Top 27 Great Introduction Quotes
#1. I feel like 'Next To Me' is a great introduction because it's a simple song that has a simple message for me. I wanted to introduce something that lyrically I'm proud of and introduces me both as an artist and as a writer.
Emeli Sande
#2. A great introduction to cultures is their cuisine. It not only reflects their evolution, but also their beliefs and traditions.
Vikas Khanna
#3. I have this huge, huge fan base of people who've never seen a Broadway show, but I think it's a great introduction to what Broadway is because my shows are not that. I think that if you're getting people to go to theater then somebody should be celebrating that.
Tyler Perry
#4. The introduction of so powerful an agent as steam to a carriage on wheels will make a great change in the situation of man.
Thomas Jefferson
#5. I have some ideas on how to fix that. They're not very good ideas, but at least they're ideas!
Adam Savage
#6. Fear is caused by the uncertainty of the future. Sorrow is caused by the remembrance of the past. Try to keep your thoughts in the present, for the future we will never know and the past we may never understand.
Jeffrey Fry
#7. We ought therefore to suspect that a great mass of information respecting the Bible, and the introduction of it into the world, has been suppressed by the united tyranny of Church and State, for the purpose of keeping people in ignorance, and which ought to be known.
Thomas Paine
#8. I don't really know the person who wrote the things I wrote. I kind of know him, but I change so much all the time that it's like I start fresh over and over and over and over. Writing-wise and life-wise.
Jonathan Ames
#9. There is a great need for the introduction of new values in our society, where bigger is not necessarily better, where slower can be faster, and where less can be more.
Gaylord Nelson
#10. The best advice I can give for playing a ball out of water is - don't.
Tony Lema
#11. The loss of a great library to fire is a tragedy. But the surreptitious introduction of thousands of untraceable errors into reliable books, errors picked up and distributed endlessly by tireless researchers, is a nightmare beyond measure.
Richard Powers
#12. Melody and harmony are like lines and colors in pictures. A simple linear picture may be completely beautiful; the introduction of color may make it vague and insignificant. Yet color may, by combination with lines, create great pictures, so long as it does not smother and destroy their value.
Rabindranath Tagore
#13. I remember my mom had a big collection of copies of Saturday Evening Post magazines, and that was really my introduction to those great illustrators.
Thomas Kincade
#14. Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, great as each may be, their highest comfort given to the sorrowful is a cordial introduction into another's woe. Sorrow's the great community in which all men born of woman are members at one time or another.
Sean O'Casey
#15. Being raised on Luna seems to really mess people up. She wouldn't be the lovable cyborg we've all come to adore.
Marissa Meyer
#16. I'm really passionate about pantomime because it is often the first introduction for a child to theatre, and if that child has a great experience at a pantomime they will continue to come year after year.
John Barrowman
#17. There was something really great about being able to put something out into the world - a song, an introduction, even my voice - and let people make of it what they wanted. I didn't have to worry about how I looked, or if the image of me people had fit who I really was.
Sarah Dessen
#18. I found out later than even an education and a cushioned introduction to power cannot make a great leader.
Fredrik Nath
#19. At the English Revolution, when William of Orange came to the throne, the introduction of French wines into the country was prohibited, and this gave a great impetus to the manufacture of cyder and care in the production of cyder of the best description.
Sabine Baring-Gould
#20. It's a great day when you meet a new writer, isn't it? It's like an introduction to a best friend you didn't know existed just hours before.
Victoria Connelly
#21. The yogi learns to forget the past and takes no thought for the morrow. He lives in the eternal present.
B.K.S. Iyengar
#22. Arithmetic has a very great and elevating effect, compelling the soul to reason about abstract number, and rebelling against the introduction of visible or tngible objects into the argument.
#23. My first introduction to African music was by my mother, who bought the 'Pata Pata' album by the great Miriam Makeba when it came out. Now that is an album. What a voice.
Henry Rollins
#24. We are striking it big in the electric light, better than my vivid imagination first conceived. Where this thing is going to stop Lord only knows.
Thomas A. Edison
#25. As countries get wealthier - all of them, together - you're going to have financial assets. That is a good thing. You could argue the assets were traded too much, or that they're too highly valued, or too leveraged.
Jamie Dimon
#26. It takes great effort to follow the rules of a pull system ... thus a half-hearted introduction of a pull system brings a hundred harms and not a single gain.
Taiichi Ohno
#27. I want women to get paid more. I want to teach them to negotiate so they get paid more.
Sheryl Sandberg
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