Top 79 Happy Day Love Quotes

#1. I don't know how long we stand there holding each other. It could be ten minutes, an hour, or a day. All I know is that when I finally let go, I can breathe. I can rest. I can live knowing that my baby girl is happy. Knowing that she felt my love.

Cassia Leo

Happy Day Love Quotes #1185908
#2. She wished it were evening now, wished for the great relief of the calendar inking itself out, of day done and night coming, of ice cubes knocking about in a glass beneath the whisky spilling in, that fine brown affirmation of need.

Michelle Latiolais

Happy Day Love Quotes #1352509
#3. A Happy Smile Will Make The Love And Life
Of Your Day!

Petra Hermans

Happy Day Love Quotes #1352023
#4. At the end of the day, you won't be happy unil you love yourself.

Lady Gaga

Happy Day Love Quotes #1268737
#5. I've spent a lot of time in my life dedicating myself to love or the pursuit of love or the understanding of love. And now I've stopped believing in happy endings and I've started believing in good days.

Drew Barrymore

Happy Day Love Quotes #1252946
#6. Hatred is a burden that can hunt you day by day, robbing you off your personal joy in broad day light.

Israelmore Ayivor

Happy Day Love Quotes #1226514
#7. You will never know the purest love you can give a person, until the day you hurt because they hurt. You genuinely want them to succeed in life and be free from all the chains that keep them from being happy, whether you are in their life or not.

Shannon L. Alder

Happy Day Love Quotes #1211263
#8. I'm extremely humbled, I'm happy and I'm blessed, because at the end of the day, I'm doing what I love to do.

La'el Collins

Happy Day Love Quotes #1205785
#9. Something amazing happens when you're in love and don't give a damn about what day it is anymore.

Chad Sugg

Happy Day Love Quotes #1196831
#10. Love requires commitment, flexibility, transparency and loyalty. Happy Valentines Day 2017.

Euginia Herlihy

Happy Day Love Quotes #1192560
#11. Give me a problem, I'll give you a solution. I just love living. That's a feeling you can't fake. I'm glad every single day. I think that even the camera can feel that I'm a happy man.

Will Smith

Happy Day Love Quotes #1369857
#12. I'll mess up sometimes. I'll cry for no reason, burn food because I'm lost in another world while reading, snap at you because I'm having a bad day, and be completely irrational at times, but I'll love you, always. You make me so happy, so needed.

Melody Anne

Happy Day Love Quotes #1141696
#13. Love is a courageous device, it gives you the ability to see things in a positive way. Happy Valentines Day.

Euginia Herlihy

Happy Day Love Quotes #1100776
#14. Every day send some blessings to the world. Let there be flow of love

Amit Ray

Happy Day Love Quotes #1100539
#15. I love my father very much. I attribute so much of the person I am today to the values that he and my mother set for us, and the way they encouraged us every day of our lives to go out and find what we love doing and to fulfill our potential and really be happy.

Ivanka Trump

Happy Day Love Quotes #1057848
#16. If people can just love each other a little bit, they can be so happy.

Emile Zola

Happy Day Love Quotes #1045961
#17. My parents taught me to do whatever makes you happy - follow your bliss. That's why I don't make a lot of movies. I'm very meat and potatoes when it comes to work, putting in eight hours each day. I only do what I love.

Mike Myers

Happy Day Love Quotes #1030383
#18. A birthday is just another day where you go to work and people give you love. Age is just a state of mind, and you are as old as you think you are. You have to count your blessings and be happy.

Abhishek Bachchan

Happy Day Love Quotes #1015673
#19. You will be so happy you didn't get pregnant. Because this child will fill your life so full of love that you will thank God every day that somehow it was just meant to be. She was meant to be yours.

Wendy Whitworth

Happy Day Love Quotes #963345
#20. If you pray enough for things, I am proof that they can happen. I feel like a kid on Christmas day now, every day. It's something I have wanted for a long time and I am as happy as anyone to be here. It is great to be back at my first love.

