Top 6 Hapka Kirschner Quotes

#1. The dream of my life is to lie down by a slow river and stare at the light in the trees - to learn something by being nothing

Mary Oliver

Hapka Kirschner Quotes #157502
#2. But I found out that bones with flesh are more interesting than bones without.

James MacArthur

Hapka Kirschner Quotes #788713
#3. I don't think if you asked any of my childhood friends they would say that I had a weird childhood; they might say there weren't a lot of regular rules, the conversations in the house were always very open, dreams were a great thing to talk about, everybody was making something all the time.

Jennifer Lynch

Hapka Kirschner Quotes #836750
#4. We humans can work hard for each other, and we should and we must work. But it is God, and only God, who heals. The Cross and the Switchblade, pg 90.

David Wilkerson

Hapka Kirschner Quotes #976300
#5. I've decided the secret of parenting is benevolent neglect.

Barry Humphries

Hapka Kirschner Quotes #1015142
#6. I distinctly remember a conversation with my band in the van where I was having a complete meltdown. It was 1984, I think, and I was huddled in the back corner of our van and saying, "I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this." I didn't want to play any more shows. I just wanted to stop.

Michael Stipe

Hapka Kirschner Quotes #1528536

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