Top 7 Geerts Haarden Quotes

#1. Black is a blind remembering, she thought. You listen for pack sounds, for the cries of those who hunted your ancestors in a past so ancient only your most primitive cells remember. The ears see. The nostrils see.

Frank Herbert

Geerts Haarden Quotes #176590
#2. It is the stress that holds the structure up.

P.K. Page

Geerts Haarden Quotes #238037
#3. I really want to see the Cubs in the World Series. I really do.

Dennis Quaid

Geerts Haarden Quotes #667626
#4. In Necessary Marriage, I tried to repeat entire phrases without the reader noticing. My work doesn't have the rigor of music, but I hope it alludes to it.

Dumitru Tepeneag

Geerts Haarden Quotes #899806
#5. If Christmas is a universally comprehensive and keenly clandestine rescue mission strategically crafted by God Himself eons before the rescue was necessary, it would naturally follow that if it is doomed to anything, it is doomed to incontestable success.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Geerts Haarden Quotes #1156336
#6. A key purpose of journalism is to provide an adversarial check on those who wield the greatest power by shining a light on what they do in the dark, and informing the public about those acts.

Glenn Greenwald

Geerts Haarden Quotes #1249428
#7. Of the fellows least likely to be president, you'd have to vote Jack No. 1.

George Smathers

Geerts Haarden Quotes #1402764

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