Robbie Fowler

Happy Day Love Quotes #930803
#21. I travel so much when I work, I've really been happy to do 'Nice Work' because I feel like a true New Yorker again. I have my little regimen during the day, and I can take advantage of the museums and the things that I love. And people watching!

Blythe Danner

Happy Day Love Quotes #1630572
#22. Every morning, sweeten your coffee with some love and you will sweeten your day with happiness.

Debasish Mridha

Happy Day Love Quotes #1855284
#23. Love is like a fart. It's warm, unpredictable. And sometimes it stinks, but it can also be the best feeling in the world. That's why I'm so happy that I passed you that day. I know now ... I fart you

Ryan Higa

Happy Day Love Quotes #1840655
#24. Not branded dresses, expensive perfumes, studded sandals, glamorous accessories, the true beauty of a woman is her smile, willpower, confidence, intelligence and her ability to survive and rule with pride in a man's world.

Happy Woman's Day !

Harshada Pathare

Happy Day Love Quotes #1817007
#25. 'm so fortunate to have done what I love to do for so long, but the day I retired was one of the best days of my life. Not because I was happy to get away from the sport, but because it was clear in my mind that I had done all I possibly could, and that it was time to go.

Carl Lewis

Happy Day Love Quotes #1725157
#26. My mother is my doctor
Caring for me when am ill
I will love her forever till
We are gone to our creator!

Israelmore Ayivor

Happy Day Love Quotes #1706722
#27. To love someone is to give her or him your entire heart and she or he should give that love back to you 100% as well. That's called two way street relationship. Happy Valentines Day 2017.

Euginia Herlihy

Happy Day Love Quotes #1706528
#28. There are still civil rights issues. There are still people who can't be visited by their spouse in the hospital because they're gay. These are humanitarian issues. At the end of the day, all you want is for people to be happy in the pursuit of life, love and liberty.

Brandi Carlile

Happy Day Love Quotes #1689644
#29. I am happy in every moment and every day. My happiness depends on me, not on the way.

Debasish Mridha

Happy Day Love Quotes #1661488
#30. If you truly love something, fight for it every day, as long as it makes you happy.

Keiynan Lonsdale

Happy Day Love Quotes #1647761
#31. Love isn't about happy endings where knowing every day from here on out will be full of sunshine and rainbows. Love is about obstacles, about travelling through life together despite them. Obstacles make us stronger.

R.K. Ryals

Happy Day Love Quotes #920380
#32. Here's hoping that your special day
Will be more 'happy ever after'
With all the joys of friendship,
Love, fun and laughter

John Walter Bratton

Happy Day Love Quotes #1612635
#33. Your birthday is a special day, May it bring you love and cheer It gives a chance for me to say, Happy birthday every year

Mary Baker Eddy

Happy Day Love Quotes #1599545
#34. Love attracts, connects, builds and frees the beauty of humanity. Happy Valentines Day.

Euginia Herlihy

Happy Day Love Quotes #1535896
#35. As we do what He would have us do for His children, the Lord considers it kindness to Him, and we will feel closer to Him as we feel His love and His approval. In time, we will become like Him, and will think of the judgement day with happy anticipation.

Henry B. Eyring

Happy Day Love Quotes #1516577
#36. Love is an act factor not just a lip service. Show love to someone today. Happy Valentines Day.

Euginia Herlihy

Happy Day Love Quotes #1506021
#37. When I found somebody who I fell in love with, it made me feel different than I felt the rest of the day. It was electrifying. That's what inspired the 'Off to the Races' melodies. That's one of the times when you're feeling electrified by someone else and they make you happy to be alive.

Lana Del Rey

Happy Day Love Quotes #1432103
#38. I'll have mine [The Book-Lovers' Anthology] till the day I die - and die happy in the knowledge that I'm leaving it behind for someone else to love. I shall sprinkle pale pencil marks through it pointing out the best passages to some book-lover yet unborn.

Helene Hanff

Happy Day Love Quotes #1405240
#39. It's the ultimate goal every day you wake up, to be happy. At the end of the week, you want to be happy. Happy in love, happy in work, happy in life, happy with yourself. It's pretty simple.

