Top 19 Greatness Loss Quotes

#1. It is in his knowledge that man has found his greatness and his happiness, the high superiority which he holds over the other animals who inhabit the earth with him, and consequently no ignorance is probably without loss to him, no error without evil.

James Smithson

Greatness Loss Quotes #1061934
#2. What is taken from the fortune, also, may haply be so much lifted from the soul. The greatness of a loss, as the proverb suggests, is determinable, not so much by what we have lost, as by what we have left.

Christian Nestell Bovee

Greatness Loss Quotes #1850712
#3. Everybody cryin' mercy / When they don't know the meaning of the word.

Mose Allison

Greatness Loss Quotes #1615303
#4. I still have to audition for most things.

Loretta Devine

Greatness Loss Quotes #1536415
#5. There is no calamity which a great nation can invite which equals that which follows a supine submission to wrong and injustice and the consequent loss of national self-respect and honor, beneath which are shielded and defended a people's safety and greatness.

Eldridge Cleaver

Greatness Loss Quotes #1347664
#6. I feel connected to a higher power when I'm making music or performing. There's a spiritual experience for me.

Laura Bell Bundy

Greatness Loss Quotes #1239780
#7. Sometimes it takes great suffering to pierce the soul and open it up to greatness

Jocelyn Murray

Greatness Loss Quotes #1236741
#8. The price for Greatness comes with Great loss.

Okisha Jackson

Greatness Loss Quotes #1231078
#9. Petroleum is the product of a distillation from great depth and issues from the primitive rocks beneath which the forces of all volcanic action lie.

Alexander Von Humboldt

Greatness Loss Quotes #1188891
#10. It's just a bunch of dumb, random facts," Annabeth insisted. "Riddles are supposed to make you think." "Think?" The Sphinx frowned. "How am I supposed to test whether you can think? That's ridiculous! Now, how much force is required -

Rick Riordan

Greatness Loss Quotes #1175076
#11. I couldn't see myself filling some definite niche in what is called a career. This was all misty.

Carl Sandburg

Greatness Loss Quotes #188576
#12. Only those willing to truly risk everything will gain everything. No person ever rose to greatness without the willingness to lose it all.

Dan Pearce

Greatness Loss Quotes #982856
#13. My fellow Minnesotans join me in mourning the loss of America's 40th President and celebrating the life of a man who personified both the greatness and goodness of America.

Jim Ramstad

Greatness Loss Quotes #892135
#14. Even as a child, Alma innately comprehended that there were two types of silent men in the world: one type was meek and deferential; the other type was Dick Yancey. His eyes were a pair of slowly circling sharks, and as he stared at Alma now, those eyes were clearly saying: "Bring the rum.

Elizabeth Gilbert

Greatness Loss Quotes #726462
#15. Research is the live heart of the scientific life ... Greatness of position, respect for past accomplishments, the Nobel Prize itself
none of these can compensate for the loss of vitality only research provides.

Vivian Gornick

Greatness Loss Quotes #636504
#16. My normal routine is pretty much putting out fires all day.

Vera Wang

Greatness Loss Quotes #632256
#17. Loss should teach us to cherish those we love, to never do anything that will result in regret, and to cheer on tomorrow with all of its promises of greatness.

Samantha Young

Greatness Loss Quotes #484922
#18. I won my constituency. I won 55% of the white vote.

David Duke

Greatness Loss Quotes #484795
#19. That's the point. People look for greatness only in the extraordinary and completely overlook the wonder of the ordinary. That's why those moments are all forgotten, counted as nothing. It's a terrible loss.

Ann Tatlock

Greatness Loss Quotes #289278

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