Top 19 Hand Soap Sayings

#1. Want of a better idea, she washed her face with the available hand soap and dried

Jean Hanff Korelitz

Hand Soap Sayings #1164913
#2. My friend has hand soap that smells like coconut. It's nice. Unless your hands are dirty from coconuts.

Demetri Martin

Hand Soap Sayings #1753056
#3. I look just like one of Brianna's UGLY finger paintings. Because now I'm completely covered with: 1. brown peanut-butter stains 2. purple jelly stains 3. white soap suds AND 4. bright fluorescent-green hand soap from the girls' bathroom.

Rachel Renee Russell

Hand Soap Sayings #157304
#4. Their friendship sometimes struck Frances as being like a piece of soap-like a piece of ancient kitchen soap that had got worn to the shape of her hand, but which had been dropped to the floor so many times it was never quite free of its bits of cinder.

Sarah Waters

Hand Soap Sayings #1840289
#5. Snatching my hand in the death grip of his fingers, he pulls me off the wall to line his chest, closing his body around me in a muscular cage which smells of leather and soap.


Hand Soap Sayings #1828006
#6. No, monkeys are still having babies, why don't they have another human today?

Kent Hovind

Hand Soap Sayings #1799067
#7. Once you've used soap you made by hand with contemporary techniques, there is no going back to store-bought.

Alicia Grosso

Hand Soap Sayings #1709268
#8. If you have something to hide, I'm your worst nightmare. I'm a living, breathing, and walking lie detector. I can smell you down to the type of soap you use, your morning ritual, and the last time you took a hand and stroked your favorite body part. Everything leaves behind a scent ... Everything.

Ashley Jeffery

Hand Soap Sayings #1196651
#9. Asian horror is really setting a trend. The Pang brothers are from Hong Kong, so they just bring a whole different sensibility to a horror movie. In Hong Kong, they're actually doing stuff that's very artistic and pushing boundaries.

Kristen Stewart

Hand Soap Sayings #1123321
#10. I love the way he smelled whenever his head dipped close to hear what I was saying - like the sun striking th cheek of a tomato, or soap drying in the hood of a car. I loved the way his hand felt on my spine. I loved.

Jodi Picoult

Hand Soap Sayings #1118041
#11. Love is a funny thing to describe. It's so easy to feel and yet so slippery to talk about. It's like a bar of soap in the bathtub - you have it in your hand until you hold on too tight.

Michael Jackson

Hand Soap Sayings #765515
#12. Did you know that Puritanism went hand in hand with dirt, that Oliver Cromwell put a 100 per cent tax on soap and that the repeal of the soap tax was one of the most popular acts of Charles II at his Restoration?

Robertson Davies

Hand Soap Sayings #765387
#13. Later he wrote to Lodge: I don't grudge the broken arm a bit ... I'm always ready to pay the piper when I've had a good dance; and every now and then I like to drink the wine of life with brandy in it.

Edmund Morris

Hand Soap Sayings #710117
#14. Memories are like mercury. Every time you sort of try to get near them, they slip out of your hand like a bar of soap.

Daphne Guinness

Hand Soap Sayings #659117
#15. I hate when I'm not done with my cup but my mom decides to put it in the dishwasher anyway and the cup isn't dishwasher safe. I keep telling my mom that my origami coffee mugs are hand wash ONLY. Handshakes are also hand wash only.
-Karen Quan and Jarod Kintz

Karen Quan

Hand Soap Sayings #555770
#16. The world does not lack the financial resources to feed, educate and clothe its inhabitants. Rather, it lacks leaders committed to addressing the problems of the impoverished.

Oscar Arias

Hand Soap Sayings #432035
#17. Age isn't as important so long as you are surrounded by people you love, doing things you passionately believe in.

Richard Branson

Hand Soap Sayings #174661
#18. Men of humor are always in some degree men of genius; wits are rarely so, although a man of genius may, amongst other gifts, possess wit, as Shakespeare.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Hand Soap Sayings #140678
#19. If you eliminate all other possibilities, whatever remains must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes

Arthur Conan Doyle

Hand Soap Sayings #34855

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