Pierce Brosnan

Happy Day Love Quotes #1380016
#40. At the end of the day, I'd love to see children stop begging their parents to go to the circus. That's what would make me most happy.

K.A. Applegate

Happy Day Love Quotes #1377957
#41. Don't wait until it's too late to say I love you.

Stana Katic

Happy Day Love Quotes #337667
#42. They said when you are in love you will be happy but when the day comes i fell in love with someone.i regret the day that i met him.. it gives to much pain inside i feel everything is wrong.
knowing that loves is happiness.but in me it has a reversed makes my life unhappy.

O.v Grace

Happy Day Love Quotes #451361
#43. Kenny rested his hand on my leg, patting it delicately. His thoughts staying just that, thoughts, as we drove in silence, back to my prison of paradise, back to the one place I knew I could be happy, yet miserable, all in the same day.

Holly Hood

Happy Day Love Quotes #433502
#44. Happy Valentines Day to those who have found love, in whatever shape or form, and to those who are still hunting, don't give up. If you feel bad, send yourself a card. You must be worth it ...

Jeanette Winterson

Happy Day Love Quotes #427378
#45. Happy Wednesday Fam! Dream BIG, live courageously, communicate honestly, be mindful, act with kindness, and SPREAD LOVE TODAY and EVERY DAY !

Tracey Edmonds

Happy Day Love Quotes #424595
#46. You can't be happy at work every day. No matter how much you love your job, there are still going to be bad days. And that's cool - it's always OK to have a bad day at work.

Alexander Kjerulf

Happy Day Love Quotes #370881
#47. It was, at last, real life, with my heart safe and condemned to die of happy love in the joyful agony of any day after my hundredth birthday.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Happy Day Love Quotes #362347
#48. They say that happy people have no history, and certainly a happy love has none. They did nothing all day long and yet the days seemed all too short.

W. Somerset Maugham

Happy Day Love Quotes #356173
#49. You are the best part of my day, Tink. You make me feel whole and happy and when I'm not with you, I'm thinking about you. I'm not in love with you, but I know that I can't live without you.

R.L. Mathewson

Happy Day Love Quotes #355622
#50. In the morning, a cup of love, kindness and sunshine make my day bright and happy.

Debasish Mridha

Happy Day Love Quotes #344134
#51. But no matter what was going on in our lives, I could imagine lying beside her in bed at the end of the day, holding her while we talked and laughed, lost in each other's arms

Nicholas Sparks

Happy Day Love Quotes #478494
#52. I place us where we are a happy couple who are madly in love, and we are kissing the way people kiss on their wedding day. With joy and relief and love. Without guilt. Without Shame.

A.S. King

Happy Day Love Quotes #334052
#53. Happy and thrice happy are those who enjoy an uninterrupted union, and whose love, unbroken by any sour complaints, shall not dissolve until the last day of their existence.


Happy Day Love Quotes #320595
#54. After writing a story I was always empty and both sad and happy, as though I had made love, and I was sure this was a very good story although I would not know truly how good until I read it over the next day.

Ernest Hemingway,

Happy Day Love Quotes #274665
#55. Maybe one day I will meet her in real life. Her tears were my rain, her angry was thunder and lighting. I knew when it rained. I was doing something wrong, when It thundered I knew I had to write about her to make her happy. The Diary

Jeremy Limn

Happy Day Love Quotes #248660
#56. From that day on I go to each door in turn and sing the three songs that I remember from school. Within a few days I'm overwhelmed how happy they appear to be when they hear or recognize me.

Corinne Hofmann

Happy Day Love Quotes #226745
#57. This would be a perfect day if Ray were here with us, but he's not far away. He's doing well, and I know he'd like to enjoy yourself, Ana. To all of you, thank you for coming to share my beautiful wife's birthday, the first of many to come. Happy birthday, my love. - Christian Grey

E.L. James

Happy Day Love Quotes #225961
#58. Love is a sweet aroma, it fills the room with a wonderful atmosphere. Happy Valentines Day.

Euginia Herlihy

Happy Day Love Quotes #215464
#59. One day ... " Gabe whispered. "When my heart is mine again. When I'm not sharing it with a dying girl ... I'll give you everything."
"Gabe," I said, sighing. "Right now? I'm perfectly happy with the pieces. No matter how broken they may be.

