Top 65 Grimke Quotes

#1. Nina was one wing, I was another
Sarah Grimke

Sue Monk Kidd

Grimke Quotes #766407
#2. I knew from reading about Sarah Grimke that she'd been given a handmaid to be her personal slave and that her name was Hetty. The only other fact I knew about her was that Sarah taught her to read: They conspired in a very subversive way, by locking the door and screening the keyhole.

Sue Monk Kidd

Grimke Quotes #1554812
#3. I wondered how it was possible I had found words out there in the world but could lose them in the house where I was born
Sarah Grimke

Sue Monk Kidd

Grimke Quotes #1810665
#4. I first saw 'The Dinner Party' in 2007 at the Brooklyn Museum in New York City. While perusing the Heritage Panels, which honor 999 women who have made important contributions to Western history, I came upon the names of two sisters, Sarah and Angelina Grimke.

Sue Monk Kidd

Grimke Quotes #146073
#5. If the minds of women were enlightened and improved, the domestic work would be more frequently refreshed by intelligent conversation, a means of edification now deplorably neglected, for want of that cultivation which these intellectual advantages would confer.

Sarah Moore Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1427610
#6. The whole land seems aroused to discussion on the province of woman, and I am glad of it. We are willing to bear the brunt of thestorm, if we can only be the means of making a break in that wall of public opinion which lies right in the way of woman's rights, true dignity, honor and usefulness.

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1069898
#7. Oh, had I received the education I desired, had I been bred to the profession of the law, I might have been a useful member of society, and instead of myself and my property being taken care of, I might have been a protector of the helpless, a pleader for the poor and unfortunate.

Sarah Moore Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1419159
#8. [Women] are early taught that to appear to yield is the only way to govern.

Sarah Moore Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1394251
#9. The virtue of female slaves is wholly at the mercy of irresponsible tyrants, and women are bought and sold in our slave markets, to gratify the brutal lust of those who bear the name of Christians.

Sarah Moore Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1361243
#10. Unless there comes to the Nation a greater emancipation than Lincoln's Proclamation effected, it is doomed, it is bound to go down.

Francis James Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1312207
#11. There is something in the heart of man which will bend under moral suasion. There is a swift witness for truth in his bosom, which will respond to truth when it is uttered with calmness and dignity.

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1305287
#12. It is through the tongue, the pen, and the press that truth is principally propagated.

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1293646
#13. it matters not what we have been but this an always this: what we shall be.

Angelina Weld Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1276452
#14. I want my sex to claim nothing from their brethren but what their brethren may justly claim from them.

Sarah Moore Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1249576
#15. At sixty I look back on a life of deep disappointments, of withered hopes, of unlooked for suffering, of severe discipline.

Sarah Moore Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1241847
#16. One who is a slaveholder at heart never recognizes a human being in a slave.

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1229596
#17. [On the Adam and Eve story:] They both fell from innocence, and consequently from happiness, but not from equality.

Sarah Moore Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1223333
#18. We Abolition Women are turning the world upside down.

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1165580
#19. I am a mystery to myself.

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1825295
#20. The doctrine of blind obedience and unqualified submission to any human power, whether civil or ecclesiastical, is the doctrine of despotism, and ought to have no place among Republicans and Christians.

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1527240
#21. I recognize no rights but human rights
I know nothing of men's rights and women's rights ...

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1541318
#22. Race prejudice can't be talked down, it must be lived down.

Francis J. Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1541382
#23. Good and evil, as we term them, are not antagonistic; they are ever found hand in hand. Humanity has never achieved a single conquest without the aid of both. Indeed how can she? What adds to moral strength, but a grappling with temptation?

Sarah Moore Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1542837
#24. I appeal to you, my friends, as mothers: are you willing to enslave your children? You stare back with horror and indignation at such questions. But why, if slavery is not wrong to those upon whom it is imposed?

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1545715
#25. Who has ever attempted to draw a line of separation between the duties of men and women, as moral beings, without committing the grossest inconsistencies on the one hand, or running into the most arrant absurdities on the other?

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1550441
#26. The tendency of organization is to kill out the spirit which gave it birth. Organizations do not protect the sacredness of the individual; their tendency is to sink the individual in the mass, to sacrifice his rights, and to immolate him on the altar of some fancied good.

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1590243
#27. We know it matters not what we have been but this and always this: what we shall be.

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1663840
#28. An idea built the wall of separation between the sexes, and an idea will crumble it to dust ...

Sarah Moore Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1663976
#29. Thou art blind to the danger of marrying a woman who feels and acts out the principle of equal rights.

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1667780
#30. I trust the time is coming, when the occupation of an instructor to children will be deemed the most honorable of human employment.

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1688182
#31. When the U.S. Government shows a proper appreciation of the services of the Negro who has never failed it in every crisis of its history to do his whole duty, to shed his blood freely in its behalf ... then, and not till then, will I be heard.

Francis James Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1741693
#32. Whatsoever it is morally right for a man to do, it is morally right for a woman to do.

Sarah Moore Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1767116
#33. Slavery always has, and always will produce insurrections wherever it exists, because it is a violation of the natural order of things ...

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1808099
#34. In all ages, through all the varied experience of individuals and nations, knowledge has been the power which has civilized, elevated and dignified humanity. In those countries where progress has been most rapid, the thirst for knowledge has been most intense.

