Top 31 Game Begins Now Quotes

#1. Don't forget I'm from a military family. I was in special training in the army. I am tall, sporty and - how do you say - you can always protect yourself ... I have very strong security.

Oleg Deripaska

Game Begins Now Quotes #926407
#2. Some we call players and some we call prizes, but when the pain comes and the game of mind begins, we are all the same, all naked and alone without riches or health or status, armed with only the strength that lies within us. Win or lose, live or die, it is up to us and us alone.

George R R Martin

Game Begins Now Quotes #1874906
#3. Once trust is tarnished, it is hard to restore it to its original glow.

William Arthur Ward

Game Begins Now Quotes #1818591
#4. Patience's design flaw became obvious for the first time in my life: the outcome is decided not during the course of play but when the cards are shuffled, before the game even begins. How pointless is that?

David Mitchell

Game Begins Now Quotes #1770354
#5. In chess one cannot control everything. Sometimes a game takes an unexpected turn, in which beauty begins to emerge. Both players are always instrumental in this.

Vladimir Kramnik

Game Begins Now Quotes #1738727
#6. Then they saw a silvery-white orb hanging in the air in front of Lupin,

J.K. Rowling

Game Begins Now Quotes #1655329
#7. People go into science out of curiosity, not to win awards. But scientists are human and have ambitions.

Venkatraman Ramakrishnan

Game Begins Now Quotes #1592321
#8. Remorse has no place in a warrior's mind ... A war is like a game of chess, Nicholaa. Every battle is like a well-thought-out move on the board. Once it begins, there shouldn't be any emotion involved whatsoever.

Julie Garwood

Game Begins Now Quotes #1587549
#9. Emotions are the gifts of our ancestors. We have them and so do other animals. We must never forget this.

Marc Bekoff

Game Begins Now Quotes #1547692
#10. The best way to describe the sonic environment at the '98 CES is:
Imagine that the apocalypse took the form of a cocktail party.

David Foster Wallace

Game Begins Now Quotes #1405984
#11. It seems to me that-at least in our scientific theories of behavior-we have failed to accept the simple fact that human relations are inherently fraught with difficulties and that to make them even relatively harmonious requires much patience and hard work.

Thomas Szasz

Game Begins Now Quotes #1358935
#12. Friendships are forgotten when the game begins.

Alvin Dark

Game Begins Now Quotes #1348387
#13. We must relearn how to cry. A strong man cries; it is the weak man who holds back his tears.

Archie Fire Lame Deer

Game Begins Now Quotes #1207534
#14. The demise of the monolithic record industry has been, for a lot of people, really liberating and emancipating.


Game Begins Now Quotes #992408
#15. Any euphemism ceases to be euphemistic after a time and the true meaning begins to show through. It's a losing game, but we keep on trying.

Joseph Wood Krutch

Game Begins Now Quotes #992096
#16. A bad putter is like a bad apple in a barrel. First, it turns your chipping game sour. Then it begins to eat into your irons and finally it just cleans the head off your driver.

Sam Snead

Game Begins Now Quotes #991214
#17. This is the story of a man who went far away for a long time, just to play a game. The man is a game-player called 'Gurgeh'. The story starts with a battle that is not a battle, and ends with a game that is not a game. Me? I'll tell you about me later. This is how the story begins.


Game Begins Now Quotes #107651
#18. Remember how to breathe, how to live...please!!

Fuyumi Soryo

Game Begins Now Quotes #871597
#19. Although we intuitively know the world has changed, most leaders reflect a model and leader development process that are sorely out of date. We often demand unrealistic levels of knowledge in leaders and force them into ineffective attempts to micromanage.

Stanley McChrystal

Game Begins Now Quotes #816541
#20. My mind begins to seem like a video game: I can either play it intelligently, learning more in each round, or I can be killed in the same spot by the same monster, again and again.

Sam Harris

Game Begins Now Quotes #715411
#21. God checkmates His opponents before the game begins.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Game Begins Now Quotes #710652
#22. Purposefully owning less begins to take us out of the unwinnable game of comparison.

Joshua Becker

Game Begins Now Quotes #701898
#23. Wise man doesn't need to be praised like one.
It can reduce the guts of him to be a better man.

Toba Beta

Game Begins Now Quotes #675114
#24. Game: The end.
Addiction: It begins.

Bhavik Sarkhedi

Game Begins Now Quotes #565060
#25. Once the game begins, I play to that song in my head. I run to rhythm, and that allows my mind to be free.

Marshall Faulk

Game Begins Now Quotes #464518
#26. It just a fun game, until someone starts to win and then everyone else begins to cheat!

Andrew James Pritchard

Game Begins Now Quotes #442871
#27. The god inside the man glanced at Aly. "This is your chessboard, I believe, my dear."
Aly beamed at him. "So it is. And the game begins.

Tamora Pierce

Game Begins Now Quotes #351968
#28. When the game begins, let your rook remain in its position as the knight and the bishop advance to occupy the empty squares created by the moved pawns.

William Pearson

Game Begins Now Quotes #349519
#29. And the game begins anew.

Neil Gaiman

Game Begins Now Quotes #280745
#30. Just the usual formality before the chaos begins. Like playing the National Anthem before a Cubs game.

Berkeley Breathed

Game Begins Now Quotes #198899
#31. Take caution in your tone, commander. I'm a fair man, but this
heat is making me absolutely crazy.

Jack Nicholson

Game Begins Now Quotes #181701

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