Top 14 Frienships Ending Quotes

#1. Either a man goes and hangs himself, and then he hangs sure enough, and he'll have his reasons for it, or else he goes on living and then he has only living to bother himself with. Simple enough.

Hermann Hesse

Frienships Ending Quotes #380820
#2. A friend in need is a friend indeed!

Benjamin Franklin

Frienships Ending Quotes #388233
#3. Wanton stars galloped neighing like unicorns in blue meadows.

William Faulkner

Frienships Ending Quotes #558018
#4. Never define your success by somebody else's success. I never looked at another man's grass to tell how green mine should be.


Frienships Ending Quotes #626880
#5. Democracy is when the people keep a government in check.

Aung San Suu Kyi

Frienships Ending Quotes #698080
#6. The ability to go anywhere in our imagination is a pure expression of individual freedom. It is a creative force that can help us transcend reality.

Esther Perel

Frienships Ending Quotes #700335
#7. Positive thinking can be contagious. Being surrounded by winners helps you develop into a winner.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Frienships Ending Quotes #982165
#8. People who are known as Dionysians tend to trust others. They're intuitive and make many decisions based upon feelings rather than cognitive thought.

Donald Bain

Frienships Ending Quotes #982461
#9. It comes as a great shock ... to discover that the flag to which you have pledged allegiance ... has not pledged allegiance to you. It comes as a great shock to see Gary Cooper killing off the Indians, and although you are rooting for Gary Cooper, that the Indians are you.

James Baldwin

Frienships Ending Quotes #1395601
#10. Science is important, but so is ethics, so is balancing life. To destroy life to save life - it's one of the real ethical dilemmas that we face.

George W. Bush

Frienships Ending Quotes #1539236
#11. It's people politics, people dynamics that make a show really good, whether it's 'Desperate Housewives' or 'Lost' or 'The Sopranos.' It's the people we've grown to love or otherwise.

Esai Morales

Frienships Ending Quotes #1582590
#12. Because pretending to be happy is almost like being happy. Until you remember that you're only pretending. Then you're sad. Really sad. Because wearing a mask every day of your life is the hardest thing to do. And after a while, you get a little scared because the mask becomes you.

Brittainy C. Cherry

Frienships Ending Quotes #1731588
#13. I remember my dad, who coached football, would buy some of his players football shoes when they couldn't afford it.

Chaske Spencer

Frienships Ending Quotes #1768457
#14. When the labourer co-operates systematically with others, he strips off the fetters of his individuality, and develops the capabilities of his species.

Karl Marx

Frienships Ending Quotes #1788380

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