Top 51 Heart Is Fragile Quotes

#1. However, the fickle strivings of her heart and her mind did not encounter a will in her that, without limiting them, could guide them and keep her from becoming their charming and fragile plaything.

Marcel Proust

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #1510529
#2. We all of us have a reputation, something we are known for, and sometimes it may be different from what we would like to be known for. At the core of this is the simple but fragile heart - our integrity - which is always under challenge, under tests both trivial and profound every day of our lives.

Peter Cosgrove

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #950891
#3. And I know that God made the heart the most fragile and resilient of all organs, that a lifetime of joy and pain might be encased in one mortal chamber.

Tosca Lee

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #975262
#4. A man's ego is a fragile thing; as fragile as a woman's heart

Eric Jerome Dickey

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #1065998
#5. Lauryn Hill is quite political and is very bold and isn't afraid of wearing her heart on her sleeve, and same with Bjork, except she is a little bit more kind of fragile.

Ellie Goulding

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #1122595
#6. Women can only see beyond what their fragile heart wants to believe when they are in love.

Shannon L. Alder

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #1204301
#7. Delicate fingers
Reach for me,
My embrace.
I'll hold you
Night and day,
Giving you and
Only you my
Fragile heart.
You and I become
our bodies
United in love.

Madison Parker

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #1261157
#8. Her heart was a little bruised up His had not yet learned to forget When they hugged, there were fragile parts." -MJ ABRAHAM

Claire Contreras

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #1277547
#9. The only person's heart I'm concerned with protecting is yours. Don't take this the wrong way, but your heart is much more fragile than mine right now and that's okay. There's nothing wrong with that.

Stephanie Kaleto

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #1284697
#10. He loved Jaime. He loved him so much sometimes he thought he must certainly be losing his mind. It was hard to believe his heart could go on beating minute after minute, day after day, when it felt so distorted and huge and fragile.

Marie Sexton

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #1310766
#11. Life is fragile. We all say that, but most of the time the truth of it does not move from our head to our heart

Tim Bauerschmidt

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #1359185
#12. You're gone and you left me. My heart has dissipated. The only thing I can feel is the blood rushing through my veins and the strings that hold my fragile heart together.

Karen Quan

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #1388190
#13. A heart given freely is the most vulnerable and selfless thing one can offer another human being. It can be as fragile and needy as a newly born infant, or as solid and self-supporting as a granite pillar, yet it is the hands of the recipient that determines its ultimate fate.

Mark W. Boyer

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #1395291
#14. The human heart was such a complex organ, fragile and sturdy all at once.

Susan Wiggs

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #912859
#15. My heart, I think, turned tender in the untouched dark. I'm full of small, gathered hopes that, if I let them, will fly away from me, as fragile as dandelion seeds. The

Alexis Hall

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #1575353
#16. I will treat you differently, not because of your heart problem or the fact that you think you're physically fragile or weak. I'll treat you differently because you're different to me. You matter to me.

J.L. Berg

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #1718539
#17. You are full of cruelty and mockery," Kami said. "My heart breaks to think of the day I entrusted you with the fragile flower of my girlish friendship.

Sarah Rees Brennan

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #1721307
#18. What a foolish thing, the human heart, being both fragile and reckless. No wonder we spend such an inordinate amount of time in pain.

Eliza Crewe

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #1763535
#19. The only worthwhile constant in human existence is our heart which can only be nourished by sincere love. A good strong heart radiates love in all directions perpetually. The heart is also the most fragile of human existence. Therefore, take good care of it. Give it constant love.

Sohail Mahmood

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #1780273
#20. The human heart is exquisitely fragile. Our judgments need to be gentle, our understanding deep, and our forgiveness wide.

Ron Rolheiser

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #1787304
#21. There is strength deep bedded in our hearts, of which we reck but little till the shafts of heaven have pierced its fragile dwelling. Must not earth be rent before her gems are found?

Felicia Hemans

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #1797234
#22. Seeming utterly fragile and vulnerable, the silhouette pulsed almost imperceptibly with the beating of her heart or the motions of her inner heart, as if she were whispering soundless words to the darkness.

Haruki Murakami

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #1802268
#23. Is man a savage at heart, skinned o'er with fragile Manners? Or is savagery but a faint taint in the natural man's gentility, which erupts now and again like pimples on an angel's arse?

John Barth

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #1803931
#24. Maybe some things are fragile, but your heart is not one of them. It is invincible.

Autumn Doughton

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #1834896
#25. Her father, indulgent in his concern, had opened his library to her, and at last she could read to her heart's content. In all, these past few weeks had been some of the most peaceable of her life. She had the sense of existing inside a fragile pause, a moment of grace.

Helene Wecker

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #1859542
#26. Our right to disagree is precious but fragile. The best way to protect and preserve it is to let the other side speak without demonizing them or destroying their right to be heard. Such civil exchanges are the heart beat of democracy - essential to keeping it alive.

Madeleine M. Kunin

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #1870294
#27. Love turns a heart to crystal ... Much more valuable, but much more fragile.

