Top 30 Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes

#1. Love what you do, do it with passion, work hard, and never give up. Money and happiness will come to you.

Joseph C. Kunz Jr.

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #756561
#2. Never give up in life. Learn to be humble, resilient, honest, wise and submissive and you'll be able to make a change better than anyone else.

Auliq Ice

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #1862551
#3. If you work hard, stay focused, and never give up, you will eventually get what you want in life.

Donald Miller

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #1857839
#4. Moral #1: "If you work hard, stay focused, and never give up, you will eventually get what you want in life."
Moral #2: Sometimes the things we want most in life are the things that will kill us.

Donald Miller

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #1856502
#5. Just remember
if you are really and truly determined to work with animals, somehow, either now or later, you will find a way to do it. But you have to want it desperately, work hard, take advantage of an opportunity
and never give up.

Jane Goodall

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #1846620
#6. Work on your ideas with the little money you have. Share your ideas with positive people who will help you carry them through. Never give up on your ideas. Be positively minded and pay the cost involved in accomplishing your dreams!

Israelmore Ayivor

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #1820401
#7. I think what it takes to succeed remains the same. You have to have a real love of your sport to carry you through all the bad times, you still want to go ski even when things aren't working. You must have a commitment to work hard and to never give up.

Nancy Greene

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #1754649
#8. A lot of times, people say that if you work hard and never give up, it will always work out, which is a great message. However, that's not always the case.

Dan Scanlon

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #1707522
#9. For me, doing the actual work to fulfill the vision is the easy part. It's the emotional journey that I go through as I am free falling into the unknown that is the hard part. But each time I jump, I'm learning to trust that God will continue to guide me and help me to land safely.

Yvonne Pierre

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #1602602
#10. I got that money on my mind but I ain't blind. I see that if I want it, I have to grind.

Jonathan Anthony Burkett

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #1395980
#11. It was my father who taught us that an immigrant must work twice as hard as anybody else, that he must never give up.

Zinedine Zidane

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #1381458

Tom Giaquinto

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #1350758
#13. Remember to always dream. More importantly, work hard to make those dreams come true and never give up.

Robert Ballard

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #1344921
#14. If want to succeed, you must work to overcome the obstacles on your path.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #1287425
#15. You always need to work hard. You always need to be willing to work hard. Not everything will be hard, but you should, at the very least, be willing to work hard.

Tom Giaquinto

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #1179772
#16. We must strive for literacy and education that teach us to never quit questioning and probing at the assumptions of the day.

Bryant McGill

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #26712
#17. Always work hard, never give up, and fight until the end because it's never really over until the whistle blows.

Alex Morgan

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #730776
#18. There are no right and wrong ways to work in this business, but there are some basic common-sense practices. Work very, very hard and always be prepared; never give up; and once you get the job, give them more than they ever expected: - Shine!

Jimmy Smits

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #698597
#19. If you really want something, and really work hard, and take advantage of opportunities, and never give up, you will find a way.. Follow your Dreams.

Jane Goodall

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #685427
#20. To succeed, work hard, never give up and above all cherish a magnificent obsession.

Walt Disney

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #633740
#21. You can never give up-athletics taught me that. You must work hard, prepare, learn from your losses and continue to fight until the very end.

Roger Staubach

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #427210
#22. Work hard, put maximum effort, and have a good attitude. Most importantly never give up.

Ana Monnar

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #365351
#23. Don't give up; try again. Be still and work it out till your good becomes the best! Dream high above the sky!

Israelmore Ayivor

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #278876
#24. I'm proof that great things can happen to ordinary people if they work hard and never give up.

Orel Hershiser

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #231258
#25. Stay true to yourself, yet always be open to learn. Work hard, and never give up on your dreams, even when nobody else believes they can come true but you. These are not cliches but real tools you need no matter what you do in life to stay focused on your path.

Phillip Sweet

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #229157
#26. If you really believe in what you're doing, work hard, take nothing personally and if something blocks one route, find another. Never give up.

Laurie Notaro

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #199962
#27. I look at this life as a puzzle without all the pieces in the box.

Jonathan Anthony Burkett

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #155053
#28. Push, push. Push harder!

Lailah Gifty Akita

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #104786
#29. When you are pursuing your dreams, they will call you CRAZY because they are LAZY. They never know you are a HERO who just jumped away from step ZERO. Stay away from negative people; they will only pollute you.

Israelmore Ayivor

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #93703
#30. Never give up. Things will get hard. No relationship is easy. You have to work through your problems as if tomorrow isn't guaranteed, because it's not. Never go to bed angry and always make sure you say I love you every chance you get.

Teresa Mummert

Hard Work Never Give Up Quotes #64285

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