Top 5 Herzstein Film Quotes

#1. Biography is a very definite region bounded on the north by history, on the south by fiction, on the east by obituary, and on the west by tedium.

Philip Guedalla

Herzstein Film Quotes #297236
#2. One hundred thousand dollars was the bridge that enabled me to go on TV, not miss a beat or miss an opportunity, and raise then my own money to carry me forth. And that's how I got to be the first Democratic woman in the United States Senate's history.

Barbara Mikulski

Herzstein Film Quotes #358828
#3. Every relationship has fissures and cracks. That doesn't mean it's meaningless or bad or even wrong. We know that everything in our lives is complex and gray. Yet we somehow expect our relationships to never be anything but simple and pure.

Harlan Coben

Herzstein Film Quotes #516863
#4. I think Julia is defining a new feminism. It's the power of the open heart. And its ok to be sexual.

Kenny Loggins

Herzstein Film Quotes #1219483
#5. Theology is the systematic inquiry into Scripture. Theology is a human attempt to make sense of and draw conclusions from God's special revelation.

Perry G. Downs

Herzstein Film Quotes #1362151

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