Top 6 Hairflip Quotes

#1. The hairflip is something that just can't be taught

Tim Foreman

Hairflip Quotes #1336017
#2. A pregnant woman and her spouse dream of three babies
the perfect four-month-old who rewards them with smiles and musical cooing,the impaired baby, who changes each day, and the mysterious real baby whose presence is beginning to be evident in the motions of the fetus.

T. Berry Brazelton

Hairflip Quotes #314792
#3. Glad? You're jealous, plain and simple. You're not used to sharing. And you don't like being useless.

Victoria Aveyard

Hairflip Quotes #1156496
#4. There are times when you have to face your enemies, sit down and deal with it.

Martin Scorsese

Hairflip Quotes #1471706
#5. Good is not good when better is expected.

Vin Scully

Hairflip Quotes #1478947
#6. ...she found herself blessing God for her creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life, but above all for His inestimable Love; out loud; in a burst of acknowledgement.

Elizabeth Von Arnim

Hairflip Quotes #1608385

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