Top 33 Friends Inspire Quotes

#1. A lot of my friends inspire my style, and they don't even know it.

Theophilus London

Friends Inspire Quotes #986191
#2. My family and my friends inspire me.

Italia Ricci

Friends Inspire Quotes #621640
#3. Share your weaknesses. Share your hard moments. Share your real side. It'll either scare away every fake person in your life or it will inspire them to finally let go of that mirage called "perfection," which will open the doors to the most important relationships you'll ever be a part of.

Dan Pearce

Friends Inspire Quotes #1042126
#4. My friends and I have always loved the Neutrogena brand and their ability to help inspire confidence. So when I found out I was actually going to be part of the Neutrogena family, I was really excited.

Miranda Cosgrove

Friends Inspire Quotes #1829329
#5. I consume an enormous number of books, but they're always on a particular subject because I'm obsessive.

George Hamilton

Friends Inspire Quotes #1049058
#6. Is there a God? Who knows? Is there an angry unicorn on the dark side of the moon?

Edward Abbey

Friends Inspire Quotes #1066600
#7. I mean, I've always said I have an amazing team and network of friends and people that I work with that, you know, inspire me and enable me to do what I do.

Alexander Wang

Friends Inspire Quotes #1100181
#8. If I look at the performance of another friend Sting, whenever I hear him take over a stage and share his art with millions, it's very inspiring to me. So I have a lot in my life, a lot of friends who inspire me and I'm sure it goes the other way around, or so that I inspire them.

Philippe Petit

Friends Inspire Quotes #1182088
#9. I feel like I'm an explorer, a frontiersman if you will, and I've been able to satisfy that desire in me through music. I've continued to meet people who challenge me and inspire me as friends. I don't even know how to even quantify it in words. I've been very fortunate.

Ishmael Butler

Friends Inspire Quotes #1325335
#10. People inspire people. That's the more reason why mentor-ship is a critical tool for dreams accomplishment.

Israelmore Ayivor

Friends Inspire Quotes #1407364
#11. Lots of things inspire me. My friends and my family, obviously. I really like to travel, so very inspired by traveling and meeting new people along the way. Also, music and the arts, like film and television. I like to read a lot too; that stuff inspires me.

Jessica McNamee

Friends Inspire Quotes #1455610
#12. I look at every book as a self-help book.

Marc Maron

Friends Inspire Quotes #1499217
#13. Fortify yourself with a flock of friends! There is always at least one who will understand, inspire, and give you the lift you may need at the time.

George Madison Adams

Friends Inspire Quotes #1508810
#14. Beautiful and familiar objects can help us to feel better. Photos of family and friends, which remind us of the people we love and who love us, are important mood-lifters. Items that inspire us or encourage periods of reflection do the same.

Liz Miller

Friends Inspire Quotes #1562791
#15. I tell myself that God gave my children many gifts - spirit, beauty, intelligence, the capacity to make friends and to inspire respect. There was only one gift he held back - length of life.

Rose Kennedy

Friends Inspire Quotes #1584365
#16. Chant to him: "An individual thinks for himself." Then roll that around in his head till it means: "If I didn't think of it, it has no bearing on my life.

Geoffrey Wood

Friends Inspire Quotes #1630799
#17. If something inspires you, try and hold on to that inspiration because if you lose that inspiration, what do you have left? If music is your inspiration and it brings you together with friends, family or loved ones and that's the core of it, then always have it. Always draw from it.

Charlie Benante

Friends Inspire Quotes #1677369
#18. Give your Friends Roses while they are still alive; don't wait until their funeral.
-Robert L. Biehl (my dad)

Bobb Biehl

Friends Inspire Quotes #990463
#19. Rock is periodically pronounced dead by clear rock critics - killed by world music, or by hip-hop, or electronica, or the Backstreet Boys. But if you wait a year, it comes back to life.

Dean Wareham

Friends Inspire Quotes #979251
#20. I do not accept evil. Man is perfect. The soul does not fall. Progress exists ... Up till now, misfortune has been described in order to inspire terror and pity. I will describe happiness in order to inspire their contraries ... As long as my friends do not die, I will not speak of death.

Comte De Lautreamont

Friends Inspire Quotes #968890
#21. I love being able to help and encourage my friends and I try to inspire them as they do me.

Teresa Palmer

Friends Inspire Quotes #856157
#22. The probability that we face global warming caused by fossil fuels is now so overwhelming that it is legitimate to doubt the motives of those who deny it

Adair Turner

Friends Inspire Quotes #845583
#23. Our friends should be companions who inspire us, who help us rise to our best.

Joseph B. Wirthlin

Friends Inspire Quotes #801906
#24. I come from an artistic family. My dad's an actor, my mother's an actress, my sister's an actress. So I kind of grew up in that kind of environment. Oddly enough, I never really knew about my parents' work. I've seen small clips of it, but we never actually spoke about the business.

Portia Doubleday

Friends Inspire Quotes #763220
#25. Your partner cannot fault you for refusing to host a perpetual-motion party or for the fact that you must sleep and will eventually die.

Mallory Ortberg

Friends Inspire Quotes #703792
#26. What are friends for? They are the ultimate reflection of yourself. Always surround yourself with people who inspire you and return the favor by giving them the best of you.

Jenny McCarthy

Friends Inspire Quotes #588035
#27. Because I know you, Percy Jackson. In many ways, you are impulsive, but when it comes to your friends, you are as constant as a compass needle. You are unswervingly loyal, and you inspire loyalty. You are the glue that will unite the seven.

Rick Riordan

Friends Inspire Quotes #539024
#28. Sometimes being a friend is enough in its own right to inspire someone on to victory.

Stephen Richards

Friends Inspire Quotes #438472
#29. Different personalities inspire me as an actor. Especially quirky personalities, maybe people I wouldn't normally get along with or be friends with - I find them inspiring for my work. I find sad emotions to be inspiring and stories of great people that kind of overcame odds.

Laura Bell Bundy

Friends Inspire Quotes #391658
#30. Bill Astor knew these papers were missing. Stephen showed his hand in October.

Christine Keeler

Friends Inspire Quotes #336545
#31. Life has meaning only if one barters it day by day for something other than itself.

Antoine De Saint-Exupery

Friends Inspire Quotes #329266
#32. The best friends support us, challenge us, inspire us. And we do the same for them.

Eric Greitens

Friends Inspire Quotes #327049
#33. Everything takes me longer than I expect. It's the sad truth about life.

Donna Tartt

Friends Inspire Quotes #149253

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