Top 15 Horace Dodge Quotes

#1. Every rustic who delivers in the village alehouse his slow, infrequent sentences, may help to kill or keep alive the fatal superstitions which clog his race.

William Kingdon Clifford

Horace Dodge Quotes #183486
#2. data. Paul Collier is one of the few who has ventured a recent guess. He recently asked: "Is this dismal performance just an artifact of the data?

Morten Jerven

Horace Dodge Quotes #198984
#3. I listen to every thing, all kinds of stuff. I've been obsessed with the Nas and Damian Marley record, 'Distant Relatives.' I feel like a lot of people haven't heard it, and it's amazing.

Eve Jihan Jeffers

Horace Dodge Quotes #511123
#4. The one thing I do not want to be called is First Lady. It sounds like a saddle horse.

Jackie Kennedy

Horace Dodge Quotes #661404
#5. Originality consists in trying to be like everybody else - and failing.

Raymond Radiguet

Horace Dodge Quotes #673457
#6. be free is often to be lonely

Sheridan Hay

Horace Dodge Quotes #752604
#7. Mere communion with nature, mere contact with the free air, exercise a soothing yet comforting and strengthening influence on the wearied mind, calm the storm of passion, and soften the heart when shaken by sorrow to its inmost depths.

Alexander Von Humboldt

Horace Dodge Quotes #855468
#8. Difference is always the biggest challenge for humans. That's why we do enjoy reading or watching movies or watching TV. It's a personal challenge to get close to people that we never get close to.

Franka Potente

Horace Dodge Quotes #1090967
#9. It's better to be loved than feared, but if you can't be loved, then fear will do.-Dino quoting Machiavelli

Laurell K. Hamilton

Horace Dodge Quotes #1212987
#10. Bread has been made (indifferent) from potatoes;
And galvanism has set some corpses grinning,
But has not answer'd like the apparatus
Of the Humane Society's beginning,
By which men are unsuffocated gratis:
What wondrous new machines have late been spinning.

Lord Byron

Horace Dodge Quotes #1227941
#11. A writer who waits for ideal conditions under which to work will die without putting a word to paper.

E.B. White

Horace Dodge Quotes #1340781
#12. It looks better. I mean, it's still creepy as hell, but it's back to its regular level of creepy.

Rachel Hawkins

Horace Dodge Quotes #1348590
#13. Those who would renegotiate the boundaries between church and state must therefore answer a difficult question: why would we trade a system that has served us so well for one that has served others so poorly?

Sandra Day O'Connor

Horace Dodge Quotes #1488650
#14. The most important thing for me is to continue to impact people through my work.

Roberto Aguire

Horace Dodge Quotes #1537516
#15. The more we love, the more it hurts, and the more we have to let go.

Mary E. DeMuth

Horace Dodge Quotes #1845067

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