Top 17 Goon Squad Quotes

#1. If only more of today's military personnel would realize that they are being used by the owning elite's as a publicly subsidized capitalist goon squad

Smedley Butler

Goon Squad Quotes #29906
#2. I listened to classic rock and roll, and punk rock. 'Goon Squad' provides a pretty accurate playlist of my teenage years, though it leaves out 'The Who,' which was my absolute favorite band.

Jennifer Egan

Goon Squad Quotes #647952
#3. I felt more doubtful than usual with 'Goon Squad,' because I knew that the book's genre wasn't easily named - Novel? Stories? Novel-in-stories? - and I worried that its lack of a clear category would count against it. My hopes for it were pretty modest.

Jennifer Egan

Goon Squad Quotes #650919
#4. Oooh, fashion, we are the goon squad and were coming to town, beep beep.

David Bowie

Goon Squad Quotes #759160
#5. In the case of 'Goon Squad,' which sold slowly for a long time despite the good reviews, those 'best of 2010' lists were pivotal, and made the book really sell.

Jennifer Egan

Goon Squad Quotes #860534
#6. 'Goon Squad' took about three years to write and that's the short end. My second novel, 'Look at Me,' took six years.

Jennifer Egan

Goon Squad Quotes #1717465
#7. It seemed impossible that a scrappy book like 'Goon Squad' could win an award like that. It's such an iconic honor. I think what the Pulitzer means to me is that I'll need to work very, very hard to try to live up to it.

Jennifer Egan

Goon Squad Quotes #4188
#8. You have to surrender less when you see a film than when you go and see something live.

Cate Blanchett

Goon Squad Quotes #1460285
#9. Ladies first."
"Why is it men only say that when it's something horrible or dangerous?

Kami Garcia

Goon Squad Quotes #1348429
#10. When you're in the midst of a storm, it's hard to remember that God is always good and glorious, and that God's plans will always prevail, even when yours don't.

Louie Giglio

Goon Squad Quotes #1280574
#11. Pain is a gift. Humanity, without pain, would know neither fear nor pity. Without fear, there could be no humility, and every man would be a monster. The recognition of pain and fear in others give rise in us to pity, and in our pity is our humanity, our redemption.

Dean Koontz

Goon Squad Quotes #1094540
#12. I know of no better life purpose than to perish in attempting the great and the impossible.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Goon Squad Quotes #639481
#13. Today, while the titular head of the family may still be the father, everyone knows that he is little more than chairman, at most, of the entertainment committee.

Ashley Montagu

Goon Squad Quotes #609596
#14. [Spiritual friendship] is eagerly helping one another know, serve, love, and resemble God in deeper and deeper ways.

Timothy Keller

Goon Squad Quotes #583801
#15. There's a lot of exaggerated talk about CAFTA, but it's actually a fairly routine trade agreement. Although it involves fairly small nations, they're still more important trade partners than places like Australia or many other larger nations.

Ernest Istook

Goon Squad Quotes #473560
#16. See," Sasha muttered, eyeing the sun. "It's mine.

Jennifer Egan

Goon Squad Quotes #344810
#17. I imagine that people see me as they would see me if I were the man that I want to be.

Neville Goddard

Goon Squad Quotes #286802

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