Top 11 Gottstein Family Foundation Quotes

#1. Devotion is love overflowing. Even when there is nobody, it is overflowing - to things, to tables, to chairs, to walls. It is just overflowing, it is not a question of to whom.


Gottstein Family Foundation Quotes #2120
#2. I just mean that everything eventually ends. The two suns are always rising somewhere. That's part of life. Something ends and then something else will begin.

Sue Monk Kidd

Gottstein Family Foundation Quotes #109974
#3. I regret everything because it has just finished, and already when I was twelve, I lamented the time that had gone by. Even in the best of spirits, it's always been as though I wrestle with the present in a vain effort to stop its becoming the past.

Andrew Solomon

Gottstein Family Foundation Quotes #538588
#4. As a matter of fact, we put it down because we wanted to be jazz pickers.

Charlie Rich

Gottstein Family Foundation Quotes #704986
#5. A properly trained lybrarian is one of the most fearless and fearsome beings in the world!

Jen Swann Downey

Gottstein Family Foundation Quotes #887196
#6. Think for yourself and question authority.

Timothy Leary

Gottstein Family Foundation Quotes #1201561
#7. Nothing was ever created by a human being that was not first created in the imagination through desire and then transformed into reality through concentration.

Napoleon Hill

Gottstein Family Foundation Quotes #1232441
#8. When people are hurting, what they really need is someone who is fully there for them - not someone who is condescending or officious. The only way for you to be there for them is by facing your fear or anger, whatever feelings cause you to shut down.

Pema Chodron

Gottstein Family Foundation Quotes #1360457
#9. Grief never leaves, It merely sinks into you.

Kamila Shamsie

Gottstein Family Foundation Quotes #1700552
#10. You will never win fame and fortune unless you invent big ideas.

David Ogilvy

Gottstein Family Foundation Quotes #1785744
#11. It's a fallacy that writers have to shut themselves up in their ivory towers to write. I have all these interruptions, three of which I gave birth to. If I was thrown for a loop every time I was distracted I could never get anything done.

Jodi Picoult

Gottstein Family Foundation Quotes #1835799

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