Top 52 Greg Plitt Quotes
#1. ET the Hiphop Preacher and Greg Plitt
#2. Get the mind right, the body will follow, you lose some battles in life, but if you always put your heart and passion forward first as your main objective, you will win the war, that's what gives you the strength to get off the ground ... and do it again.
Greg Plitt
#3. When every action has a purpose, every action has a result
Greg Plitt
#4. When you find a fear, that fear will either create you or destroy you.
Greg Plitt
#5. Bet on yourself! You never lose if you bet on yourself!
Greg Plitt
#6. The difference between a winner and a loser - they both failed, but the winner gets back up and does it again and again until it goes his way.
Greg Plitt
#7. The more you push, pass that pain, to feel the exhilaration of what that pain really delivers, then you will find the values of who you are.
Greg Plitt
#8. Normality is what weak people call living, I call it death
Greg Plitt
#9. There are two types of pain, the one that breaks you and the one that changes you. In the gym, pain is felt as a result of weakness leaving the body. Physical pain is the glue of transformation and the pain of progress. The more you endure the harder it gets to accept the thought of failure.
Greg Plitt
#10. It's early in the morning and your competition is still sleeping.
Greg Plitt
#11. The hardest things in life are done the least but provide the most.
Greg Plitt
#12. If you can mentally see the end of the journey, then your body will physically find a way to achieve that goal.
Greg Plitt
#13. Don't let anyone tell you you can't do something, because you can!
Greg Plitt
#14. I swear, there is no chemical drug out there that can reproduce the feelings you have of achieving your goals.
Greg Plitt
#15. I love the mentality that when push comes to shove, simply work harder and the results will come.
Greg Plitt
#16. Success doesn't know these things about cold or early or tired. It just knows if you showed up or not.
Greg Plitt
#17. Wake up with a plan of action, go to bed with satisfaction.
Greg Plitt
#18. If you think you can do it, your body will find a way to make it happen.
Greg Plitt
#19. Weakness leaves, pride comes in. Confidence grows. Successful life.
Greg Plitt
#20. We're not ordinary, you don't want to be ordinary.
Greg Plitt
#21. Mentally, you must believe it before you physically start it, or else you will never reach prosperity.
Greg Plitt
#22. If you mentally believe it will happen, your body is going to find a way to make it physically happen.
Greg Plitt
#23. You must believe in yourself enough to be the person now that others will remember you for later.
Greg Plitt
#24. Face your fears, endure its pain and they will be re-written in the form of pride and dreams.
Greg Plitt
#25. Comfort zones are deadly zones because you lose your true potential of what you can be, you start going with the status quo.
Greg Plitt
#26. Success can never identify who you are. You must always identify it. You cannot allow the failures to identify who you are.
Greg Plitt
#27. Our desire is the warmth in our life, it's not a blanket.
Greg Plitt
#28. Second by second you lose the opportunity to become the person you want to be. Take charge of your life.
Greg Plitt
#29. You are what you do repeatedly every day. If excellence is something you're striving for, then it's not an accident. It's a habit.
Greg Plitt
#30. Opportunities Don't Come Knocking On The Door. They Present Themselves When You Knock The Door Down!
Greg Plitt
#31. Some people get up in the morning, don't go to the gym, they go take a shower. Well, I go to the gym, and I get a shower too.
Greg Plitt
#32. When you are wondering how do you go on? The better question is, how do you NOT go on?
Greg Plitt
#33. Happiness is when you finally connect your mind to your body.
Greg Plitt
#34. The difference of somebody of winning and losing, has nothing to do with their genetics, has nothing to do with their potential.
Greg Plitt
#35. If tomorrow doesn't happen, would you still do what you're about to do today? If that answer is no, you're alive, but you're not living.
Greg Plitt
#36. Belief, confidence in yourself.. the world's your playground. Limitless. My question is ... will you be remembered?
Greg Plitt
#37. If you do not give 110% in your life, I promise your life will haunt you for the rest of your days. Time is the most valuable asset on Earth, a depreciating asset, don't waste another moment of life where you are not at your fullest potential getting the most out of the time you have in life.
Greg Plitt
#38. Your comfort zone is your danger zone
Greg Plitt
#39. We all fall in life The question is who gets back up!
Greg Plitt
#40. When you help yourself, you feel good. But when you help somebody else get back on their feet, it's a high that no chemical drug can ever match. It's the greatest high in the world. It's addictive, it's contagious, and the world needs more of it.
Greg Plitt
#41. When the winds of life don't hit your sails, you grab the oars of life and you start pushing.
Greg Plitt
#42. Walk through the mud in life, if you ever want to get to the higher ground
Greg Plitt
#43. That's not normal, because we don't want to be normal. Normal is what weak people call it living. I call it death.
Greg Plitt
#44. I keep going till that pain says hello to me. I don't say goodbye until that pain says hello. That's a good set.
Greg Plitt
#45. We don't live forever ... Our legacy does.
Greg Plitt
#46. The only reps you don't grow from are the ones you don't do.
Greg Plitt
#47. Today begins, tomorrow continues, and it never ends until you reach your goal.
Greg Plitt
#48. Life's as good as you make it, today we made it good.
Greg Plitt
#49. Your mind is the strongest and most valuable muscle you can grow in the gym.
Greg Plitt
#50. It's called the pump, people - you got to experience it; it's one of the better highs in life, you don't need to shoot up for it, you don't need to snort it. All you got to do is sweat for it.
Greg Plitt
#51. In life, it's not the genetic guy who wins or the guy with the most potential who wins; it's the person with the greatest perseverance who wins. Always be willing to get up and go at it again and again. That's the guy who has his hands raised later in life. That's the guy you guys need to be.
Greg Plitt
#52. Sacrifice today for tomorrows betterment, you are willing to pay those payments with pain, because pain is just a message when you are fixing something that's insufficient in your life.
Greg Plitt
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