Top 13 Good Morning Midnight Quotes

#1. If we had a truth-in Government act comparable to the truth-in-advertising law, every note issued by the Treasury would be obliged to include a sentence stating: This note will be redeemed with the proceeds from an identical note which will be sold to the public when this one comes due.

Walter Wriston

Good Morning Midnight Quotes #260937
#2. I've done nothing I'm ashamed of. Nothing I couldn't face God with. I wouldn't kill a bug.

Charles Manson

Good Morning Midnight Quotes #358471
#3. I'm still fiercely ambitious.

Alexei Sayle

Good Morning Midnight Quotes #436330
#4. Forget a man's name and he'll forgive you. Remember it, and he'll defend you forever.

Pierce Brown

Good Morning Midnight Quotes #731348
#5. The force that makes the winter grow Its feathered hexagons of snow , and drives the bee to match at home Their calculated honeycomb, Is abacus and rose combined. An icy sweetness fills my mind , A sense that under thing and wing Lies, taut yet living , coiled, the spring .

Jacob Bronowski

Good Morning Midnight Quotes #766122
#6. Real, pure, unadulterated freedom happens when the resources of the gospel smash any sense of need to secure for myself anything beyond what Christ has already secured for me.

Tullian Tchividjian

Good Morning Midnight Quotes #911724
#7. Prediction can never be absolutely valid and therefore science can never prove some generalization or even test a single descriptive statement and in that way arrive at final truth.

Gregory Bateson

Good Morning Midnight Quotes #1204272
#8. Love remains a secret even when spoken, for only a true lover truly knows that he is loved.

Rabindranath Tagore

Good Morning Midnight Quotes #1247087
#9. A young bride can put on makeup at 6 in the morning and look fabulous at midnight. I have about a 15-minute window where I actually look good, and then I have to wash my face and start over.

Cathy Guisewite

Good Morning Midnight Quotes #1296728
#10. My daughter was a beautiful child.

Bernie Mac

Good Morning Midnight Quotes #1393540
#11. As a novelist, you have to pick your battles. You are tired. You have begun to experience the first ominous tinglings of carpal tunnel syndrome. You wake up in the middle of the night with both hands lying across your chest like a couple of plucked bird carcasses, dead of all sensation.

Lynn Coady

Good Morning Midnight Quotes #1576136
#12. Getting over those unexpected hurdles may not be exactly enjoyable, but ultimately I believe that such challenges and the solutions we find give us more confidence.They teach us with common sense and determination we can turn what looks like a disaster into a triumph.

Martha Stewart

Good Morning Midnight Quotes #1779838
#13. If nothing once, you nothing lose,
For when you die you are the same;
The space between is but an hour,
The frail duration of a flower.

Philip Freneau

Good Morning Midnight Quotes #1862521

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