Top 31 Good Governor Quotes

#1. I plan on being a friend, a good leader and a good governor over these next three years.

John Rowland

Good Governor Quotes #1327939
#2. The good governor should have a broken leg and keep at home.

Miguel De Cervantes

Good Governor Quotes #791023
#3. At the door fo the dining-room he left us. 'Good night, Mr Jorkins,' he said. 'I hope you will pay us another visit when you next "cross the herring pond".' 'I say, what did your governor mean by that? He seemed almost to think I was American.' 'He's rather odd at times.

Evelyn Waugh

Good Governor Quotes #1719335
#4. Yesterday, Arnold Schwarzenegger announced he would run for governor of California. The announcement was good news for Florida residents who now live in the second flakiest state in the country.

Conan O'Brien

Good Governor Quotes #1681958
#5. They are voting whether to keep a governor two years or four. I think a good, honest governor should get four years, and the others life.

Will Rogers

Good Governor Quotes #1561391
#6. When Nelson Rockefeller, governor of New York and one of the last of the WASP aristocrats, undertook a vast expansion of his state's university system, he did so, he said, because he thought that every citizen deserved an education that was just as good as the one that he'd received at Dartmouth.

William Deresiewicz

Good Governor Quotes #1560635
#7. Doing something later is not automatically the same as doing something better

Meg Jay

Good Governor Quotes #1557701
#8. When people are uncertain about what is right and what is wrong, and anxious about being considered old-fashioned, it seems to be worse than folly that Christians are still arguing about doctrinal matters which can only bring needless distress to a number of people.

Prince Charles

Good Governor Quotes #1497292
#9. I respect the Governor's position to veto SB1062, especially in light of the concerns brought up over the past week. I understand the concerns of people of good faith on all sides of this issue.

Andy Tobin

Good Governor Quotes #1495060
#10. I don't want to run for governor, but I don't think anyone should put public service out of the question because that's not what a good citizen does.

Warren Beatty

Good Governor Quotes #1481035
#11. [Hunt for the Wilderpeople] people seem to be just finding it hilarious in Sundance. I would think that judging on the feedback I get; it's a very warming film. It's not sentimental, but people are sort of heart warmed by a message that's pretty rare.

Sam Neill

Good Governor Quotes #1473389
#12. A gentle spirit, a kind heart.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Good Governor Quotes #1455604
#13. I don't think I would be a good politician. I kid about it when I get a standing ovation. Sometimes I'll say, "I may run for Governor," but it's strictly a joke.


Good Governor Quotes #1256760
#14. I have nothing but contempt for the kind of governor who is afraid, for whatever reason, to follow the course that he knows is best for the State.


Good Governor Quotes #1119788
#15. Yes, very good," sang Governor Evrard, as if he had successfully explained that two and two made four.

Ash Gray

Good Governor Quotes #1085243
#16. If you accept the position of governor, part of your job is to make sure all your people have a decent shot at making something good out of their lives.

Timothy Zahn

Good Governor Quotes #901518
#17. The governor of Texas, who, when asked if the Bible should also be taught in Spanish, replied that 'if English was good enough for Jesus, then it's good enough for me'.

Christopher Hitchens

Good Governor Quotes #866044
#18. A good businessman must have nose for business the same way a journalist has nose for news. In places where people see a lot of obstacles, I see a lot of opportunities. A good businessman sees where others don't see.

Orji Uzor Kalu

Good Governor Quotes #819204
#19. A governor can be a very good friend to people. A governor can be a formidable force.

Andrew Cuomo

Good Governor Quotes #495498
#20. The Puritan divine Richard Steele wrote, God doth call every man and woman ... to serve him in some peculiar employment in this world, both for their own and the common good. ... The Great Governor of the world hath appointed to every man his proper post and province.

Leland Ryken

Good Governor Quotes #489086
#21. As a governor, I've signed virtually every kind of pro-life legislation that we can sign under existing federal law, none of which have been harsh or punitive, but I think they've been important to really point out a pro-life culture in Arkansas. That's, for me, a good thing.

Mike Huckabee

Good Governor Quotes #429687
#22. In the governor's race, Chris Bell has as good a shot as anybody in a four-way race. If Bell holds on to his base and connects with some people who are tired of the way things are going, he could win.

Ed Martin

Good Governor Quotes #413941
#23. I'm reminded of the lady governor of Texas who, during a controversy about bilingualism in the State House in Austin, said if English was good enough for Jesus Christ, it was plenty good enough for her.

Christopher Hitchens

Good Governor Quotes #389413
#24. Governor Giarod was fairly good at not panicking visibly, but, I had discovered, not good at actually not panicking.

Ann Leckie

Good Governor Quotes #389368
#25. "I'm in love with you. I love you so much it eclipses everything else around me. You're the star I can never reach. I can wish and dream, stretch and strain, but you're always just out of my grasp. I need something I can hold, I can count on. I need something tangible.

Genna Rulon

Good Governor Quotes #377451
#26. Governor Romney is a good debater.

Jim Talent

Good Governor Quotes #334467
#27. Tis not in battles that from youth we train The Governor who must be wise and good, And temper with the sternness of the brain Thoughts motherly, and meek as womanhood.

William Wordsworth

Good Governor Quotes #213700
#28. Let your life be your message.

Mahatma Gandhi

Good Governor Quotes #132702
#29. As governor, I work in hand in hand with tribal leaders on everything from disaster response to economic development. Tribal governments are important partners to our state government, and I value the good relationships my administration has cultivated with them.

Mary Fallin

Good Governor Quotes #116684
#30. When you focus on the consumer, the consumer responds.

Alexander Wang

Good Governor Quotes #95472
#31. I thought the line 'I am the daughter of the former governor of Alaska' was very funny. I think the word is 'sarcasm.' In my family we think laughing is good. My parents raised me to have a sense of humor and to live a normal life.

Andrea Fay Friedman

Good Governor Quotes #51244

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