Top 5 Gildea Jean Quotes

#1. As a person, I have never been discourteous or nasty to anybody. I may have stood my ground a bit too directly, a bit too firmly, and I believe I have, over a number of years, learned to be a little less direct.

Meles Zenawi

Gildea Jean Quotes #326451
#2. Are you not justified in feeling inferior, when you seek to cover it up with arrogance and insolence?

Malcolm Forbes

Gildea Jean Quotes #854228
#3. Movie acting, I later realized, reminds me of contract bridge. Each requires the same concentration, intense short-term memory, and obliviousness to everything else until the last trump is called - or whatever it is they do.

Gore Vidal

Gildea Jean Quotes #997733
#4. A lot of productivity is capturing ideas. I use a wiki - it's more valuable than e-mail for running a company - and I have a page for every person with whom I interact frequently.

Garrett Camp

Gildea Jean Quotes #1105911
#5. Philosophers are divided on the question of whether the narrative therein unfolded [the Crossman Diaries] is grippingly boring or boringly gripping.

Clive James

Gildea Jean Quotes #1390363

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