Top 5 Goulburn Australia Quotes

#1. It is the spirit of the South to defend everything belonging to it. The North is too cosmopolitan and tolerant for such a spirit.

James Weldon Johnson

Goulburn Australia Quotes #543074
#2. That a famous library has been cursed by a woman is a matter of complete indifference to a famous library.

Virginia Woolf

Goulburn Australia Quotes #553671
#3. I think if actors are successful at one thing, they paint themselves into a corner sometimes, and what's the fun in that?

Peter Dinklage

Goulburn Australia Quotes #655032
#4. We Greeks are the blacks of Europe.

Yanis Varoufakis

Goulburn Australia Quotes #814797
#5. We're in this together, until the ocean waves crash on our feet."
"You really paint this Guatala as a paradise."
"If you're there with me, it will be.

Karina Halle

Goulburn Australia Quotes #1499269

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