Neal Shusterman

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #548621
#28. Leadership is fragile. It is more a matter of mind and heart than resources, and it seemed that we no longer had the heart for those things that demanded discipline, commitment, and risk.

Gene Kranz

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #66323
#29. If the heart stops for more than two minutes, you have massive brain death. There are only two minutes between our conscious world and zero. That's how fragile our consciousness is.

Robin Gibb

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #141906
#30. When I look at Reed and his muscular frame and his hard face, sometimes I forget that he's got a heart that's as fragile as mine. But guys aren't supposed to be emotional so they hide their feelings behind seriousness, crudeness, or dickish behavior.

Erin Watt

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #213943
#31. Your heart ... it's a very fragile muscle. You have to take care of it, be old-fashioned about it.

Anne-Marie Duff

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #248503
#32. Being a doctor he didn't want for choices, but also being a doctor he understood the fragility of bone and sinew that encompassed the even more fragile organ of the heart. He envisioned Therese's as being wound in intricate, tight, vinelike veins that he would slowly make sense of and unravel.

Tara Lynn Masih

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #251689
#33. Wait," said Winter as Scarlet nudged the podship forward. Scarlet's heart dropped. "What?" she said, scanning the port for a thaumaturge, a guard, a threat. Winter reached over and pulled the pilot's harness over Scarlet's head. "Safety first, Scarlet-friend. We are fragile things.

Marissa Meyer

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #292345
#34. I feel myself shutting down, closing off, like I should tell people, No, we don't use this heart anymore. It's too fragile.

Courtney C. Stevens

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #296288
#35. Even though my fear was detonating over and over like bombs dropping, the fragile and fractured wings of my heart dared to beat as well, and alongside all that fear and all that gratitude, I felt the first precious rush of hope.

Shauna Niequist

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #342292
#36. The pure heart that sorrow cleaves
Is more fragile than autumn leaves

Yasser Kashef

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #448736
#37. Raindrops fall from clouds of gray.
The fragile flowers grow.
Teardrops seem all I can say.
They speak of endless woe.
Your fingers wipe my grief away.
A seed of love you sow.
A hardened heart reverts to clay.
You mold my love just so.

Richelle E. Goodrich

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #451550
#38. The thing about prayer is it always feels like an act of faith - it forms some fragile new chamber in your heart, something empty and vulnerable that bleeds loneliness if God never answers you.

Kelly Loy Gilbert

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #542552
#39. Is there any instinct more deeply implanted in the heart of man than the pride of protection, a protection which is constantly exerted for a fragile and defenceless creature?

Honore De Balzac

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #548208
#40. Do you think anger is a sincere emotion or the timid motion of a fragile heart trying to beat away its pain?

Andrea Gibson

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #24754
#41. Pea was aware suddenly of how fragile her heart was, how much darkness was inside it, fighting, always, with the light. She did not like the rat. She would neverlike the rat, but she knew what she must do to save her own heart.

Kate DiCamillo

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #572021
#42. You have captured me utterly, and you hold my heart in your hands. Be gentle with it. It's more fragile than you might think.

J. Kenner

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #580965
#43. I had walked all over the fragile bloom of his heart like a Boadicea in Blahniks

Tyne O'Connell

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #611374
#44. My heart was in a perpetual state of sadness and the only relief I could find were in those cathartic cries. I lived a fragile existence.

Fisher Amelie

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #625043
#45. No, this was the kind of moment that made everything stop. You separated it from every other one, pressing the feeling to your heart, like a dried flower slipped between the pages of a beloved book. The moment was made of something fragile and delicate, yet it possessed the power to last forever.

Susan Wiggs

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #707141
#46. We have to remember that no matter how much hardship we go through in our life, there is always going to be that fragile place in our heart.

Angie Martinez

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #722741
#47. don't take many words to break a fragile heart!

Eric Jerome Dickey

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #724173
#48. I want my heart to be the thin place. I don't want to board a plane to feel the kiss of heaven. I want to carry it with me wherever I go. I want my fragile, hurting heart, to recognize fleeting kairos, eternal moments as they pass. I want to be my own mountain and my own retreat.

Anna White

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #731563
#49. Whatever happened to me just now has gotten to me, broken past the fragile shell I've built. More than my memory is gone. My soul has wings that beat to a heart I don't understand and I see things, feel things that I know aren't from here, but that are so real.

Elizabeth Scott

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #751760
#50. Cultivate the distance. Nurture the silence. Let it grow until your fragile heart is as far and inaccessible as his marbled emotions. Don't talk. Don't move. Sit still. If he shows up, lie. Believe your own excuses.

And if he tries to charm his way back in, punch him in the face.

Danabelle Gutierrez

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #828711
#51. Wild rose-bush, covered, in this month of June, with its delicate gems, which might be imagined to offer their fragrance and fragile beauty to the prisoner as he went in, and to the condemned criminal as he came forth to his doom, in token that the deep heart of Nature could pity and be kind to him.

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Heart Is Fragile Quotes #832216

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