Top 10 Gottesman Library Quotes

#1. He's awake and listening to us," said the old woman. "Sly little rascal." She chuckled. "But royalty has need of slyness. And if he's really the Kwisatz Haderach ... well ... .

Frank Herbert

Gottesman Library Quotes #236176
#2. To celebrate a festival means: to live out, for some special occasion and in an uncommon manner, the universal assent to the world as a whole.

Josef Pieper

Gottesman Library Quotes #557729
#3. So, I'm just hotter than the rest of you because I'm Alpha?" "Hey, I take offense to that," Steve said. "I'm pretty damn sexy if I do say so myself.

Jody Morse

Gottesman Library Quotes #596213
#4. The walk to the exit brought him into contact with several changelings. That wasn't unusual. What was unusual was the response his presence elicited. Smiles, waves, shouted hellos and even slaps on the back when he didn't move away fast enough.

Nalini Singh

Gottesman Library Quotes #612103
#5. Creativity is not enough ... the skill of the true artist is to show the real in the light of the ideal and so transfigure it.

Roger Scruton

Gottesman Library Quotes #788882
#6. We have to be the people who stand up and say look, vigilance is good and prudence is good. But a kind of irrational fear that leads itself to demagogic rhetoric is something that we have to say no - no, we're not going to go there.

Russell D. Moore

Gottesman Library Quotes #852084
#7. I have before seen other countries, in the same manner, give themselves to you when you are about to leave them ...

Isak Dinesen

Gottesman Library Quotes #967705
#8. If a child never sees the stars, never has meaningful encounters with other species, never experiences the richness of nature, what happens to that child?

Richard Louv

Gottesman Library Quotes #1245367
#9. Don't worry, she deserved it anyway. She's no good, that girl. Much too individualistic.

Xiaolu Guo

Gottesman Library Quotes #1249146
#10. And now, the bane of your existence, the killer of all joys, the Stage Manager-

Lisa Mantchev

Gottesman Library Quotes #1517733

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