Top 57 Gwynne Quotes

#1. This song is dedicated to Frank Zappa, and River Phoenix, Fred Gwynne who played Herman Munster, Dixie Lee Ray, Thomas P, Tip O'Neil, and you, dumb ass, who just threw water on me.

Kurt Cobain

Gwynne Quotes #1233059
#2. Consolidating to the point of monopoly has never served the consumer - ever.

Gwynne Shotwell

Gwynne Quotes #1557117
#3. I don't like to camp. Early on, Mars is going to be camping. I think there are people far better suited to do that than me. But when the first Holiday Inn Express shows up, maybe I'll go.

Gwynne Shotwell

Gwynne Quotes #1030056
#4. vanguard. Jackson's division was the old valley army:

S.C. Gwynne

Gwynne Quotes #1068788
#5. If there was no American prison in Iraq, there would be no Islamic State now.

Gwynne Dyer

Gwynne Quotes #1094613
#6. Memory is a double-edged sword, Uthas. It can keep you strong through dark times, but it can also cripple you, keep you locked in a moment that no longer exists.

John Gwynne

Gwynne Quotes #1096042
#7. I'd love to go to space. I would love to peek out a giant window and look back at the blue marble. There's no question; I'd love to do that.

Gwynne Shotwell

Gwynne Quotes #1328185
#8. What would air travel look like if airplanes were thrown out after each flight? No one would be flying in airplanes.

Gwynne Shotwell

Gwynne Quotes #1337628
#9. The real requirement, if we are to avoid runaway global warming, is probably 80% by 2030, and almost no burning whatever of fossil fuels (coal, gas and oil) by 2050.

Gwynne Dyer

Gwynne Quotes #1354916
#10. Two for vengeance. One for love.

John Gwynne

Gwynne Quotes #1406765
#11. Family. Friendship. Loyalty. These things have been my guiding stars, my light in these dark times.

John Gwynne

Gwynne Quotes #1448550
#12. I saw what government programs were and how they were executed. In some cases, they were executed beautifully, but in others, there was tremendous waste.

Gwynne Shotwell

Gwynne Quotes #1504551
#13. I do want to make something clear: SpaceX does have a lot of government business, but we execute in a commercial fashion.

Gwynne Shotwell

Gwynne Quotes #1517374
#14. never take counsel of your fears.

S.C. Gwynne

Gwynne Quotes #1540967
#15. To my thinking, though, it's what happens before death that's important. All of us die. How many really live?

John Gwynne

Gwynne Quotes #1548970
#16. If you're not looking toward the future or trying to improve the current technology, you'll be left behind.

Gwynne Shotwell

Gwynne Quotes #1003550
#17. From my perspective, it's really risk management to ensure that humans have the ability to go somewhere else in case there were to be some huge disaster on Earth.

Gwynne Shotwell

Gwynne Quotes #1579306
#18. What is across there? Lykos said.
Death, whatever that is. Said Calidus.

John Gwynne

Gwynne Quotes #1580159
#19. It will be a dark day, a bloody day, a proud day, for this is the day of our wrath.

John Gwynne

Gwynne Quotes #1584280
#20. There was a lot of risk taken in the Mercury and Apollo eras, and we don't take those risks anymore. We've designed the systems to eliminate risk, which makes it take forever and cost too much money.

Gwynne Shotwell

Gwynne Quotes #1608043
#21. She took a sip of the mead, the taste of honey combining with a pleasant heat in her belly. 'It's

John Gwynne

Gwynne Quotes #1617257
#22. When I was a teenager, I wanted to be a portrait painter. As I got to be older, I realized that as a portrait painter I wouldn't be able to support a goldfish.

Fred Gwynne

Gwynne Quotes #1663869
#23. The key is to join an industry that you have a passion for. If you love cars, then automotive is where you should end up.

Gwynne Shotwell

Gwynne Quotes #1691095
#24. SpaceX is a flat organization. Anyone gets to talk to anyone, and the best idea wins - even if it comes from an intern.

Gwynne Shotwell

Gwynne Quotes #1703030
#25. While the high-level climate talks pursue their stately progress towards some ill-defined destination, down in the trenches there is an undercurrent of suppressed panic in the conversations. The tipping points seem to be racing towards us a lot faster than people thought.

Gwynne Dyer

Gwynne Quotes #1807142
#26. When you think of somebody all the time it means one of two things - either you hate their guts or you like them a lot.

Phillip Gwynne

Gwynne Quotes #1826601
#27. I left Aerospace because I wanted to go build, and put spacecraft together.

Gwynne Shotwell

Gwynne Quotes #1828814
#28. If you choose not to fight against Asroth, then you have already chosen him. Doing nothing does not absolve you of choice. Doing nothing puts you firmly on Asroth's side and makes you a coward, as well, for not having the stones to admit it.

John Gwynne

Gwynne Quotes #1834575
#29. I love making puns.

Fred Gwynne

Gwynne Quotes #1845141
#30. The first and most important impact of climate change on human civilisation will be an acute and permanent crisis of food supply. Eating regularly is a non-negotiable activity and countries that cannot feed their people are unlikely to be reasonable about it.

