Top 11 Hamsun Hunger Quotes

#1. I love sunflowers. They're one of my favorite flowers.

Bethany Mota

Hamsun Hunger Quotes #9008
#2. Then his lips curved into a small droll smile. And that smile? It was lovely. Wonder

Kylie Scott

Hamsun Hunger Quotes #162512
#3. You can't see the whole sky from one window.

Beth Hoffman

Hamsun Hunger Quotes #318727
#4. You cannot be a man of faith and live in a day. You do not live in a day if you are a man of faith.

G. Campbell Morgan

Hamsun Hunger Quotes #324597
#5. He wondered if his own child would like to
have a dog, then shook off the thought. He was years
away from having a child. He needed a wife first - and
obtaining her would be far more trouble than obtaining
a mistress. Here, he had yet to get a mistress.

Lorraine Heath

Hamsun Hunger Quotes #567980
#6. I congratulate you on your success stealing the painting.

Mark Zero

Hamsun Hunger Quotes #573795
#7. My parents were so old-fashioned in their attitude to sex that I would rather get in trouble with the police or at school because at least I would be punished less.

Clive Worth

Hamsun Hunger Quotes #575411
#8. exclaimed with ponder. Half nodded with comprehensive seriousness. "In direction of boil." "How did I understand

Philip Wilson

Hamsun Hunger Quotes #833237
#9. We are many. Our number is greater than the stars. We are more than infinity.

Brian Keene

Hamsun Hunger Quotes #850117
#10. I'm begging you, for the love of all that's filthy and wrong in this world, have a good time with tall, dark, and raspy, okay?

Terri L. Austin

Hamsun Hunger Quotes #1381580
#11. I don't want my pain blanked out, he thought to himself; I need to keep my pain. It is a part of who I am, every bit as integral as the joy I've felt.

Mark Samuels

Hamsun Hunger Quotes #1410072

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