Rachel Van Dyken

Happy Day Love Quotes #160906
#60. Happy Holidays

Is it not this day to smile?
Is it yet a time to give?
Is this friend as old as good?
Is my family so well?

Santa is just on his way,
Bringing gifts and love tonight,
Have a prosperous New Year!
And a happy day to last!

J.M.K. Walkow

Happy Day Love Quotes #102551
#61. I finally feel like I'm finding my way
and not just living day by day
I'm doing what I love
I'm going where I want to go
I'm being who I want to be
I'm happy
And you know what? I think everyone deserves to feel the same way.

Connor Franta

Happy Day Love Quotes #703176
#62. Love, light & blessings be On this day I wish to say 'Health & Happiness to come your way' Happy Birthday

Billie Jean King

Happy Day Love Quotes #917211
#63. You cannot touch the clouds, you know; but you feel the rain and know how glad the flowers and the thirsty earth are to have it after a hot day. You cannot touch love either; but you feel the sweetness that it pours into everything. Without love you would not be happy or want to play.

Helen Keller

Happy Day Love Quotes #806115
#64. You have all the tools right now to make this day, this moment, happy. The best of these tools is love.

Neale Donald Walsch

Happy Day Love Quotes #787597
#65. I was always an early riser. Happy the man who is! Every morning day comes to him with a virgin's love, full of bloom and freshness. The youth of nature is contagious, like the gladness of a happy child.

Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton

Happy Day Love Quotes #767898
#66. In women everything is heart, even the head.

Jean Paul

Happy Day Love Quotes #759221
#67. It's okay," I tell her.
"It is okay to be happy

David Levithan

Happy Day Love Quotes #758138
#68. Spiritual dating is your ticket to a happy, fulfilling love life.

Amy Leigh Mercree

Happy Day Love Quotes #752190
#69. If I read our story backwards, it's about how I un-broke your heart, and then we were happy until one day, you forgot about me forever.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Happy Day Love Quotes #727204
#70. Happy endings happen every day we share our generosity, peace, compassion, kindness, respect, timeless love and joy with our love ones, friends and others.

Angelica Hopes

Happy Day Love Quotes #723063
#71. You have to enjoy your job; you should wake up every day and love what you do ... I honestly do ... From the bottom of my heart to the depths of my soul. I'm truly happy.


Happy Day Love Quotes #82066
#72. We spend so much of our passion on our first love. I'm not convinced that it - passion - is one of those things that you have an endless amount of - like happiness or sadness. I could be happy all day. I could be sad all day. But I'm not so sure I'll ever love like that again.

Laura Miller

Happy Day Love Quotes #700595
#73. As you celebrate your special day I hope you are showered with priceless gifts of love, thoughtfulness, friendships, family, laughter and good times. These are just a few simple presents that money can't buy and that you absolutely deserve! Happy Birthday!

Carlos Wallace

Happy Day Love Quotes #689740
#74. This day I see that pretty much all my correspondences are love letters.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Happy Day Love Quotes #687022
#75. At the end of the school day, we walked the long, cold way home feeling happy and hungry. There we found a warm fire, country ham with gravy and hot biscuits, and a mother to hug us! If snow blew under the doors that night, what did it matter? Christmas time was just around the corner.

Jenny Lee Ellison

Happy Day Love Quotes #656914
#76. My mother is my pastor
She teaches me the Bible
I love her as my mentor
She tells me to be humble!

Israelmore Ayivor

Happy Day Love Quotes #556643
#77. It's a finger snapping kind of day.

Coco J. Ginger

Happy Day Love Quotes #539200
#78. I remembered the boy crying the day they buried Smokey in the yard, and I hoped he wouldn't cry over my death. My purpose, my whole life, had been to love him and be with him, to make him happy.

W. Bruce Cameron

Happy Day Love Quotes #515902
#79. It means much to have loved, to have been happy, to have laid my hand on the living Garden, even for a day.

Jorge Luis Borges

Happy Day Love Quotes #479855

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