Top 8 Horrification Quotes

#1. Theater is like boxing - having the audience ringside. It's instant gratification. Or horrification.

Sylvester Stallone

Horrification Quotes #988294
#2. I think for a young journalist, it's better to write for the Web at the moment than it is for print.

Tina Brown

Horrification Quotes #48718
#3. I live in a kingdom of one.

Rakesh Satyal

Horrification Quotes #166114
#4. I think directors should at least take acting lessons to see what's going on. And I think all actors should direct to see what a director has to go through.

Penny Marshall

Horrification Quotes #248578
#5. You yourself are English and yet you do not seem to appreciate the quality of the English reaction to a direct question. It is invariably one of suspicion and the natural result is reticence.

Agatha Christie

Horrification Quotes #412658
#6. Here's a guy that when he puts his contacts in, he can see better.

Frank Caliendo

Horrification Quotes #731492
#7. Love is a strange creature that no man can understand

Lisa C. Miller

Horrification Quotes #1257227
#8. Some people are more forgiving when they understand a situation, while others become even more furious once they see the whole picture.

Jonathan Carroll

Horrification Quotes #1461093

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