Top 14 Hisano Hamada Quotes

#1. Well, you sort of get out of the pool room, you get out of the Marine Corps, you get out and read some literature, you become involved with people who also want to know and are ready to share some ideas about literature and thoughts, and it becomes nourished that way.

Harvey Keitel

Hisano Hamada Quotes #234115
#2. There is an obvious disconnect between someone's claim to be relativist and his own moral judgments, including his judgment that people ought to be relativist.

Vern Sheridan Poythress

Hisano Hamada Quotes #495967
#3. So when I got the chance to do my first talk show, 50 years ago last month, I never had any writers. There was no budget - it was just me and the camera and my friend who was the director. I talked about what I'd done that week.

Regis Philbin

Hisano Hamada Quotes #615585
#4. Perhaps the virtue of coming from a place like Tasmania is that you had the great gift of knowing that you were not the centre of things, yet life was no less where you were.

Richard Flanagan

Hisano Hamada Quotes #793273
#5. Ideas are not intellectuals' toys: ideas have consequences, for good and for ill, in what even intellectuals sometimes call "the real world".

George Weigel

Hisano Hamada Quotes #957237
#6. When I was young, I loved movies so much I wanted to make one.

John Woo

Hisano Hamada Quotes #985507
#7. The Empire does not require that its servants love each other, merely that they perform their duty.

J.M. Coetzee

Hisano Hamada Quotes #1089634
#8. Though what is 'Romeo and Juliet' after all?" he added after a short pause. "The beauty of poetry and holiness of love are simply the roses under which they try to hide its rottenness. Romeo is just the same sort of animal as all the rest of us.

Anton Chekhov

Hisano Hamada Quotes #1112181
#9. It's better to be prepared than to get ready.

Will Smith

Hisano Hamada Quotes #1248663
#10. When an actor doesn't face a conflict, he loses confidence in himself. I always want to have a struggle because I believe it will help me accomplish more.

John Garfield

Hisano Hamada Quotes #1323030
#11. I mean you might have wanted Carrie Bradshaw, but to me she's like toddlers and tiaras gone berserk!

Michael Kors

Hisano Hamada Quotes #1412891
#12. I think that we've had an economy that's been out of balance for too long. So the general principle of raising taxes on higher income Americans, like myself, and providing relief to those who haven't benefited as much from this new global economy, I think is a sound one.

Barack Obama

Hisano Hamada Quotes #1519530
#13. Love never doubts or suffers or cries. Love shows no fear, love tells no lies.

Neil Diamond

Hisano Hamada Quotes #1679927
#14. I think it is something that is so important, to be very aware of the direction in which the 21st century is going with all this blind faith in democracy. And by the way, I am not against democracy - I am against the blind faith that is being put in democracy.

Alfonso Cuaron

Hisano Hamada Quotes #1875268

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