Top 11 Grandiloquent Quotes

#1. Many are ambitious of saying grand things, that is, of being grandiloquent.

Augustus Hare

Grandiloquent Quotes #79205
#2. Indeed time has that ultimate capacity to render the passions of the past when recalled in the present as no more than grandiloquent gestures.

F. Sionil Jose

Grandiloquent Quotes #913148
#3. There is nothing like taking all you do at a moderate estimate: it keeps mind and body tranquil; whereas grandiloquent notions are apt to hurry both into fever.

Charlotte Bronte

Grandiloquent Quotes #1386173
#4. Never be grandiloquent when you want to drive home a searching truth. Don't whip with a switch that has the leaves on, if you want it to tingle.

Henry Ward Beecher

Grandiloquent Quotes #1399388
#5. Damn you," said Arithon. In a shattering change of mood, he was laughing. "You have it. But what's my word against the grandiloquent predictions of a maudlin and drunken prophet?"
"Maybe everything," Felirin finished gently. "You're too young to live without dreams.

Janny Wurts

Grandiloquent Quotes #1640172
#6. Sometime in the future - 25, 50, 75 years hence - what will the situation be like then? By that time the Chinese will have the capability of delivery too.

Curtis LeMay

Grandiloquent Quotes #82075
#7. There have already been multiple moments which cause me to suspect your true self a giant deliberately casting a small shadow.

Lindsay Faye

Grandiloquent Quotes #155564
#8. We look for visions of heaven and we never dream that all the time God is in the commonplace things and people around us.

Oswald Chambers

Grandiloquent Quotes #252046
#9. It's up to people like us, all of us, to address and talk about things like runaway global warming and how we can use things like remote viewing to save our planet.

Jim Sullivan

Grandiloquent Quotes #274355
#10. Lies. Mab cannot change who you are.

Jim Butcher

Grandiloquent Quotes #1570862
#11. [white boys] were so sure, so unbelievably sure that the way they understood the world was the way the world was.

Martha Southgate

Grandiloquent Quotes #1709667

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