Top 33 Gather Your Thoughts Quotes

#1. Amidst the swirling tides of frustration and overwhelm, there is always enough time to take a step back, gather your thoughts and say, I can do this!

Charles F. Glassman

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #1833196
#2. Take a moment to gather your thoughts about your situation and ask, "What would Love do?" Then channel that energy in your words and actions.

Doreen Virtue

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #1346145
#3. One Ring to rule them all,
One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all
and in the darkness bind them.

J.R.R. Tolkien

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #653708
#4. The splitting up of color [as Impressionists did] brought the splitting up of form and contour ... Everything is reduced to a mere sensation of the retina, but one which destroys all tranquility of surface and contour. Objects are differentiated only by the luminosity that is given them.

Henri Matisse

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #1820458
#5. I walk on the surface of a shifting bog. I have to grab for whatever I can find that is solid.

Morgan Llywelyn

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #853824
#6. I asked my designer friend, Sam Klemick, to make a headdress for me, drawing inspiration from 1920s headpieces, Athena and Joan of Arc. Before each show, I have this quiet meditative moment where I put the headdress on and gather my thoughts and strength.

Sydney Wayser

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #888112
#7. Come all ye that pass by, and see if there is any sorrow like unto my sorrow.

Maria W. Stewart

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #932247
#8. Sometimes it takes time for a person to gather their thoughts, to process their feelings, and then to let them out.

Astra Niedra

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #989479
#9. Like a mountain path that ends at a cliff
I travel along the edge of your thoughts,
and my shadow falls from your white forehead,
my shadow shatters, and I gather the pieces
and go with no body, groping my way

Octavio Paz

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #1184978
#10. As you think a thought, it goes out into the ethers, where it gathers energy and then returns to you. It parallels the weather patterns on Earth, where your negative thoughts go out and gather negative energy, bringing the negativity back to you on its return trip. So

Dianne Robbins

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #1321828
#11. It was a pity thoughts always ran the easiest way, like water in old ditches.

Walter De La Mare

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #1447006
#12. His ironies were ghoulish now.

Jonathan Lethem

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #1452881
#13. In his entire life he'd never had the inclination to gather a woman up, cradle her against his chest and rock her just to soothe her - until now.

-Maxim's thoughts

Christine Feehan

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #1592071
#14. What is good hair? It can be anything to anyone. Good hair is healthy hair, whatever you perceive that to be.

Isaiah Mustafa

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #1625496
#15. He takes the coffee from her, needing fresh air because if he doesn't get out of this room, he'll suffocate from memories. He's felt like that for more than a month now. There's no particular reason for it, but sometimes he feels like he can't breathe, like his body is shutting down.

Melina Marchetta

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #1679802
#16. She falters, then gather up the weeds of her thoughts and offers me the saddest, truest bouquet.

Jodi Picoult

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #1704499
#17. I feel like I've grown up a bit. I'm a bit more confident, and I've been reading more, and I've had a little more time to myself. I went on this writing trip to gather my thoughts about where and who I am in this world, and why we're all here.

Imogen Heap

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #1719857
#18. The real axis of social change is not horizontal, but vertical. We don't need a whole bunch of people gathering to think shallow thoughts together. What we need is for as many people as are ready to gather and think deep thoughts together.

Marianne Williamson

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #640975
#19. I felt impotent and out of control, which I really, really hate. I had to find sanctuary in a place where I could gather my thoughts and regain my strength.


Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #554438
#20. But to navigate transformation - genuine transformation that's true to exactly who we are - we must become mindful and attain a clear sense of self. We must take time to be alone with our thoughts and feelings. We must dive into daily practices that help us gather insight, wisdom, and clarity.

Jennifer Grace

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #516772
#21. I never saw an instance of one or two disputants convincing the other by argument.

Thomas Jefferson

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #480415
#22. Coffee has always been a significant part of my life. For me, it's a chance to start my day and gather my thoughts - it's fuel for my creative process.

Connor Franta

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #472863
#23. I'm truly worried about the country's direction. I can tell you this categorically, we've got the weakest president and the weakest governor in the history of my 50 years of public service.

Fritz Hollings

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #422071
#24. When all thoughts
Are exhausted
I slip into the woods
And gather
A pile of shepherd's purse.
Like the little stream
Making its way
Through the mossy crevices
I, too, quietly
Turn clear and transparent.


Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #346218
#25. You know very well." Daisy ignored the way her breath hitched when he got too near. "You get riled up and off you go, throwing that Highland accent about as if to intimidate." She dropped her voice in an imitation of his. "Ye will do as I say or I will take ye overr me knee an' stroop yer backside!

Kristen Callihan

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #329370
#26. While it is wise to learn from experience, it is wiser to learn from the experiences of others.

Rick Warren

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #288379
#27. Let the living live; and you, gather together your thoughts, leave behind you a legacy of feeling and ideas; you will be most useful so.

Henri Frederic Amiel

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #249776
#28. I thought about having sex with Jess Clark and I could feel my flesh turn electric at these thoughts, cold feel sensation gather at my nipples, could feel my vagina relax and open, could feel my lips and fingertips grow sensitive enough to know their own shapes.

Jane Smiley

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #176435
#29. The persistent winner is not discouraged by a problem - he is challenged by it.

William Arthur Ward

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #163964
#30. Music had been his undoing, he told the boy in ironic self-deprecation. His bane and his salvation. It had gotten him through tough times that would have otherwise been unbearable and it had made everything else he had gone at twice as hard.

William Gay

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #127596
#31. Letter writing is an excellent way of slowing down this lunatic helterskelter universe long enough to gather one's thoughts

Nick Bantock

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #26424
#32. To use many words to communicate few thoughts is everywhere the unmistakable sign of mediocrity. To gather much thought into few words stamps the man of genius.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #16158
#33. Another principle is, the deepest affections of our hearts gather around some human form in which are incarnated the living thoughts and ideas of the passing age.

Matthew Simpson

Gather Your Thoughts Quotes #13579

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