264706
#43. Why don't we approach literature like we approach music and the fine arts?

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #266543
#44. By the time you're reading this warning, you've already acted responsibly.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #270066
#45. The Sherpa of Changli had a saying: A man can count on two hands all the climbs he conquers, and that man conquers nothing. I always took this to mean the more we summit the more we lose.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #270867
#46. She was desperate for contact, and this stranger was the only person she knew little enough to want it from.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #274692
#47. I clamp down on those memories. I embrace fresher torments. But my shrink warned me about this, how anger and depression get misassigned, and how if I don't work through shit it'll keep resurfacing in ways I don't expect.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #280515
#48. It hit her like a loved one turning his back while she was falling, like some great bond that wasn't simply taken away but never truly existed.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #282628
#49. And the earth sat upon his broken chest.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #283945
#50. Toward the voice. The night-shift doctor was heading his way, weaving between the pods, coming for him. Troy clasped his hand over the soreness on his arm. He didn't want to be taken again.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #290038
#51. A seed of hope caught a taste of moisture. Some wishful kernel buried deep, where he was loathe to acknowledge it lest it poison or choke him, began to sprout.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #291387
#52. While he lived on and on, freezing and thawing, these mortals went through routines, lived and died, unaware that he even existed. 'It's

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #292382
#53. It's because fear sells. It's because war is sport. And it's also very good business.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #301302
#54. The Loud came before the quiet. That was a Rule of the World, for the bangs and shouts need somewhere to echo, just as bodies need space in which to fall.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #302602
#55. I'd rather excite the imagination of a legion of readers and make pennies from each of them than hold off for a larger chunk of change from only a handful of fans.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #305316
#56. She came alive as one returns from sleep. Alive but different. An empty husk capable of thought, of hearing, of processing. Of wanting men dead.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #316169
#57. But some scars are memories that have faded, and some memories go with scars that no longer exist.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #319924
#58. The hard things got easier the more you did them.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #326219
#59. Could someone have decided that the truth was worse than a loss of power, of control?

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #328752
#60. It wasn't that pain grew tolerable or the confusion went away. Instead, it simply became familiar. It became a part of you.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #333324
#61. Our actions, you know? They last forever. Whatever we do, it'll always be what we did. There's no taking them back.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #343888
#62. The best thing I ever did in life was nothing, and I got a medal for it. I was a hero once. And if you look at my picture, that's all I'll ever be. Minutes

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #346385
#63. What felt interminable the first time now passes with a quickness borne of familiarity. It makes me wonder if life seems to accelerate as we get older simply because our days and our experiences become routine. The things we recognize flash right by, where once they held our attention.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #356167
#64. How truth and lies seemed black and white, but mixed together, they made everything gray and confusing.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #357837
#65. And now you see why some facts, some pieces of knowledge, have to be snuffed out as soon as they form. Curiosity would blow across such embers and burn this silo to the ground.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #357856
#66. Her life was not yet over, she decided. It just felt this way.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #358755
#67. Wasn't the worst, either. In the distance, low rolling hills stood, a pretty shade of brown, like coffee mash with just the right amount of pig's milk in it. The sky above the hills was the same dull gray of his childhood and his father's childhood and his grandfather's childhood. The only

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #360606
#68. The things we recognize flash right by, where once they held our attention. Only the new bears careful contemplation, and the new gets harder and harder to come by.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #364264
#69. I reckon he only ever wanted you to be happy. That's why he was the man for you.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #364518
#70. This is the art of rationalization, and we do it so often that some researchers believe that a majority of our time is spent rationalizing. That is, we go around much of the day lying to ourselves about why we are doing most of the things we do. When

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #364597
#71. Like I said, I'm not very good at this job.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #368765
#72. Hello, pineapples,' he whispered. He bent his head toward his lap and punctured the can, listening closely. The pineapples whispered back. They told him they were safe to eat.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #370885
#73. My only wish is that we leave room for hope. There is good and bad in all things. We find what we expect to find. We see what we expect to see. I have learned that if I tilt my head just right and squint, the world outside is beautiful. The future is bright. There are good things to come.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #372579
#74. Sometimes the real looks fake, especially when you've looked at the fake for so long.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #399115
#75. Where a story ends is nothing more than a snapshot in time, a brief flash of emotion, a pause. How and if it continues is up to us.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #400469
#76. Her first thought was of food. The ding meant Donny bringing her food.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #401033
#77. Them up and trying to oil them, sand them, make them into something they could never be again - how

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #401078
#78. Was that the way to phrase it? Always have had. It was immortal tense. A new rule of grammar. Always have had gotten friends killed.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #403832
#79. Imagination just wasn't up to the task of understanding unique and foreign sensations. It knew only how to dampen or augment what it already knew. - Juliette, Pg. 139

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #405089
#80. Here was one man who knew of her secret love.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #406571
#81. ....faking his real life so he can live his fake one.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #409023
#82. Each step was performed reluctantly, knowing how grueling it would be to win that elevation back.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #414761
#83. I've been married more to his ghost than to him.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #420852
#84. He had only needed to see it once - to kill a man - but even that was too much.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #423337
#85. I also very purposefully employ the caps button, because they can, in this way, hear us scream in space:

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #423419
#86. Another thing I noticed was how quickly the human brain paired causal events. "A" leads to "B." We love to make that link, however tenuous.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #433345
#87. After a while, you're staying mad just to justify an old mistake. Then it's just a game. Two people staring away, refusing to look back over their shoulders, afraid to be the first one to take that chance.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #437888
#88. Often, though, it was the man with the most promises who got the chits, not the one who made people better.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #442402
#89. What would they see, anyone who had chosen to watch?

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #455612
#90. the absurdity of a smoking skyscraper.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #463867
#91. No more than what we need,

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #466675
#92. It doesn't bother me that I won't be around one day," Lukas said after a while. "I don't stress about the fact that I wasn't here a hundred years ago. I think death will be a lot like that. A hundred years from now my life will be just like it was a hundred years ago.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #471079
#93. His discovery was that evil men arose from evil systems, and that any man had the potential to be perverted. Which was why some systems needed to come to an end.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #475920
#94. I'm coming for you. I'm coming home, I'm coming to clean

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #476593
#95. The silo was something she had always taken for granted. The priests say it had always been here, that it was lovingly created by a caring God, that everything they would ever need had been provided for. Juliette had a hard time with this story.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #483421
#96. It was supposed to be people who died and cultures that lasted. Now it was the other way around.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #486901
#97. The shadow spoke of a culture forming that overvalued individuality, of children that wanted to get away from their families, of

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #488339
#98. As he entered the comm room, Troy wasn't sure if he should laugh or cry at the realization. Then he remembered how the world was run before, and that nothing had really changed. He chuckled sadly

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #493411
#99. Swiveling in his old wooden chair, the legs squeaking as if startled by the sudden movement, he glanced at the clock on the wall behind him and surveyed the time imprisoned behind its yellowed and crazed plastic dome.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #494701
#100. Here, kids celebrated whoever got away with the worst behavior while shunning anyone attempting to do the right thing.

Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey Quotes #497936

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