Sarah Moore Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1824427
#35. I am persuaded that the rights of woman, like the rights of slaves, need only be examined to be understood and asserted.

Sarah Moore Grimke

Grimke Quotes #592839
#36. Women ought to feel a peculiar sympathy in the colored man's wrong, for, like him, she has been accused of mental inferiority, and denied the privileges of a liberal education.

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #38332
#37. What man or woman of common sense now doubts the intellectual capacity of colored people? Who does not know, that with all our efforts as a nation to crush and annihilate the mind of this portion of our race, we have never yet been able to do it.

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #61659
#38. The investigation of the rights of the slave has led me to a better understanding of my own. I have found the anti-slavery cause to be ... the school in which human rights are more fully investigated and better understood and taught than in any other.

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #111560
#39. Hatred of oppression seems to me so blended with hatred of the oppressor that I cannot separate them. I feel that no other injury could be so hard to bear, so very very hard to forgive, as that inflicted by cruel oppression and prejudice.

Charlotte Forten Grimke

Grimke Quotes #161619
#40. We are commanded to love God with all our minds, as well as with all our hearts, and we commit a great sin if we forbid or prevent that cultivation of the mind in others which would enable them to perform this duty.

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #205170
#41. So precious a talent as intellect never was given to be wrapt in a napkin and buried in the earth.

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #217569
#42. Our fathers waged a bloody conflict with England, because they were taxed without being represented. This is just what unmarried women of property are now.

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #221413
#43. I ask no favor for my sex. All I ask of our brethren is that they take their feet off our necks.

Sarah Grimke

Grimke Quotes #226912
#44. One of the duties which devolve upon women in the present interesting crisis, is to prepare themselves for more extensive usefulness, by making use of those religious and literary privileges and advantages that are within their reach, if they will only stretch out their hands and possess them.

Sarah Moore Grimke

Grimke Quotes #307985
#45. Only let the North exert as much moral influence over the South, as the South has exerted demoralizing influence over the North, and slavery would die amid the flame of Christian remonstrance, and faithful rebuke, and holy indignation.

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #323884
#46. If a law commands me to sin I will break it; if it calls me to suffer, I will let it take its course unresistingly.

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #335683
#47. It is only what is written upon the soul of man that will survive the wreck of time.

Francis J. Grimke

Grimke Quotes #370441
#48. A pretty good test of a man's religion is how it affects his pocketbook.

Francis J. Grimke

Grimke Quotes #389711
#49. The denial of our duty to act in this case is a denial of our right to act; and if we have no right to act, then may we well be termed the white slaves of the North, for like our brethren in bonds, we must seal our lips in silence and despair.

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #466665
#50. I believe it is now the duty of the slaves of the South to rebuke their masters for their robbery, oppression and crime ... Nostation or character can destroy individual responsibility, in the matter of reproving sin.

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #581207
#51. I know nothing of man's rights, or woman's rights; human rights are all that I recognize.

Sarah Moore Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1034244
#52. They had, indeed, come in New York, as witness this from the pen of Lydia Maria Child, who was at the time (August 15) in Brooklyn. Says she: "I have not ventured

Archibald Henry Grimke

Grimke Quotes #641370
#53. The nation is in a death-struggle. It must either become one vast slaveocracy of petty tyrants, or wholly the land of the free.

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #652693
#54. There has been a comparatively greater proportion of good queens, than of good kings.

Sarah Moore Grimke

Grimke Quotes #676345
#55. Duty is ours and events are God's.

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #691159
#56. So far from thinking that a slaveholder is bound by the immoral and unconstitutional laws of the Southern States, we hold thathe is solemnly bound as a man, as an American, to break them, and that immediately and openly ...

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #720503
#57. I have not placed reading before praying because I regard it more important, but because, in order to pray aright, we must understand what we are praying for.

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #738064
#58. Provoking, isn't it? that when one is most in need of sensible words, one finds them not.

Charlotte Forten Grimke

Grimke Quotes #807008
#59. I want to be identified with the negro; until he gets his rights, we shall never have ours.

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #849075
#60. Can you not see that women could do and would do a hundred times more for the slave, if she were not fettered?

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #853391
#61. I ask no favors for my sex, I surrender not our claim to equality. All I ask of our brethren is that they will take their feet from off our necks, and permit us to stand upright on the ground which God has designed us to occupy.

Sarah Moore Grimke

Grimke Quotes #903176
#62. My country is bleeding, my people are perishing around me. But I feel as a South Carolinian, I am bound to tell the North, go on!go on! Never falter, never abandon the principles which you have adopted.

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #905564
#63. The reason why women effect so little and are so shallow is because their aims are low, marriage is the prize for which they strive; if foiled in that they rarely rise above disappointment.

Sarah Moore Grimke

Grimke Quotes #953412
#64. Are we bereft of citizenship because we are mothers, wives and daughters of a mighty people? Have women no country
no interests staked in public weal
no liabilities in common peril
no partnership in a nation's guilt and shame?

Angelina Grimke

Grimke Quotes #962702
#65. There is another way in which the general opinion, that women are inferior to men, is manifested ... I allude to the disproportionate value set on the time and labor of men and women.

Sarah Moore Grimke

Grimke Quotes #1005384

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