Gwynne Dyer

Gwynne Quotes #623933
#31. The time for war has not yet come, but it will come, and that soon. And when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard.

S.C. Gwynne

Gwynne Quotes #40857
#32. I remember in third grade, I asked my mom, 'How does an engine work?' So my mom bought me a book.

Gwynne Shotwell

Gwynne Quotes #81411
#33. The mountains were gone, replaced by a lush green vale. A river flowed out of the mountains, twisting in great curves through the vale until it

John Gwynne

Gwynne Quotes #99262
#34. I will do nothing to superinduce sleep by putting myself at ease, or making myself more comfortable; if, however, in spite of my resistance I yield to my infirmity, then I deserve to be laughed at, and accept as punishment the mortification I feel."19

S.C. Gwynne

Gwynne Quotes #156370
#35. I shall stay and tell my tale, hope that it may serve some purpose, that eyes shall see it and learn, that the future will not repeat the mistakes of the past. That is my prayer, but what use is prayer to a god that has abandoned all things . . .

John Gwynne

Gwynne Quotes #167174
#36. there's no cure for love, when it hits you make up your mind, to live with it!

Gwynne Forster

Gwynne Quotes #168057
#37. Storm. I shall call her Storm.

John Gwynne

Gwynne Quotes #189280
#38. I always encourage employees to feel free to raise any issues that prevent them from getting good work done.

Gwynne Shotwell

Gwynne Quotes #231788
#39. Forty years ago my mother died," he said. "She captured by Comanches, nine years old. Love Indian and wild life so well, no want to go back to white folks. All same people anyway, God say. I love my mother.

S.C. Gwynne

Gwynne Quotes #318231
#40. Take the year a country first reaches 50% literacy and add one or two generations to allow the idea to sink in and, democracy, more or less automatically, appears.

Gwynne Dyer

Gwynne Quotes #343586
#41. For whatever reason, college was just not a huge focus for me. I wasn't planning ahead. I just didn't think about it too much.

Gwynne Shotwell

Gwynne Quotes #441958
#42. How is it that you and Calidus are here? Made flesh?' Meical looked into his cup, swirled it around. 'It is part of the prophecy; one Ben-Elim, one Kadoshim. Part of Elyon's fairness, I suppose.

John Gwynne

Gwynne Quotes #445944
#43. What makes the Arabs suitable candidates for democracy is their heritage as human beings, not their specific cultural or historical antecedents.

Gwynne Dyer

Gwynne Quotes #457971
#44. So much emotion wrapped up in weakness, leading you to attempt the impossible, lying to yourself, time and time again. Hope, I think you call it.

John Gwynne

Gwynne Quotes #1018311
#45. War is part of our history, but it is not in at all the same sense part of our prehistory. It is one of the innovations that occurred between nine and eleven thousand years ago when the first civilized societies were coming into being. What has been invented can be changed; war is not in our genes.

Gwynne Dyer

Gwynne Quotes #650520
#46. The scientists are really scared. Their [global warming] observations over the past two or three years suggest that everything is happening a lot faster than their climate models predicted.

Gwynne Dyer

Gwynne Quotes #666430
#47. An important skill for all SpaceXers is the ability to accept critical feedback. This is key to anyone's growth and becoming better at what they do.

Gwynne Shotwell

Gwynne Quotes #711724
#48. As the most religious country of the 18 surveyed, the U.S. also comes in with the highest rates for teen pregnancy and for gonorrhea and syphilis.

Gwynne Dyer

Gwynne Quotes #757473
#49. I never felt any issues whatsoever about being a woman in Tech.

Gwynne Shotwell

Gwynne Quotes #801170
#50. Some of them screamed for locks of his hair, to which the blushing general replied, "Really, ladies, this is the first time I was ever surrounded by the enemy!

S.C. Gwynne

Gwynne Quotes #821032
#51. Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis," Douglas commented. Times change, and we change with them.

S.C. Gwynne

Gwynne Quotes #867449
#52. Never did anyone ever stay longer than ten years because the resistance grows fiercer as your presence grows longer [in Afghanistan]. I don't think we are going to be any exception. What made us exempt from history?

Gwynne Dyer

Gwynne Quotes #867942
#53. After I finished my master's degree, I moved to a company called Aerospace Corporation, a big think tank for the U.S. Air Force and the National Reconnaissance Office.

Gwynne Shotwell

Gwynne Quotes #886615
#54. I decided to take a stab at acting. I entered the American Academy of Dramatic Art, where one teacher told me I'd never make it - I was too tall.

Fred Gwynne

Gwynne Quotes #922123
#55. The most basic change necessary to our collective survival is underway: the last redefinition of humanity - gradually extending from family to tribe to nation to the human race.

Gwynne Dyer

Gwynne Quotes #922848
#56. You can't be on the cusp of innovation and at the forefront of technology if you're wearing blinders. If you don't have an exploration program where you're exploring your world here on Earth, underwater, and in space, then you're wearing blinders and handicapping yourself.

Gwynne Shotwell

Gwynne Quotes #975693
#57. It doesn't matter what we think we are there [in Afghanistan] for; it matters what they think. They think we are invaders.

Gwynne Dyer

Gwynne Quotes #983103

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